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2 sheila guadalupe perez sanchez IF I HAD KNOWN THAT YOU WERE SICK, I WOULD

La condicional tipo 3 o Third Conditional (3ª condicional) se utiliza para hablar de
acciones pasadas que no podemos cambiar. Por tanto, sabemos que la condición
es imposible y que la consecuencia es imaginaria. Se utiliza muy frecuentemente
para lamentarse de algo.

If + pasado perfecto simple, would have + participio pasado ↓
+ -ed (para verbos irregulares)
3ª columna (para verbos irregulares)

Condicional tipo 3
If I'd passed my driving test, I would have bought a car. (Si hubiera aprobado el
examen de conducir, me habría comprado un coche) = pero no lo hice porque no

What would you have done if you had been in the same situation? (¿Qué habrías
hecho si hubieras estado en la misma situación?)

If I hadn't missed the bus, I wouldn't have missed the beginning of the film (si no
hubiera perdido el autobús, no me habría perdido el principio de la película)

If he had studied harder, he would have passed his exams (si él hubiera estudiado
más, habría aprobado sus examenes)

If she hadn't said anything, they would not have been so offended (si no hubiera dicho
nada, no se habrían ofendido tanto)
Activity 1
Put in the correct third conditional verb form:

1 If I had gone to England, I ______ missed Rachel's visit.

A had
B would have

2 If I'd gone to University, I ______ liked to have studied Economics.

A had
B would have

3 I ______ gone to the cocktail party if I hadn't had too much work on.

A had
B would have

4 I ______ recognized you if somebody hadn't told me who you were.

A hadn't
B wouldn't have

5 I would have bought a Mercedes if I ______ been able to afford it.

A had
B would have

6 I ______ sent you a postcard if I hadn't lost your address.

A had
B would have

7 I wouldn't have told you if I ______ known that you would get upset.

A had
B would have
8 I'd have come in earlier if I ______ known how much urgent work there was.

A had
B would have

9 I ______ forgotten all about it if you hadn't reminded me.

A had
B would have

10 I'd have helped you if you ______ asked me.

A had
B would have

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