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Julio Lopez 1

Julio Lopez

Professor Oscar Martinez

English 1301-108

December 2023


Losing fat while gaining muscle simultaneously is one of the most commonly desired

objectives in bodybuilding. In bodybuilding one of the most common aspects that is debated

upon is the most effective methods to lose fat while reducing the amount of muscle mass that is

lost during the weight-loss phase. “Achieving an Optimal Fat Loss Phase in Resistance-Trained

Athletes: A Narrative Review” by Ruiz-Castellano, et al. (2021). is a narrative review which

focuses on finding the best strategies for the loss of fat mass in resistance-trained athletes.

“Achieving an Optimal Fat Loss Phase in Resistance-Trained Athletes: A Narrative Review” by

Ruiz-Castellano, et al. (2021) uses several strategies in order to argue their positions on the best

methods for the loss of fatmass and establish their article as a credible source for their audience;

these strategies include using data from other experts and researchers, listing off the databases

used to conduct research, and specific vocabulary targeting bodybuilding

The article uses data from other experts and researchers in order to appeal to the ethos of

emotion and establish credibility of the data shown. In the materials and methods paragraph, the

authors make it clear that in order to reach the conclusions that were made they borrowed from

other sources by using several databases;furthermore, they list the databases and add that they

used reference lists in order to search further into the selected research articles. In several

paragraphs whenever a new idea is established it is first prefaced by the inclusion of an author of

another article who came to the conclusion before it is expanded upon. This format presents the

article’s data in a form which is able to suggest that the data in the article is accurate.
Julio Lopez 2

The article includes a list of the databases used in order to further prove the credibility of

their research. In the materials and methods paragraph, the article lists off all of the databases

used while conducting research for the article

The article uses vocabulary that is familiar to the specific body building community in

order to establish trust and reliability. By using this vocabulary the authors of the article can be

seen as someone who “knows what they are talking about”, this establishes the article as a

trustworthy source while also finding the right audience. The article also mentions the

vocabulary they are using and where they got it from in the materials and methods paragraph

indicating that the authors of the article have also done their research.

Conclusion“Achieving an Optimal Fat Loss Phase in Resistance-Trained Athletes: A

Narrative Review” by Ruiz-Castellano, et al. (2021) is an article which focuses on providing the

best nutritional strategies for the loss of fat mass in resistance trained athletes. The article uses

strategize such as ___ ,____, and____ to argue the position of the authors in what they believe

are the best and most efficient methods in the loss of fat mass.

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