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Class Notes:

Effective Time
Management for
I. Introduction
● Time management is crucial for academic success and overall well-being.
● Balancing studies, activities, and personal life requires thoughtful planning.

II. Key Principles

A. Prioritization
​ Identify Priorities:
● Determine high-priority tasks, such as assignments, exams, and
​ Urgent vs. Important:
● Understand the difference between urgent and important tasks.
● Focus on what is both urgent and important first.

B. Planning
​ Use a Planner:
● Maintain a daily or weekly planner to organize tasks and commitments.
​ Set Realistic Goals:
● Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable goals.
C. Time Blocking
​ Allocate Time:
● Assign specific time blocks for different activities, e.g., study sessions,
breaks, extracurriculars.
​ Minimize Multitasking:
● Concentrate on one task at a time to enhance productivity.

D. Eliminate Time Wasters

​ Identify Time Drains:
● Recognize activities that consume time without significant benefit.
● Minimize social media, excessive TV, etc.
​ Learn to Say No:
● Politely decline additional commitments if they conflict with priorities.

III. Techniques for Effective Time Management

A. Pomodoro Technique
​ Work-Break Cycle:
● Work in focused intervals (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by a short break.
● Enhances concentration and prevents burnout.

B. Eisenhower Matrix
​ Quadrant Method:
● Categorize tasks into urgent/important, important/not urgent,
urgent/not important, and neither.
● Focus on important tasks that contribute to long-term goals.

C. Weekly Reviews
​ Reflect and Adjust:
● Conduct a weekly review to assess progress and adjust plans
● Identify areas for improvement.

IV. Additional Tips

● Healthy Lifestyle:
● Ensure sufficient sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet for
optimal cognitive function.
● Flexibility:
● Be adaptable and open to adjusting plans as needed.
● Seek Support:
● Don’t hesitate to ask for help from teachers, classmates, or support

V. Conclusion
● Effective time management is a skill that improves with practice.
● Consistent application leads to academic success and reduced stress.

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