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welcome back to the revised 30 days

Challenge and in today's video we are

gonna tackle another such problem and

that is I have to think in English

before speaking according to me this is

more like a solution rather than a

problem it's actually a good thing if

you are able to think in English before

speaking in the initial process of

learning now please understand when you

are on this journey of learning a

language you have to start from basic to

intermediate to advanced level

I am understanding that some of you are

already at intermediate level and they

are trying to learn this language in

order to reach that advanced level

now there are two concepts that you

should be very careful about and I want

your attention on this board right now

there is something called as translation

and there is something called as

thinking in English now when I say

translation I mean translating something

from your native language to English

that's definitely a problem that's a

process that I recommend my students not

to follow in your life but on the other

hand there is the second issue that is

thinking in English which is a

definitely correct approach to enhance

your language

now as I already mentioned that thinking

in English is a process that goes into

picture from the very start till the

very late point of your learning curve

what I mean by learning curve is that if

you're trying to take an approach of

learning a language the learning curve

which we have already discussed in one

of our previous videos goes like this so

from day one day to day three somewhere

around day 21 or 22 you actually feel

that you are making some changes or you

are making some real achievements but

there are lots of failures that going to

be stricken throughout the journey and

in order to take a bump from those

failures and reach this point where you

feel comfortable the process of thinking

in English takes into consideration from

day one somewhere around till day 15 you

have to do it on a very serious note

of course there are ways in which you

can think in English I'm gonna discuss

such things there are four to five

points that we're going to cover in

today's video which will help you to

make this process of thinking in English

a much more easier approach okay so

before we start this solution thing I

want you to understand that it's not a

problem it's a good thing if you are

thinking in English rather than

translating from a language because when

you translate from a language you are

giving more attention to that process

rather than on the actual conversation

and another difference that you have to

understand of translation rather than

thinking translation is actually a very

slow process and it happens right at the

moment when you are speaking for example

you are having a conversation with a

person during this conversation this

person says something to you you try to

translate that from your native language

and then you give a reply to it so

automatically it becomes a very slow

process and this this issue of speaking

becomes really slow on the other hand

when I talk about thinking in English

this is a process that starts from your

day Zero till day 15 and this has to be

done in a very silent mode that means

the process of thinking in English

happens within yourself you don't need

partners for that you don't need a

surrounding for that you don't need lot

of people around you to help you to

think in English it's a very slow and a

very personal process only you 2 is

required to do this process of thinking

in English now I will talk about the

solution the first solution of thinking

in English or you can say the first way

of how you can think in English is start

with thinking in single words now this

is an approach which a lot of people at

intermediate level as well as at basic

level can actually consider

for somebody who is at basic level and

they are able to understand other people

but they're not able to reply you can

actually start this process right now if

you see something around you you see a

pen you actually give it a name it's a

pen if you see a mobile phone and in

your native language you call it a phone

but in English you can actually call it

a cell phone or a mobile phone if you

see lights you can actually call them

dorm light or normal lights if you see a

sofa instead of saying it something in

your native language try to recognize

the word of that particular object in

English with the correct pronunciation

it's sofa set instead of saying I have a

sofa there you can say I have a sofa set

in my house okay so the logic here is

start with simple single words

if you are somebody who is at

intermediate level you are able to

recognize these simpler words then you

try to find a replacement of them

if you see a situation that somebody is

happy you call them happy try to find a

better word of happy and that's what you

can do at intermediate level you can

call it this person is in a very jovial

mood so what I'm trying to say here is

if you are at a basic mode if you are at

a basic mode you can actually recognize

simple objects and you can give them a

name but if you are at an intermediate

level you can do this process of

thinking in English by replacing those

simple objects with a good word if I'm

saying happy I can actually call it

jovial okay this is one such example

don't worry about vocabulary we have

already discussed that there is this new

segment of shots video that's gonna come

every single day to help you with new

set of words and the words that can

actually be applied in your real life so

the Journey of thinking in English can

actually be combined with that shots

Joni as well okay now let's talk about

the second method and the second method

is try to create simple sentences

as I already mentioned this journey of

learning a language or thinking in

English has to be done at your own level

so what you're going to do now if you

see a situation you give a sentence to

that situation you see somebody sitting

there you call them a man is sitting on

the sofa set

or if somebody is lying down you can

call it a man is lying down on the sofa

set if you are having a cup of tea you

can actually call yourself I'm having a

cup of tea in this moment

so whatever you see whatever you feel

you do it you do a technique there and

you try to create a simple sentence with


if you are already at intermediate level

and you are not wanting to do this

process then you can skip this

particular point you can directly jump

to the next method but before I talk to

the talk about the next method I want to

take a minute to explain this one when

you are actually creating simple

sentences by using this method you are

actually pressurizing your brain to

remember these things without even

worrying about the pronunciation and the

grammar that is being used so this

process of thinking in English is

actually a very attractive method and a

very useful method because it helps you

to internalize the language what I mean

by internalize the English language it's

actually a very simple process when you

internalize something when you take

something inside you're actually

remembering those Thing by heart you

don't have to worry about next time if

this word is called a sofa set or

something else because you have actually

practiced it so many times that it's a

part of your process now if you have to

speak in front of somebody you will

actually know the word since you have

memorized it you have learned it you

don't have to worry about the

pronunciation you don't have to worry

about the the sentence there you don't

have to worry about the grammar or the

fluency part and that's how useful this

process of thinking in English is so the

first method we talked about was

you have to think in simple words second

method is try to create simple sentences

and that brings me to our third method

method and that is create conversations

and it's one of my favorites honestly

create conversations what do I mean by

create conversations now since you've

already done thinking in simple words

I've already done the speaking sentences

part I cannot actually just keep on

speaking sentences with the third party

if I'm going out I will actually have to

do conversations but before I go out and

do this conversation I have to practice

at home imagine yourself that in the

evening you have to go to a restaurant

before going to a restaurant at home you

can create a conversation in your head

considering you and the waiter as the

same person so what you're going to do

is you can start with the dialogue of a


hello what would you like to order

you can reply

I'm not sure yet what will you recommend

the waiter can reply if you are

interested in veg food I can recommend a

mixed veg

you can say oh that's wonderful I'll go

with your mix wedge thank you

so before actually being into that

situation of actually having this

conversation with the waiter you can I

have this conversation at home when

nobody is watching you when nobody is

trying to tell you what is wrong what is

right but you have to understand it

yourself and that's why I recommend you

to do it with simple sentences create

conversations about various themes you

want to go to watch a movie create a

conversation you want to take a good

night's sleep create a conversation you

want to have this next big meeting with

your manager create a conversation at

home you want to have this big business

proposal idea and you want to discuss it

with somebody create a conversation at

home before you do it in front of

somebody the more you practice at home

the confidence you will gain with this

whole process is very fruitful

and that brings me to our fourth method

and that is create or you can say

narrate your entire day this one is

actually my favorite too narrate your

entire day for example you are alone in

your home and you have you are trying to

read a book but you want to make a cup

of tea as well how will you narrate this

whole story
and the narration part has to be done as

if you are the third person for example

I can say it's evening right now she is

thinking to make a cup of tea and also

she's holding a book in her hand

she's wondering what sort of next

chapter is gonna come with what kinds of

surprises are going to be there in the

next chapter she looks really happy and


so what I did I had an event in my hand

of the evening or with a cup of tea and

I narrated that thing in simpler

sentences but with continuity

please understand if you are at basic

level you can understand me but you're

not able to speak in English start with

the first two methods if you are at

intermediate level start with the third

and the fourth method

all right create conversations and

create narrations the more

time you can find out to do this whole

process the better results you can find

But please understand it will take you

at least 15 to 20 days to get into the

pattern of even finding the results out

of it okay and I'm gonna give you a

bonus method and that is be creative

let's say you are trying to find simple

words but you don't find the right word

you can actually be a little creative

for example you are having a

conversation with somebody but you're

not able to find the right word for that

particular thing you can use different

lines for that for example I wanted to

open my door but I am not able to think

of the word key and it happens in your

native language also sometimes you

forget that word you're not able to

recognize that word so you can say that

this is a key but I'm not able to find

the word so I can say that can you pass

me that thing with which you can open

the door

or where can I find that thing where

which helps us to lock the door so other

person will automatically understand

that he or she is talking about key

another example garage

I'm not sure what to call this word so

I'm gonna say

I will park my car into the place which

is next to my house

or this is the place where I always park

my car somebody will help you to find

out it is called as garage

all right so that was the bonus tip be


now I hope these five methods that we

have discussed to how to think in

English will be really fruitful and if

you have not subscribed to our 30 days

challenge please make sure that you do

it because every alternate day you will

be dealing with a new set of problem and

you will find the solution in the very

same video we have already discussed day

one the link is here or maybe here and

this was a day two and if you want to

understand what this whole 30 days

challenge is all about I'm leaving a

link for Day Zero as well make sure that

you like our video and you subscribe to

our Channel learn with saminash I'll

meet you next time thank you

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