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Road Podcast

Hey in today's English lesson I am
going to teach you five simple steps that
will help you speak English with
confidence in any situation are you ready
well then I'm teacher Tiffany let's Jump
Right In Here is tip number one speak
clearly and loudly once again speak
clearly and loudly now why is this so
important to you as an English learner
here's the first thing when you speak
clearly and loudly it will help you
articulate your thoughts and ideas more
effectively making you appear more
confident in your speech you see when
people are listening to you and they're
watching you and they're observing you
they also need to see that you feel
confident in yourself so when you speak
clearly and loudly they immediately feel
like you are a confident English speaker
and that will help you feel more confident
as well so again articulating your thoughts
and ideas it will help you do this more
effectively the second thing is this this
will also help you overcome any fears you
may have about speaking in public
because it will help you feel more
confident when you focus on speaking
clearly when you focus on actually getting
the words out and not mumbling
sometimes this happens to be very
honest as an English learner sometimes
when you're going to say something and
you're not sure sometimes you're worth
your words are coming out like this right
you start mumbling a bit why because
you get nervous and you're not sure how
the people listening to you will respond
don't do that instead be confident don't
worry about making mistakes instead
whatever your thought is whatever your
idea is whatever you'd like to say say it
loudly and clearly this is how you'll start
speaking English with confidence the
other point is the fact that speaking
clearly and loudly will help you avoid
misunderstandings or misinterpretations
think about it have you ever been
speaking in English and the person said to
you huh what did you say I didn't
understand you say that again please
what are you saying when that happens
over and over again it can actually make
you feel a little bit nervous so to
eliminate that speak clearly and loudly
there will be no misunderstandings why
because your words will come out and be
easy to understand so again remember
the first step you're trying to speak
English confidently in any situation the
first step is to speak clearly and loudly
right now you can understand everything
I'm saying right I'm speaking clearly and
loudly let's go to tip number two tip
number two is to make eye contact once
again make eye contact right now you're
watching this lesson right you're watching
this on youtube but imagine if I was
teaching you and my eyes were
somewhere else all of a sudden it
wouldn't be interesting you'd probably
think hey teacher Tiffany why aren't you
looking at me making eye contact actually
makes the listener feel like you are more
confident in yourself it actually is another
way for you to present yourself in a
confident way so making eye contact it
can help establish a connection with the
person you are speaking to making them
feel more engaged and interested in what
you are saying right now oh yeah I'm
talking to you I'm looking directly at you
right I'm making eye contact and you feel
a little bit more engaged right you feel
more interested in this lesson that's what
happens when you make eye contact
remember we're talking about speaking
English with more confidence and eye
contact is extremely important the
second reason the second Point why this
is so important this can also help you kind
of gauge the other person's response to
what you are saying which will help you
adjust your tone or message accordingly I
want you to imagine this situation you're
giving a response you're speaking English
you're talking about your life but the
other person is kind of looking away and
you're trying to make eye contact but you
can tell oh wait a minute they're not
understanding my story wait a minute
they're not following along and this will
help you adjust remember speaking
English confidently is not just about the
words that you are using it's about the
message you are delivering and how the
person is receiving it so when you make
eye contact you'll be able to read their
expressions to see ah are they
understanding are they following are they
enjoying what I'm saying eye contact is so
important another reason is because it
can help you develop better
communication skills because you will be
able to better understand the person you
are speaking to there's something
interesting about eye contact tell you a
quick story it's not story time just yet that
happens at the end but it's so interesting
when I was living in South Korea as you
know I'm an African-American woman
and when I lived in South Korea for 10
years whenever I ran into another
African-American whether it was a
woman or a man we would make eye
contact we wouldn't say anything but
we'd make eye contact and kind of Nod
our head basically saying hey I see you
you're black and Korea too that's what's
up we didn't say anything but by making
eye contact we were able to understand
each other this is why it's so important
for you to make eye contact when you're
speaking English once again you will
actually better understand the person
you're speaking to it doesn't matter what
culture you're from we speak to each
other through our looks through our eyes
it's so important again the second thing is
make eye contact now tip number three
another important one smile when you
speak now you already know yeah you
already know I love to smile but I want to
help you understand the importance of
smiling when you speak English you enjoy
my lessons you enjoy following my
English lessons and I enjoy being your
English teacher one aspect that students
always tell me they love is the fact that I
smile all the time now my Smiles are
genuine I'm genuinely a happy happy
person but when you smile as you're
speaking people will see you as being
more confident and it will actually help
you feel more confident so remember
smiling when you speak can help the
person making the person listening to you
feel more comfortable and relaxed in
your company if I all of a sudden stopped
smiling and said number two this is what
you need to do when you study English
the feeling would change right but the
moment you see it you see it my smile
starts to get bigger you start to feel more
comfortable you start to enjoy the lesson
More the same will happen for you when
you're speaking English remember to
smile it's totally okay it will make those
listening to you feel more comfortable
another reason it can also help you
appear more friendly and approachable
this will make it easier for others to
engage with you in conversation if you're
a smiling person if you're standing
somewhere and you're smiling or if
you're already speaking English and
you're smiling other people are going to
want to come and have a conversation
with you as well that's going to make you
feel more confident oh people are
enjoying conversations with me people
want to speak with me people like
spending time with me that's going to
build your confidence you see that we're
not just talking about learning new words
learning new expressions and idioms
these things are important but when you
are trying to speak English confidently
you have to understand many things not
just words and expressions again you
need to remember to smile when you
speak also smiling when you speak can
help you convey enthusiasm and interest
in the topic you are discussing which will
cause your listeners to be more engaged
if someone feels like you're enthusiastic
or you're enjoying what you're speaking
about they will immediately become
more interested I love teaching English I
love helping you with these tips and you
can see the enthusiasm you can see that I
truly enjoy this this is what will happen
when you start smiling as you speak
English again we're talking about
speaking English confidently in any
situation so after you start smiling in the
situation we're going to be moving to tip
number four pay attention to body
language this is so important you see
people's body language will let you know
how they are feeling about what you're
saying and someone's body language
actually can affect how you feel about
yourself so here's the thing when you pay
attention to body language it will help
you understand the other person's
response better making it easier for you
to adjust your message or tone
accordingly I used to do this when I was in
class in South Korea teaching English I
would start a lesson and I would make
sure to watch my students body language
sometimes my students after lunch in the
afternoon they would be a little tired so
maybe even though the lesson was
interesting their body language was
showing me that they needed a break so I
adjusted my lessons I adjusted what I was
talking about maybe I would tell a story
to give them a little bit more energy it's
so important to pay attention to
someone's body language because it
affects you if they look disinterested you
can feel oh maybe my English is not good
watch their body language and change
your tone and it will help you feel much
more confident the second thing it can
also help you improve your own body
language which will make you more
effective and confident in your ability to
convey your message for example if I'm
watching the person that's listening to me
and their body language is like this they
seem to be really interested and engaged
immediately I'm gonna feel more
confident in what I'm saying I'm going to
actually be more enthusiastic right but if
their body language is showing me
they're not interested I still need to
change my body language okay let me
actually change my tone let me fix my
body language so that I can affect the
other person we're talking about
speaking English confidently and you
need to remember your body language is
important and so is the body language of
the person listening to you the other
thing to remember is this can help you
become a more empathetic and effective
Communicator remember
communication is not just about the
words you use think about me right now
I'm teaching you English my facial
expression the way that my hands are
moving I'm using my hands to explain this
to you right I'm actually becoming a more
effective Communicator each time I
record a lesson for you because I'm
making sure that my body language is
going along with the lesson I'm teaching
you because I can understand what you
need to know to move forward i've
watched students in classes okay my
body language can help them understand
more so when you again pay attention to
body language it can help you become a
more effective Communicator makes
sense right all right tip number five tip
number five is very important believe
that you can speak English well this is
something I need you to really remember
you must believe that it's possible you
must believe in yourself if your goal is to
speak English confidently you have to
believe that it's actually possible you see
the thing is this believing in yourself is key
to developing confidence in your
speaking abilities because it can help you
overcome any self-doubt in order to
speak with confidence you have to
remove self-doubt you have to remove
those thoughts that come in sometimes
oh my English is not that good oh I made
a mistake remove those thoughts if you
want to speak English with confidence
you have to believe that you can speak
English well the second thing is it can help
you stay motivated and committed to
improving your speaking skills even in the
face of challenges or setbacks sometimes
English is going to be hard but if you
believe that you can do it even when
challenges arise and setbacks come up
you can do away with them you can
ignore them because you believe that you
can speak English with confidence the
other thing to remember is this when you
believe in yourself it will help you
maintain a positive attitude when you
approach someone to start a
conversation in English so instead of
walking up to someone and having the
thoughts of oh no oh no I'm gonna make
a mistake oh no are they going to say I'm
not good at speaking English instead
you'll say this oh I can do it I can do it I'm
walking up to this native English speaker
and I am going to start this conversation I
can do it believing in yourself is so
important now remember these five
steps will help you speak English with
confidence I hope you enjoyed this lesson
but don't forget if you want to get even
more lessons from me and if you want to
be my homie you can join this youtube
channel I have extra lessons exclusively
for my homies and you can become one
all you have to do is hit the button right
below this video if you're watching the
video it says join right under this video
not the Subscribe button hit the join
button and that will make you an official
homie that's right you'll be my homie and
you'll get extra English lessons every
single week from me that's right extra
English lessons to help you even more I
hope you enjoyed this lesson and I will
talk to you in the next one [Music] do do
you still there you know what time it is
it's Story Time hey I said it's story time all
right so I want to tell you a story about a
time when I had to believe in myself I told
you today I gave you five tips about how
to speak English confidently now I
remember the very first time I had to
speak in public I was asked to preach a
sermon at my church and I think I was
about 12 or 13 years old and think about
this my church had between four to five
hundred members I was between the
ages of 12 and 13. I was very young and
they wanted me to speak for children's
Sabbath this was the day everyone came
together celebrated the children and my
uncle said Tiff I believe in you I will help
you so my uncle sat me down and we
went through what I was going to preach
about the sermon we went through the
verses that I was going to use for the
sermon and everything was laid out and I
still remember sitting in my uncle's car
and going over this sermon and thinking
to myself wow I'm really about to do this
reminding myself Tiff you can do this God
is going to help you you can do it we
spoke about my body language we spoke
about my posture walking up to the front
standing in front of four to five hundred
people and speaking with confidence and
I remember I walked up on that Pulpit I
had my notes ready and I remembered
my uncle the time he spent with me
organizing my sermon and how much he
believed in me and I believed in myself
and I said God let's do this together and I
delivered the sermon and people said
afterwards that it was amazing it was a
blessing they enjoyed it and i'll never
forget that moment because it was the
first time that I stood in front of a large
group of people and delivered a message
and felt confident in what I was doing
remember you can do anything you put
your mind to I hope this encourages you
and never forget that you can speak
English with confidence.

Road Podcast
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