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Sophia Pearson

December 6, 2023

Computers 10


I found this episode very entertaining and very interesting. My reaction the whole time to

this episode was surprised and flabbergasted because there was a lot of unexpected parts and

turns that I would’ve never guessed, for example I would’ve never assumed or guessed any of

the plot twists. I think lucy is super pretty and she seems like a really nice person, other than

trying to use her friends wedding to get a higher rank for all the 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9’s. If the app did

not exist, I feel like Lacie would 100%, definitely be a better person in the way of caring more

about people and respecting her brother more instead of yelling at him everytime he insults the

app, her rank or how its just a stupid thing to focus on, because she wouldn’t so be worried and

focused on the how high her rank is, which then creates a toxic environment for the world that

she lives in.

Personally I would maybe check out the app a little bit to see what all the hype is about

and what the app does but then I would delete it after because it creates such a toxic environment

and encourages people be fake towards you making it difficult for you to differ who actually

likes you and is your actual friend from who is just pretending to like you and is only being nice

so that they can get a higher rank. I think this episode relates to society because social media is

such a big thing right now and creating a platform shows people what you are/ what your

personality is like and how people should view you as a individual based on your interests and

what you post which creates an expectation of what you are like.

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