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Jaxon Sanjenko

December 12, 2023

Computers 10

Nosedive Long Answer

While watching Nosedive I was interested and kind of shocked. During the episode I started

thinking about how it relates to life. They rate people and people are looked at different based off

their ratings. In real life this app wouldn’t work because being rated low would cause people to

be angry at bad ratings and I think it would just cause the world to be more hateful due to people

being rated bad. Lacie is a prime example of this because she try’s so hard to be her best self in

hopes to have a high rating but then people hate on her for trying too hard and then getting angry

when she becomes irritated because of the hatred. This is what I think would happen in real life if

we were to use that app, I think people would try to hard and no one would be genuine and then

when people couldn’t get a higher rating, they would be mad at the world. I still think that it kind

of relates to today’s times because people are always trying to be better than or impress other

people which causes hate and competitiveness to be the best. Many people have bad lives

because they see people better and are also held to unrealistic standards because everyone has a

different skill set and shouldn’t have to be the best. People should all be happy with who they are

and just try to be best the version of their self they can be. The episode really brought a

realization that people are too harsh on each other and should not judge people based on others

opinions when they could be a great person.

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