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Lee Lemke

December 6, 2023

Computers 10

Black Mirror

Throughout the whole episode I was honestly really surprised and confused why everyone was

willing to try living like they were. I could not imagine living in a world where everyone tries to

act perfect to get high ratings from each other. To be honest if this was an app in the real world, I

would not use it. In the film nobody was real with each other, they were all fake trying to act

perfect and please each other. I could not act that way around people, I like to express myself and

express what I am thinking. I think Lacie was super fake throughout the whole episode, trying to

please everyone she met just so she could be judged by her ranking. In today’s society people are

judged by things like what they look like, how they act, and even wealth. In that episode people

could not act that way and judge people by their looks, instead judge people by how they act and

how likable they are.

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