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Logan Mckinty

December 6, 2023

Computers 10

Nosedive Paragraph

In computers class we watched Nosedive, an episode from “Black Mirror.” The episode was

interesting I say. It was about an app that has taken over the world and everybody uses the app

to grade you as a person. The main character we followed was names Lacie. Lacie only cares

about her rating in this app and does anything to get her score to go up. As the main character

in the film, I found her annoying because the only thing she cares about is her getting her score

up. The world that she lives in is horrible witch makes pretty much every person unlikeable

because everyone acts the same and only cares about getting there score up and if they see a

low score, they will see you as a horrible person or even a psychopath. But as we see in the film

the people with the lowest scores are the most likeable like the trucker lady and Lacie’s brother

because they just don’t care as I would. If something happens like this in the real world (which it

could) I would just not care. Yes, I would probably get it because in the film there is not a single

person in the film that doesn’t use the app, so it looks like a law that you need to have the app.

But when I have it, I would just continue to be me and not care what my score is. Nosedive

could relate to todays society a bit to. With social media taken over the world mostly everyone

just based you off your social media presents. An example is if you are a person with a low snap

score they will say “you have no friends.” Just because your snap score is low, maybe its just

because you don’t use the app which could affect the person mentally. When watching the film
what I found the most surprising was when Lacie was in the elevator with an old lady. When

they are talking to each other they don’t look at each other and just scroll on the app to see

their score and see what there live looks like. When you watch the film, you could see that this

could possibly happen in really life which could ruin many people's lives because they might just

being there self and not playing a “fake them” and just having fun.

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