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Diego Guillen

Mrs. Gagne

Practical Writing

09 March 2021

Circle essay

Do you like getting your information taken from you all the time for everyone to see. I

don't and in this essay the topics that are going to be talked about is, Do you think this is where

our society is headed? Or does this give you a realistic idea of what not to do in the future. In the

movie The Circle they show how social media and not getting privacy affects your life. Mae is

the main character and she seems to be struggling in the beginning with her job. Her friend

works at The Circle and gets her a job there and she will soon see how crazy things can get when

it comes to using social media.

In the movie the Circle when they invent a camera that is small and has very good

graphics. In today's world we are always inventing new things and the possibilities of making a

small camera is very possible. In the movie The Circle when you have good ratings on your

work it shows that you're active and popular. In today's world popularity is everything on social

media and being active and good quality pictures gets you followers and that's what Mae did. In

The Circle when Mae podcasts her whole day using the camera. People do this all the time,

maybe not the whole day but people podcast all the time in today's world.

In The Circle when Mae posts a picture of the antler chandelier and everyone starts

calling Maes friend a deer killer even though he didn't kill them. Thar just shows that you have to

be careful about what you post because some people might be sensitive about something they see

on their page and get angry for no reason. In The Circle when Mae catches her parents doing
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naghty things she freaks and looks away. I personally wouldn't put cameras in my house because

of that exact reason. I don't want to see my mom doing anything remotely inappropriate but Mae

only had cameras in there for good reasons, probably safety reasons. When Mae was flying that

drone following her friend down the road, she ended up killing him. I wouldn't be following my

friend with a drone while he's panicking because there are crazy people at his house looking for

him. I wouldn't have used my friend as a demonstration.

In conclusion I think you need your privacy and if you think about it, our technology is

advancing everyday so Yes! I think our society is heading farther and farther towards what we

watched in The Circle. I also got a realistic idea on what not to do when it comes to social media

because that last thing I want is someone calling me a deer killer because they think I kill deer.
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The Circle. Directed by James Ponsoldt, performances by Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, and John

Boyega, 1978 Films, 2017.

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