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I watched a movie called “Unlocked” and I wrote a short summary and a reflection.

Unlocked. 2023 Korean Movie.

The life of one young woman changes when she loses her phone, and it is found by a madman. A serial

killer. This story teaches the importance of your privacy and how it can be intruded easily. Nami, the

main character, let her phone one night on the bus on her way home. Unfortunately, the phone was

found by a bad young man. This man tricked her and succeeded in installing a spy program in her

phone.; with it, he could watch and hear all Nami was doing in her daily life. His purpose was to kill her,

same as he did with the other seven victims. In order to do that, he got involved in Nami’s life based on

lies. And thanks to his ingenuity, he also managed to put off all the special people in Nami’s life. At the

end, he succeeded in ruining Nami’s life, but he could not kill her nor her father.

This story has some things unreal and a lot of fantasy, but it cannot be denied the fact it let me an

important lesson to keep in mind. The necessity of being connected all the time by our cellphones and

computers’ apps is just a convention for no socializing. It is crucial to learn how to keep in touch with our

significant ones without paying too much attention to our social-media. Nevertheless, technology is an

essential tool for people like me, who has her family far away. So, the issue is not using technology, the

real issue is how it is being used. Are we careful enough with our personal information? Do we post our

lives in those apps with the intention of being cherished by other and recognized by others? Do we take

some precautions when we are online? Those devices are useful, but they can be dangerous because

they contain our personal information, which can fall into the wrong hands. Also, it made me realize I

need to be more conscious about me, my security and my information. Because, we can text anyone

through those apps designed to chat, and that is exactly the main issue, we can text anyone. We are

prone to find bad or good people in those apps. We never know the real intention of the person behind

the screen.

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