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I Partial

Written Assignment#1

Lic. Nelson Madrid

Facilities: Tegucigalpa


English 8

White Christmas

1. What was the episode about?

It is about two people Matthew and Joe who are in a room on December 25 and
start talking and Matthew tells him that his job was to get into people's minds to
observe everything they were doing and in this case an example It was that he
helped men to get dates using technology where a type of chip was placed in
people's eyes, however in one of these cases it did not work out as expected
because the boy he helped died.

For this reason, the wife blocked him and when this happened it happened that
she could not speak to them or listen to the person who blocked him and when
this happened she could not see only a gray silhouette. Matthew earned Joe's
trust because he told him things that hurt and that he had lived through, upon
gaining trust, Joe began to comment on something that happened to him and it
is summarized that he had a partner whom he loved and this She got pregnant
but did not want to have the baby, they had a fight and this blocked him, years
passed and he could not talk to her because he was blocked, at the same time
she died and he wanted to see his daughter, but he was surprised that he did
not It was his, but a mutual friend of several years that they had. Finally, the
desperate beat the grandfather of the girl and he died and of course the girl died
when she went out to seek help because she was alone. Matthew had the
intention that Joe confess to give the police what he wanted, however, for the
fact of committing a crime in the case of not reporting the death of one of his
clients, he was blocked by everyone, in a few words, he could no longer speak
or see anyone.

2. What is Mr. Trent Role?

Matthew's role is that he is the main character who worked in a company called
Smart intelligence where he took out the subconscious of people and placed it
in a small object in their eyes and this was in charge of doing everything that his
original self-wanted, planning your dates, everything your original self would
like, as well as helping people get dates, all using advanced technology. He
was a very smart person since he knew how to make people confess, in this
case he managed to get Joe to confess what had happened, but he also
received a punishment for working on this, since it is illegal.

3. Did you like it? Why?

This chapter is very interesting because it gives an idea of how technology can develop
in the future and how it can change people's lives, but not always for the better. I liked
it because it had several stories and in all of it technology appeared as something that
stands out, thinking about the fact that people can be blocked in real life is another
level of technology. However, what I did not like is how this can affect us and cause
damage through it, also I did not like that the story had a somewhat sad ending,
because even though there was justice, it was very sad. in the case de Joe had a
complicated life going through all that process in which his girlfriend left him and that
led him to fall into a state of depression.

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