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There is a man who has a mistress and now they have their child and his true family doesn’t

have any idea about it. One day, he was with his friend when his wife saw them in the bar. And then he

said to his wife that his friend has a chic in that bar and they have a child. But the truth is he is the one

who has. His wife immediately called the wife of his friend to tell him about that. But his friend’s wife

already knows that it was her husband who has a mistress.

In the grand scheme, lying just holds society apart. The only thing lying does is cover up the

errors, acts, and thoughts of people, and how will that be beneficial for the future? Truth is all relative to

the speaker and the listener. It can pin you down too, prisoner. Also, it is stunning but can be hideous as

well. It could be structured and it could be chaotic. This can tie you down, but it can leave you teetering

as well. You can hide it but not forever.

If you keep on lying to other people and you empathize it with other, you are just making the

situation more complicated. Imagine, the people you are involving doesn’t know that he or she has

an issue. If we don't tell the truth, we have to think about what we're going to say. Second, when we're

not telling the truth, we're generating low-frequency energy, which in turn acts as a magnet for other

things that vibrate at a similar frequency. So one might expect to experience things like lying to another,

getting ripped off, issues around lack, etc. And finally, I echo some of the other comments-the lies are

going to make their way back in one way or another, it is going to cause internal stress, and over time we

are going to stay in darkness so as not to shine a light on our deception.

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