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1 – Virtual Halloween Icebreaker Questions

to warm up guests. By theming your questions toward Halloween, you can also help everyone
get in the holiday spirit.
Here is a starter list of icebreakers:

 What is your earliest memory of Halloween?

 Which movie were you too scared to watch as a kid?
 What is the best horror movie of all time?
 Would you rather be a vampire or a ghost?
 Do you prefer chocolate or chips?
 What is the best candy in the world?

2 - Halloween History

It’s just a preparation for some activities and to talk about its origins and traditions

3 – Questions about Halloween ( )

It’s a competition about who knows more about the holiday. The teacher sends the link to students, and the
winner is the one who has more correct answers and did it the fastest.

4 – Thriller Dance (

Students have to stand up and start dancing, when the teacher says “STOP” and “PAUSE” the song, the one
who moves is out. The winner is the one last one to move.

5 – Gartic ( )

The games does its job regarding points. So it counts points by drawing well and guessing fast.
6 – You Are a Zombie If

To play Zombie, ask your staff if they have done any of the following actions without thinking. If
the statement applies, then the player “got bitten” and must blackout their screen. The last player
onscreen wins the game.
PS: In case, it goes too fast, you could ask the students (zombies) to say something to “bite” the
others and “kill” them.

Examples: Got angry at your classmates

Forgot to study for a test Got grounded
Forgot your books Couldn’t keep a straight face
Lost your pencil or rubber Lost a game
Skipped school so you could sleep more Forgot where your phone was
Forgot the homework Broke your phone’s screen
Got a bad grade Turned the camera on during classes
Had to check your own phone number Didn’t want to do something but had to
Missed the van to school
Fought with your brother/sister/friend
Missed the bus
Logged in to watch a class but wasn’t there
Didn’t finish a book activity watching
Got a really good grade without studying Forgot your own age

7 – Hide and Seek (Among Us)

The Impostor is the seeker and the way to find the Hiders is by killing them. The Hiders
have to run away from him. Each Seeker will have 2 minutes to eliminate as many hiders as
possible. The one who eliminates the most within the time is the winner.

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