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Page L HOMEWORK DOCUMENT EXTRA READING TOPIC FOR MINDMAP Some people believe that the advent of economical air travel has been very beneficial by making international travel more accessible, while others argue that it has had a very negative impact. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. A. Read the following text and learn interesting vocabulary and ideas from it. Refer to the Glossary i part B for explanations of the meaning of new words. Air travel is no longer a luxury commodity. International air travel has become progressively cheaper over the past decade. As a result, many more people are utilising this mode of transport more frequently. 1. PROS -International civil aviation can promote understanding among the nations. Increasing understanding of different cultures and nationalities facilitates closer international integration and help preserve friendship among peoples of the world. ir transport contributes to sustainable development. It plays a vital role in facilitating economic growth, particularly in developing countries. Air transport unlocks their potential for trade and tourism. By facilitating tourism and trade, it generates economic growth, provides jobs, increases revenues from taxes, and fosters the conservation of protected areas Aviation, in this sense, helps to improve living standards and alleviate poverty -Air travel provides significant social benefits to the population at large. Economical air transport improves quality of life by broadening people’s leisure and cultural experiences. It provides a wide choice of holiday destinations around the world and an affordable means to visit distant friends and rel - Economical air transport improves living standards by widening choic cheaper and more frequent access to air travel has inereased the range of potential holiday destinations. Seasonal fruit and vegetables are now available year round at reasonable prices. The large number of ‘ors has also helped widen the range of leisure and cultural activities available in many overseas v countries. 2. CONS Airplanes use huge amounts of fossil fuel, a non-renewable resource. They also emit high levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere, contributing to the acceleration of global warming. Globally, aviation industry produces around 2% of all human-induced carbon dioxide Page2 IELTS ADVANCED- emissions. Cheap airlines exacerbate the problem by encouraging more people to fly for shorter stays, thus compounding the environmental effects The emissions from taxiing and take-off of aircraft help make airports some of the largest sources of pollutants and major public health hazards - If you're one of those people who like luxury, low cost airlines are probably not for you. Flight getting cancelled close to the departure date — this is always a risk. What if you're going on a weekend getaway, you already booked your hotel, and the next flight is only two days from now? Suggestions However, it does not automatically mean that air travel should be curtailed. For example, by replacing old engines with cleaner ones, people can mitigate the environmental impact caused by flying and ensure the optimal use of this form of travel. Afier reading the extra reading and making the mindmap, answer the following questions: Do you like to travel by airplane? Why? Why not? ‘What are the advantages of traveling by airplane? What's worse for the environment: planes or cars? Why? What are the most obvious economic benefits of aviation? we How much co2 do airplanes emit? What emits the most co2? Which form of transport pollutes the most? Explain. How many trees would you need to plant to offset your carbon em What are the disadvantages of traveling by airplane? 0. How do airplanes harm the environment? =o ers B, VOC. BULARY FROM EXTRA READING WH09 1, progressively (gradually) nternational air travel has become progressively cheaper over the past decade. [he situation was becoming progressively more difficult, 2. To allleviate sth /a'li:viet/ (to make something less painful or difficult to deal with) To alleviate the problem/situation/suffering ete ~The government has introduced efficient measures to all fe poverty -We can play our small part in helping to alleviate the poverty and suffering of the world. -A number of measures can be adopted to alleviate the problem of juvenile crime. 3. to mitigate sth (alleviate, to make the effects of something less serious) ~Measures need to be taken to mitigate the environmental effects of air travel. - Ecotourism should be promoted to mitigate the effects of tourism on the environment. ~The new treatment can mitigate the suffering of patients. 4. to exacerbate sth /ig'zeesabert/, to make something that is already bad even worse) -Cheap airlines exacerbate environmental problems by encouraging more people to fly for shorter stays. -Hate speech on social media has exacerbated racial tensions in the community. ~The family's financial problems were exacerbated when the father lost his job. -Friction between the generations is exacerbated when younger staff believe they are not given enough credit. 5. the population at large (= the general population) -Noise pollution poses an increasing threat to the population at large. 6. to faci ~ Aviation development facilitates more rapid economic growth. = Improved road infrastructure will facilitate the development of tourism. ate sth (to make something possible or easier) 7. to curtail sth (to reduce or limit somethi - Violent movies should be banned at prime time on TV to curtail exposure to children. -International concerted efforts are needed to curtail the spread of the coronavirus disease. -Strict laws should be introduced to curtail the spread of misinformation and fake news tion and fake news Strict laws should be introduced to curtail the spread of misinform - Violent movies should be banned at prime time on TV to curtail exposure to children. 8. to unlock sth -Drama and music help to unlock young people's creative talents. -Education is the key that will unlock a nation's potential

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