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P gel EXTRA READING TOPIC FOR MINDMAP: English should be the only global language. Do you agree or disagree? A. Read the following text and learn interesting vocabulary and ideas from it. Refer to the Glossary in part B for explanations of the meaning of new words. 1, ENGLISH SHOULD BE THE ONLY GLOBAL LANGUAGE There are several more reasons why English should be the official intemational language. -We need a language in common for communication, trading, and traveling English is the most taught and most used language in business, as well as the Internet, and the second most spoken language. 56% of the Internet is in English and 80% of information is stored in English. 1.5 billion people speak English (native and second language). A lot of energy could be saved if more people spoke English. -Having English as an official international language will have a beneficial effect on communication between people from different countries. Cultural differences will be explained more easily. It would effectively end miscommunication between speakers of different languages. Misunderstandings will be eradicated and conflict between countries can be more easily avoided. People will be brought closer together Trade will increase between countries, Most big businesses use English to trade and communicate with other companies. It is also the top business Janguage and all growing economies use it. More and more financial transactions are conducted in English, Businessmen would prefer to conduct their transactions directly rather than rely on interpreters, All of these circumstances have served to increase the use of the English language, Itis already well on its way to becoming the world language Page 2 English is an important and useful language to know when traveling. Speaking English enhances your traveling experience in a multitude of ways. Not only will you be able to speak English with native English speakers, but you will also be able to communicate with travelers from other countries and enjoy a greater sense of independence. ~The English language is one that is very easy to learn, making it easily accessible to the many. If we wish to communicate effectively we need all people to be able to communicate in it; even those who have difficulty in leaning languages. Therefore, having a global language which requires no learning of characters is important. 2. ENGLISH SHOULD NOT BE THE ONLY GLOBAL LANGUAGE -Neither English nor any other languages should be the world’s official language because it would effectively end linguistic diversity and lead to huge amounts of language death. Our language is what makes us diverse. It's what sets us apart from other people. Also, language is a beautiful thing and we do not want to lose hundreds of beautiful languages. -Language and culture are very strongly linked. If English became the international language, we would see language death on a large scale. Language death isn’t just about a language ceasing to exist. It is also about losing a culture and a unique way of thinking. What would culture even mean if everyone had the same culture? Language also includes history which should never be forgotten, People will inevitably lose links to their identity and their past if they adopt an English-only attitude. When countries share the same language, they will become more similar and less unique, People will have no reason to travel abroad if countries are similar. The tou trade might suffer, which can affect some countries dependent on that income ~ A single language will not necessarily mean less conflict. Page B, GLOSSARY 1. to eradicate (verb) /redikert/ (to completely get rid of something such as a disease or a social problem) They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria, -We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport, 2. miscommunication (noun) /,miska,mju:nt’keyf/ (failure to make information or your ideas and feel es clear to somebody, or to understand what somebody says to you) ~The issues stemmed from miscommunication, - The CEO blamed the confusion on iscommu n between the company and its customers, 3. a financial transaction /tran'zekfon/ (a business deal or action, such as buying or selling something) -She is the one who handles the financial transactions in the department. -All financial transactions need to be recorded carefully. 4. to conduct a transaction (any kind of action involved in conducting business, such as buying or selling something) -Llike the way she conducts her transaction, straightforwardly ~She conducted the transaction as a representative of the company. 5. a multitude of ways /’maltiju:d/ (in many different ways) -We' ve tried a multitude of ways but none of them works ~There was a multitude of ways, but he just didn’t want to do it 6. accessible (adj) /ak'sesabal/ (easy to obtain or use) - Her poetry is always very accessible ~ The Centre is easily accessible to the general public. guistic diversity /dar'vs:sati/ (to have many different languages) Page -She went to an international school where there was linguistic diversi ~She had to adapt to her workplace’s linguistic diversi 8, diverse (adj) /dar'vs:s/ (very different from each other) - India is quite diverse, both politically and religiously ~ New York is a very culturally 9. to set somebody apart from somebody (to make someone or something different and special) -Her performance sets her apart from her coworkers. -He is an excellent researcher and sets himself apart from anyone in his field. 10. om a large scale (something that was done in a grand or big manner, or done a lot of times) - Forest survival is threatened on a large scale. - The electronic industry is developing on a large scale, 11. to cease to exist /si:s/ (to stop existing) - Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored ~ In the extreme, the cigarette industry may cease to exist. C. WHO9-TASK 1- SAMPLE ‘The run chart describes the past and projected figures for the world population throughout the 300-year period since 1800, The bar chart compares the figures for urban population between developed regions and developing regions from 2015 to 2040. The world population has recorded continuous growth since 1800. It took 120 years for the world population to double from Ibn in 1800 to 2bn in 1920. However, over the next 100 years, the growth rate Page accelerated as it took only SO years for the number to double, reaching around 7.5 bn in 2020. The world population is predicted to continue its rising trend and peak at 8 bn in 2050, The figure is subsequently expected to drop significantly to 6 bn in 2100. Most of the growth in urban population is predicted to oceur in cities of developing regions. It is forecast that the figure will show a sustained growth, reaching its high of 4 bn in 2040, almost triple the figure for developed regions in the same year. By contrast, the urban population in developed regions is projected to remain stable at 1.3 billion until 2040, (186 words)

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