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Topic: The Power of Prayer in the Midst of Doubt

Text: Luke 1:5-25
Aim: To charge believers to commune with God in unwavering faith

Prayer is as important to the life of a believer as oxygen is to a living organism. There is power in
prayer. God desires that His children will pray without doubting. Those who doubt are told not to
expect anything from God (James 1:6). It is not enough to spend the time of our life praying. While
we pray, we must be expectant of answers and be ready to receive them when they come. In our
text, it is obvious that Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth spent almost their whole life trusting God
for a child. However, when the prayer was answered, it appears as if Zechariah was either not
ready or had already given up on the possibility of an answer. Today's lesson is aimed at charging
us to pray by faith without wavering.

Key Ideas:
1. The person of Zachariah, vs5-6
a. A priest from the division of Abijah
b. His wife, Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron
c. Zechariah and Elizabeth were upright and blameless 2. The couple's predicament, v7
a. They had no children
b. They were advance in age
3. Zechariah at his duty post, vs8-10
a. The outplay of divine guidance Zechariah's division was on duty. Zechariah was chosen to burn
4. Zechariah's encounter with an angel, vs11-20
a. The message of the angel - Elizabeth will bear a son to be named John:
• He will be a delight to his parents and his generation
• He will be great in God's sight
• He will be a Nazarene
• He will be filled with the Holy Spirit from the womb
• He will bring Israel back to God
b. Zechariah's doubt - they are advanced in age
c. Angel reveals his identity as Gabriel
d. Angel pronounces punishment for Zechariah
5. Zechariah came out of the temple dumb, vs 21-22
6. The pregnancy of Elizabeth, vs 23-25

Discussion Questions:
1. Share an experience of a time when your prayers seemed delayed.
2. Why does one's righteousness not translate into a life devoid of problems? vs 5-7, cf. Job 1:1,8.
3. Given the testimony of God about Zechariah, what do you think made him doubt?
4. What lesson can we learn from the pronouncement of punishment on Zechariah?
5. How does the story of Zechariah encourage persistence in prayer?

Application: From this lesson, what have you learned about God's sovereignty and prayer?

The experience of Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth is a current reality among several believers or
couples. However, God's demonstration of His Sovereignty in answer to prayer is a great
encouragement for us in this lesson. Whatever your Situation or challenge might be, no matter how
long it has taken or how impossible it may look before men, be encouraged that God is aware and
at the appointed time He shall respond to His glory.

Memory Verse: James 1:6

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