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Republic of the Philippines

Don Honorio Venture State University

Cambangan Bacolor, Pampanga

Performance Task In
Applied 121a
MUNGCAL, Ashley Denise D.
PACIOS, Chelsie Y.
PAGAL, Janna Nicole D.
PASCUAL, Carl Ely B.
PELIMCO, Daeniel Mari A.
PENPEÑA, Colin Jhon G.
PONIO, Angel Arzen III M.

Submitted to:
Sir Archie Burca
Mungcal & Pasamonte

GAD (Gender and Development) advocacy has proven to be highly effective in Don Honorio
Ventura State University (DHVSU). By promoting gender equality and addressing the specific
needs and concerns of both men and women, GAD advocacy initiatives have made significant
progress in creating a more inclusive and empowered environment within the university.

One of the key achievements of GAD advocacy in DHVSU is the establishment of various
programs and initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality and empowering marginalized
groups. These initiatives include awareness campaigns, capacity-building workshops, and the
integration of gender perspectives in the university's policies and curriculum. Through these
efforts, DHVSU has successfully raised awareness about the importance of gender equality and
fostered a more inclusive and gender-responsive campus community. This position paper looks
into the positive impacts of GAD Advocacy in DHVSU while rebutting the opposition in its own


While some may argue that DHVSU is not taking these rules seriously, on the contrary they actually do.
That’s why ma’am Dona checks every room to see if the rules are being followed. The group agrees that
DHVSU implements Gender and Development advocacy throughout its campuses. One example of this is
encouraging the students to wear orange colored shirts every first Friday of the month because it
represents the hope and future free from violence. Moreover, DHVSU prohibits wearing of black colored
shirts as it shows the wearer oppresses the advocacy. Also, those who don’t abide by the rules will be

One may argue that DHVSU must make sure that its dedication to putting an end to violence against
women is reflected in concrete steps that alter the university community in a way that is both significant
and long-lasting. Another example of DHVSU’s efforts in implementing and spreading the information of
GAD is through the use of EVAW sign. This gesture is used to represent the agenda ‘end violence againts
women’, frequently used by honorians. For instance, whenever the university organizes parades,
webinars, and activities the students show their support and cooperation to the agenda by posing using the
EVAW sign.

Next, having long hair for males is a violation of the dress code, and if one does not abide he can get a record from
the teacher who is checking each class. However, students who are members of the LGBTQ+ community are now
allowed to have long hair. When ma'am Donalyn was checking each classroom, she said that students who are
members of the LGBTQ+ community are allowed to have long hair and express themselves.

Next, some may say that GAD is not effective because there are some discrimination and more issue regarding GAD
in our current day. Nevertheless, this thesis claims that GAD advocacy improves gender equality, awareness, and
inclusion in educational contexts. Schools may build safe and supportive environments that empower students of all
genders, challenge gender stereotypes, and address issues such as gender-based violence, discrimination, and
inequality by adopting GAD programs. According to UNESCO (2019) the study titled "Gender Equality in
Education: A Review of Research " This comprehensive review of research highlights the positive effects of GAD
advocacy in schools, such as improved educational outcomes, reduced gender gaps, and increased gender awareness
among students and staff.


Is GAD advocacy still effective?GAD advocacy is effective as we implement it of DHVSU.We wear orange shirts
every first Friday of the month to promote GAD advocacy.GAD advocacy creates an environment that any gender
can express themselves freely. This helps lay a solid foundation built on the appreciation of GAD advocacy as this
promotes rights for everyone. This prevents violence against women, men and other genders.This helps people
recognize that every person has the right to have the same respect as everyone, as this prevents discrimination.

While it's appropriate that the goal of GAD advocacy is to increase public awareness of the difficulties faced by
those who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, it's also critical to recognize that building resilience and self-
reliance is just as vital. People can live happy, productive lives in spite of their anxiety by being encouraged to
create coping mechanisms and anxiety management techniques.I agree with this, because I believe that this is
against GOD's plan. It goes against the natural order of procreation and GODs will and this mean that only a man
and women that can be together because there created that way and shall be. While the structure of the human kind
grumble to the idea of improving it and makes protesters arrogant and violent to the idea of forcing children or
confuse about there own self.According to the Code of law of the church that marriage is only between a man and
woman. According to Francis Francis Tolentino that it would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of

Some may argue that gender-based discrimination is still prevalent in the school, it's just that they are afraid of the
consequences that their action will bring. However, ever since the start of the GAD Advocacy campaign, Anti-
discrimination has become a big part of the school has been prevalent in the school for quite a while now, that
lessens gender-based violence and are now widely accepted because they have become more aware of what they are
and reached a mutual understanding amongst each other and are now respected regardless of their gender. Based on
personal experience and information I get from inside the school itself, the LGBTQ+ Community is now widely
accepted, as if it has always been the norm. Majority of the people, at least inside the school, have been supportive
of them.

While some may argue that conducting degenderized programs are irrelevant because students don't even pay
attention to them during the said programs that’s why either way it doesn’t matter if it exists or not. However, ever
since the start of the degenderized programs, the school has made programs to help the LGBTQ+ community, an
example of this is the degenderized parents and teachers conference, the purpose of this is to let the teachers inform
the parents more about the LGBTQ+ community and help them become more aware of their existence,, in which
will be passed to the children of the parents. Thus help in accepting them.

Pacios & Ponio

In conclusion, these experiences or perspectives give a clear picture of the GAD implementation at DHVSU. While
there has been some progress towards inclusivity and reduced discrimination, there has also been some conflict due
to traditional values. DHVSU is giving all their efforts to promote awareness, foster acceptance, and create
supportive environments for all genders, but there are differing opinions on their effectiveness and impact.

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