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1. Make a research on individuals who excel in the field of mathematics,

arts, music. etc. Choose only ONE person (except for organic group)
whom you admire most and write a one-page paper showing his/her
excellence in any field by answering the question below:

Question: Do you believe that his "brains" make him to the top? Why or
Why not?

Almost every person hears the name "Albert Einstein." Without further ado,
Albert Einstein is known to be one of the most notable physicists of all time
because of his theory of relativity, which transfigured our insight into space,
time, gravity, and the universe. Moreover, he contributed significantly to
developing the theory of quantum mechanics. Likewise, laser technologies are
possible nowadays due to his publication of the theory of stimulated emission.
Meanwhile, the law of the photoelectric effect, which led him to receive a Nobel
Prize in 1921, paved the way for making solar panels exist and other types of
machinery that require photoelectric cells to function.

It is believed that Einstein had an estimated IQ of 160, and his parietal lobes
are 15% broader than others. It is postulated that these unique brain
characteristics enabled him to establish better connections between neurons
vital for mathematical and spatial logic. But, Einstein acknowledged that he
was more curious and tenacious than an average individual. He is thirsty to
know the renowned enigmas of science, life, and the universe. Consequently,
this stimulates me to conclude that his brain features and how he seeks holistic
answers regarding scientific mysteries complimented each other, thus guiding
him to be a prominent genius in physics.
2. Assuming you have a low self-efficacy level, what would you do to
improve it?

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's willpower to believe in their ability to thrive

in a particular circumstance. Presuming that I have a low self-efficacy level, it
can be depicted that I may evade arduous tasks, be preoccupied with personal
failings, upholds pessimistic outcomes, and immediately lose conviction in my
capabilities. Being deprived of self-efficacy can affect how I perceive myself
and interact with my environment. Thus, I must augment it by enabling myself
to get out of my comfort zone and openly discover what I am good at. I should
also set specific, measurable, achievable, and time-bound goals to guarantee
that my objectives will be attainable, which will help to increase my
self-efficacy while encountering complex ventures.

Furthermore, I must develop my resiliency by constantly acknowledging that it

is okay to experience failure, for it can be an opportunity to learn from my
mistakes. I must also encourage myself to consider challenging problems as
obstacles to be conquered. Similarly, I should aim to look at the bigger picture
in every unfavorable situation to radiate positive vibes as much as possible. In
addition, I must recognize positive and negative feedback to enhance my
self-efficacy toward my pursuits. Lastly, I should avoid comparing myself to
others, given that every one of us has distinct paths to chase.

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