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Chapter 1 The Microbial World

Microbiology → The study of microbes

Historical Roots of microbiology

● Robert Hooke (1635-1703)
○ This G invited one of the first microscopes to view microbes
● Antonie van Leeuwenhoeks (1632-1723)
○ Improvement in lens → allowed for the first description of bacteria
■ Guy was like oo I see so much of the good shiet moving
Why Study Microbiology
● Stuff is cheap → because enzymes are important as shiz and are produced by microbes
● Because you know biochemistry and genetics → and understand life is important
cuz :D
○ Microganism were first eart life forms → for more than 50% of our bio mass
and they allowed for multicellular creatures to evolve
The Basis of Life
1. Metabolism 2. Growth 3. Reproduction 4. Gen. variation 5. Response 6.homeostasis
Macromolecules ( Memorize the relative abundance and general functions dumbass)
● Polypeptides (50-55% abundance- dry weight of cell %)
○ Subunits: Nucleic acids → In charge of proteins → enzymes and other
● Nucleic Acids ( 2-5 % DNucleotides /// 15-20% RNucleotides)
○ Subunits: Deoxyribonucleotides +Ribonucleotides// DNA + RNA
■ Important storehouse for genetic information
■ Remember this is different for prokaryotic (circular vs chromosomal)
■ *viruses aren’t considered alive because they don’t have ribosomes
● Lipids(10%)
○ Subunits:Diverse structures
○ Important for making your phospholipid bilayer
○ Also acts as outer membrane to internal organelles
● Polysacarides (6-7%)
○ Subunit:sugars
○ Helps for energy storage → glycogen and sugar
○ Helps for structural → that cellulose and chitin are
Polypeptides ~ Teacher emphasized → location →

Classifying Microbes (1am)

● You have eukaryotic and prokaryotic→ know the difference between the two
The Phylogenetic Tree
● Prokaryotic to the left and → Eukaryotic and archae to the right side

● Considered Not alive (hence why it isn’t on the phylogenic tree)
○ Don’t replicate outside of a host cell
○ Little to no biochemical activity outside of a host cell
○ Inert and nonreactive outside of a host cell
○ all in all → can do jack without a host cell→ not alive
Origin of Life
● Microbes: ORganisms too small to be seen with the naked eye
First Microbial Life
● (1950) Stanley Miller + Harold Uey → started a spark to form organic molecules from the
primordial soup from earth’s primitive water (permafrost)
Requirements of early life
● Genetic information storage
● Ability to catalyze biochemical reactions
● A way to seperate the cell interior from the external enviorment
● (Bunker : Frankentstien: Store genetic information → catalzye biological reaction→ sep.)

Double-Stranded DNA
Modern RNA
Origin of Eukaryotes
How do microbes get energy
Microbes and Diesease
Spontaneous Generation
Louis Pasteur

Topic 2 Bacteria

Topic Overview
Morphology of Bacteria Cells
Cell Morphology
Cell Sizes
Epulopiscium fishelsoni
Comparative sizes of prokaryotes
Advantages to Being small
Lower Size Limits
What is in the cytoplasm of bacteria
How does DNA compress within the nucleoid of bacteria
The Bacterial Cytoskeleton
Cytoplasmic Memberane
Roles of the plasmamembrane

The Cell Wall

Peptidoglycan Subunits
Cell Wall Formation
Antibiotic Resistance
Gram-Positive Cells
Gram Negative Cells
The Gram Stain
How do nutrients get through the cell wall
The Bacterial Cell Surface
Non Flagellar Motility
Adherence motility
Surface Arrays ( S-Layer)
Bacterial taxonomy

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