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Alexandria University

Faculty of Engineering
Electrical Power and Machines Department
Assignment(1): Software Team
Dr/Ayman Samy
Eng/Mostafa Bakir
By: Amir Ezzat Thabet Samaan
ID No: 19015469
Space Vector Modulation
There are many ways to control the switching of a three-phase inverter,
and produce required modulated voltage to drive a motor at the desired
speed or torque.
The most primitive technique to control was the 180º conduction, in
which we generate positive and negative pulses by inspection, we let the
switch closed for half of the cycle, and opened for the other half and that
is it, the main drawback of this technique is that low order harmonics are
introduced, which need a large, complicated and expensive filter to be
Some control techniques were then being developed, such as Selective
Harmonic Elimination or (SHE), in which we calculate values for angles
called α to eliminate certain harmonics and control the amplitude of the
fundamental voltage.
Another control technique is the Pulse Width Modulation or the (PWM)
technique, there are many types of PWM, but they all share the same
concept that is we compare two signals, reference signal and carrier
signal, and by switching between those voltage levels at a high
frequency, the output of this comparison is the average firing signal of
the switch.
Another control technique _which will be the main topic of this report_
is the Space Vector Modulation or SVM technique.
Space Vector Modulation
Space Vector Modulation is a modulation technique that calculates duty
cycles of switches to synthesize a desired output voltage on average,
without the use of a carrier waveform.
The main theory of the SVM technique is the vectorial representation of
three-phase systems, that is any three-phase system can be represented
uniquely by a rotating vector with fixed magnitude and rotating
speed (ω=2πf):

2 −𝑖0
= (𝑉𝑎 ∗ 𝑒 + 𝑉𝑏 ∗ 𝑒 + 𝑉𝑐 ∗ 𝑒 )
𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑓 3
Note that the rotating vector has no physical meaning, it just
expresses the resultant of the three-phase system instantaneously over
time, thus, we can observe that if the inverter managed to output a
reference voltage that varies with time, we can successfully output a
three phase voltage.
How to calculate Vref?!
Consider the concept of space vector modulation for motor control on a
three-phase inverter with six switches represented by the following
equivalent circuit.
Notice that, by connecting the three-phase inverter to the stator windings
of the motor, there are eight valid switching configurations _shown in
figure (1) _ divided into:
a- Six basic states which produce a vector with a magnitude of VDC.
b- Two null states which produce zero vectors which are used to
minimize the switching frequency.

Figure (1)
The active state vectors form a hexagon divided into 6 sector from S1 to
S6 where each sector takes 60º _shown in figure (2).
Figure (2)

Figure (3)
Now, we know how to control the switches of the three-phase inverter to
create the space vectors at the angles shown, but what we are actually
interested in is generating a space vector at any angle and at any
magnitude, this will let us create a continuously rotating voltage of any
magnitude, this can be done using PWM concept discussed in the
A space vector can be averaged using PWM:
a) the angle of the space vector is controlled by the switching
(alternating) between two adjacent basic vectors.
b) the magnitude of the space vector is controlled by the switching
between basic and null vectors.
For the animation of the space vector, refer to this link:

Figure (4)
There will be instants where there are no basic vectors at all, to
understand why is this happening, we will illustrate on the case of
switching between V3 and V4 (figure 5).

Figure (5)
We can notice from the switching pattern that it does not consist only of
the basic vectors, in this case V3 and V4, but it also includes the null
vectors, V7 and V0 (Figure 7).
Selection of Null Vectors in Switching Sequences
Back in the case of V3 and V4 switching pattern, the null vectors, V7 and
V0 both produce zero voltage at the motor terminals, so, does it really
matters which one we use in the switching pattern?!
The answer is: YES, IT DOES!!, and here is why.
During the transition between V0 and V3 (figure 8), we only changed the
states of the switches along phase B, the same is true in the transition
between V4 and V7, we only changed the states of the switches along
phase A.
However, if we use the other null vector during the transition (figure 9),
then we would need to change the states of the switches along two
phases, A and C, which results in higher switching losses.

Figure (8)
Figure (9)
Space Vector PWM vs Sinusoidal PWM
The main advantage of Space Vector PWM over sinusoidal PWM is
that we can fully utilize the DC source, while the Sinusoidal PWM
leads to three-phase voltages with amplitudes less than Vdc.

Figure (10)
To sum up the report we can conclude:
1- In Space Vector Modulation, the reference voltage vector is
synthesis (both angle and magnitude) by switching between basic
and null vectors.
2- Selection of null vectors in switching sequences can reduces the
switching losses in the inverter.
3- Space Vector Modulation let us increases the bus utilization by 13
to 15% over Sinusoidal PWM.

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