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Paragraph Writing Grading Rubric Topic:

Name: ____________________________ Final Grade:

To earn an A (24 or 25 points), the paragraph:

*___Thoroughly addresses all aspects of the question
*___Richly supports question with relevant facts, examples, and details
*___Is a well-developed paragraph, consistently demonstrating a logical and clear plan of
*___ Clearly stated thesis or topic sentecne
*___ At least 6 sentences in length
*___ No factual errors

To earn a B (22 or 23 points), the paragraph:

*___Addresses all aspects of the question
*___Supports question with relevant facts, examples, and details
*___Is a well-developed paragraph, demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization
*___ Thesis or topic sentence is stated
*___ At least 6 sentences in length
*___ Few factual errors

To earn a C (20 or 21 points), the paragraph:

*___Addresses most aspects of the question
*___Incorporates limited or no relevant facts
*___Is a satisfactorily developed paragraph, demonstrating a general plan of organization
*___Thesis or topic sentence is not fully developed or split into different sentences
*___At least 3 sentences long
*___Includes several factual errors

To earn a D (18 – 19 points), the paragraph:

*___Attempts to address some aspects of the question
*___Presents few facts, examples, and details; simply restates material with little analysis
*___Is a poorly organized paragraph, lacking focus
*___Shows limited understanding of the material
*___Presents many factual errors throughout the essay
*___Under three sentences

To earn a F (17 > points), the paragraph:

*___Fails to address the question
*___Plagiarized material
*___Is illegible
*___Is missing; a blank paper is handed in

1 Point will be taken off for:

*___The use of “I” or statements such as “in this essay”…
*___Many spelling errors
*___Poor Grammar
*___Writing is too informal or conversational (Writing they way you speak)
*___ Not citing quotations or paraphrases
*___ Improper citation

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