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Lesson Plan Sketch

Task Description: Evaluating literary texts

Select a Topic: Character vs character

Brief Lesson Outline: In this lesson, the student will learn all about the character vs
character conflict dynamic when evaluating literary texts.

The activities during this lesson will include:

A brief overview of the topic before anything else, then proceed into a quick role play activity
for the students to experience and then afterwards, have them do a reflection paper to
reflect upon the things that they have learned during the lesson.

Theory Integration:

The theory models integrated into this lesson plan will be The Cognitivist and the
Constructivist approach. Since we will do a brief overview of the topic as well as have them
do a role-play and a reflection paper on what they have learned. With these tasks we can tap
into their analytical and problem solving abilities and build upon their previous knowledge
(schema) further than what they previously knew.

And by having them do a role-play of the character vs character conflict dynamic we can
create an experience by which they can learn from.

Short Explanation: We specifically chose this lesson outline as it poses to be an efficient

and effective mode of teaching, Utilizing both the Cognitivist and Constructivist Theory
models. We implore them to learn from what they experience themselves, then reflect upon
that experience by testing their information processing abilities via a reflection paper, and by
testing their analytical ability we can track just how much they learned during the lesson.

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