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Justice is action in accordance with the requirements of some law. Whether these rules
are grounded in human consensus or societal norms, they are supposed to ensure that
all members of society receive fair treatment.


DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE- This refers to the fair distribution of goods, benefits, and
resources in a society.
RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE- This refers to punishment for wrongdoing or the enforcement
of laws in a fair and proportional manner.
COMPENSATORY JUSTICE- It is concerned with making things right by providing
restitution, compensation, or other forms of redress to those who have been wronged.
PROCEDURAL JUSTICE- This refers to the fairness of the procedures used to
determine outcomes in legal or administrative proceedings.


Distributive justice concerns the socially just allocation of resources, goods, opportunity
in a society. It is concerned with how to allocate resources fairly among members of a
society, considering factors such as wealth, income, and social status.
Distributive justice theory argues that societies have a duty to individuals in need and
that all individuals have a duty to help others in need.

This Theory, sometimes referred to as CAPITALISM, the greater one contribution the
greater should be his/her share in the distribution, the lesser one contribution the lesser
should be his/her share in the distribution (VELASQUEZ,2014).
this is the kinds of justice that exist or thrives in the free-market system where the
monetary value of goods and human labor is determined by the market forces, such as
how they fare in an open and free competition.

This Theory sometimes simply referred to as socialism. It involves ensuring that all
individuals, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status,
or other factors, have equal access to basic human rights such as education,
healthcare, housing, and employment.


This view was advance by Joel Feinberg (1993), who argued that the proper criterion for
a distribution is something that everyone should have a fair opportunity to achieve or
work for in varying degrees.

Justice as Fair Opportunity that emphasizes equal opportunities for individuals to

achieve their goals and aspirations, regardless of their social or economic background.


Utilitarian justice is a theory of distributive justice that emphasizes the maximization of

overall social welfare or happiness. This theory is based on the principle of utility, which
holds that actions or policies are justifiable if they lead to the greatest overall happiness
or well-being of society as a whole.


Justice as fairness emphasizes the importance of fairness and impartiality in the

distribution of goods and resources. It recognizes that individuals have different talents
and abilities but argues that these differences should not be the basis for unequal
treatment or the concentration of power and privilege in the hands of a few. Instead, it
advocates for a society that is based on mutual respect and cooperation, in which
individuals are able to pursue their goals and aspirations without being hindered by
systemic inequalities or unjust power structures.

John Rawls, who argued that a just society would be one in which basic rights and
opportunities are distributed in a way that benefits all members of society, particularly
the least advantaged.

"Liberation justice" is not a commonly recognized term in political philosophy or social

justice discourse, and its meaning may vary depending on who is using it. However, one
possible interpretation of "liberation justice" is that it refers to a theory of justice that
emphasizes the importance of liberating individuals or groups from systemic oppression
and domination in order to promote greater equality and social justice.


The basic principle of egalitarian justice is that all individuals should be treated as
equals and should have an equal share of the benefits and burdens of society.

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