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Dear , Respondents

We are the researchers from Grade 12 - Home Economics A at Taguig National

High School school year 2022 - 2023. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Practical Research 2, we are conducting a study entitled, “Golden Crunch: Culinary


As you have been identified as a respondent to our study, we are requesting your

assistance by responding to the items listed below. Rest assured that any information

you share will be treated with strict confidentiality and used solely for the purposes of

this study. Thank you very much!

Part 1. Sensory Attributes of Culinary Alchemy in Pumpkin Fries and Moringa

Direction: Read the statement carefully. Please put a check mark (✔) in the column

provided that corresponds to your answer. Answer it careful

Weight Descriptive Equivalent

4 Strongly Agree

2 Agree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree
A. Color 1 2 3 4

1. The use of Culinary Alchemy in Pumpkin Fries and

Moringa affects color during processing.

2. It attracts you to buy the Pumpkin Fries and


3. The color combination enhances the visual appeal

of the dish.

B. Aroma 1 2 3 4

1. The product has a pleasant Aroma

2. The pleasant Aroma of food significantly influences

my decision as a consumer.

3. The Aroma of Pumpkin Fries and Moringa

enhanced my enjoyment during the consumer

C. Taste 1 2 3 4

1. The use of Culinary Alchemy on Pumpkin Fries

and Moringa has a savory taste.

2. The taste of the product attracts you to buy.


D. Texture 1 2 3 4

1. The product is more crispy in the use of Culinary


2. It influences you to buy this product.

3. Culinary Alchemy enhances the crispiness of the

Pumpkin Fries and Moringa.
Part II. The Acceptability of Consumers for the culinary creation of Pumpkin Fries and


Direction: Read the statement carefully. Please put a check mark (✔) in the column

provided that corresponds to your answer. Answer it carefully.

Weight Descriptive Equivalent

1 Acceptable

2 Slightly Acceptable

3 Slightly Unacceptable

4 Unacceptable

A. Sensory Evaluation 1 2 3 4

1. The taste and Aroma of Pumpkin Fries and

Moringa attracts me to buy.

2. The Color and Texture of Pumpkin Fries and

Moringa allure me to buy the product.

3. The overall sensory attributes attract you to buy the


B. Consumer Testing 1 2 3 4

1. The Acceptability of the product based on your

consumer Testing experience.

2. The acceptability of Moringa based dishes on your

consumer experience.

3. Pumpkin's acceptability depends on your

customers' experiences.
C. Predict Consumer Acceptability 1 2 3 4

1. The acceptance of food by consumers is

significantly influenced by its nutritional value.

2. The acceptability of culinary creations incorporating

Pumpkin fries and Moringa based on your
consumer testing and overall experience.

3. Other people will accept Pumpkin Fries and

Moringa based on their sensory characteristics.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to create Pumpkin Fries and Moringa using the Culinary Alchemy.

Specifically, it answers the following research questions.

1. What is the application of Culinary Alchemy influence the sensory attributes of

Pumpkin Fries and Moringa in terms of;

1.1 Color

1.2 Aroma

1.3 Taste; and

1.4 Texture

2. What is the level of acceptability among consumers for the culinary creation of

Pumpkin Fries and Moringa in terms of:

2.1 Sensory Evaluation

2.2 Consumer Testing

2.3 Predict Consumer Acceptability

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