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Karwyn Dawn B.


WRITTEN WORK ON NUTRITION IN ANIMALS: Answer the activity in your answer sheets,
please be sure to answer all questions in the activity.

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Abomasum Reticulum


Raw leaves and grass cause problems or difficulties for our stomachs to digest. Animals such as sheep
and cows, on the other hand, are capable of digesting grass due to their capacity to have a process called
rumination, which consists of four parts: the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and finally the abomasum,
where the cud is discharged, which is known as cow manure when released. Additionally, people that eat
grass and leaves can cause their teeth to break down faster because we all know that grass and leaves
contain a lot of silica, yet animals can consume it because their teeth have the ability to adapt to it and
continually develop to replace damaged tooth surfaces.

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