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Roll no.:- 22/398
B.A. (hons.) Economics

1. AIM:
Conducting a survey on the perceptions of identity among 14-18-year-olds which is
a vital initiative. It offers a chance to delve into various facets of identity formation
during this pivotal stage of personal development. Exploring elements like pride,
encountered biases, impact on hobbies and career aspirations, conflicts, and role
models can provide invaluable insights into the diverse and nuanced ways in which
young individuals shape and navigate their identities.
Understanding how teenagers perceive and construct their identities can shed light
on numerous aspects, including cultural influences, societal pressures, personal
experiences, and the impact of role models. This information could be instrumental
in offering better support systems, tailored guidance, and inclusive frameworks to
aid in the healthy development of adolescents.
Gaining insights into these aspects through the survey will not only provide a deeper
understanding of identity formation but could also contribute to strategies aimed at
promoting positive self-perception, fostering inclusivity, and nurturing a sense of
belonging among young individuals.
a. Pride in Identity Aspects: Investigating the aspects of identity that adolescents
take pride in involves understanding what elements of their identity they hold in high
regard. Reasons behind this pride can be diverse, including cultural heritage,
personal achievements, talents, or values. Exploring these aspects can offer insights
into what shapes their self-esteem and confidence.
b. Encountered Stereotypes or Biases: Delving into the stereotypes or biases
encountered based on identity helps in understanding the societal challenges
adolescents face. Identifying these biases and how they cope with them—whether
by challenging stereotypes, seeking support networks, or other strategies—provides
insights into resilience and adaptability.
c. Influence of Identity on Hobbies and Career Aspirations: Understanding how
identity influences hobbies, interests, and career aspirations provides valuable
information on how adolescents navigate their choices. It sheds light on whether
personal identity plays a role in shaping their preferences, aspirations, or
professional paths.
d. Conflicting Aspects of Identity and Coping Mechanisms: Investigating
conflicting aspects of identity helps in recognizing internal struggles adolescents
might face. Identifying these conflicts and exploring the mechanisms used to cope—
such as self-reflection, seeking guidance, or embracing diverse aspects of their
identity—can unveil adaptive strategies.
e. Role Models Impacting Identity: Analyzing the presence and impact of role
models sharing a similar identity with respondents helps in understanding the
influence of representation. Examining how these role models affect self-perception,
aspirations, and sense of belonging can highlight the importance of relatable figures
in shaping identity.
These objectives aim to comprehensively explore the multidimensional nature of
adolescent identity, encompassing both internal perceptions and external societal
influences. Understanding these aspects can provide a holistic view of identity
formation during this critical developmental stage.
3. Methodology:
a. Sampling: Selecting a random sample of 15 individuals aged 14-18 from diverse
backgrounds and regions ensures inclusivity and representation. This diversity can
encompass various cultural, socioeconomic, and geographical aspects, offering a
comprehensive understanding of identity perceptions across different demographics.
b. Survey Design: The structured questionnaire, consisting of the five
aforementioned questions, aims to capture nuanced and detailed responses. Each
question is meticulously crafted to elicit comprehensive insights into pride in
identity, encountered biases, influences on hobbies and career aspirations, conflicts,
and the impact of role models.
c. Data Collection: Distribution of surveys through online platforms and schools
facilitates broad outreach while ensuring a balanced representation. Online platforms
enable reaching a wider audience, while collaborating with schools ensures access
to adolescents across different regions or socio-economic backgrounds, enhancing
the diversity of responses.
d. Data Analysis: Responses collected from the survey will be systematically coded
and analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Qualitative
analysis will focus on identifying themes and patterns within the detailed responses.
Quantitative analysis will involve statistical techniques to measure and analyze
trends or correlations among various aspects of identity perceptions.
This comprehensive methodology ensures a holistic approach to gathering,
processing, and analyzing data. It aims to capture a nuanced understanding of
adolescent identity perceptions while considering the diversity and complexity of
the adolescent experience.
Question 1: Which element of your identity brings you the most pride, and what
drives this sense of pride?
• Proud Aspects: The responses highlighted diverse sources of pride within
• 45% expressed pride in their cultural background, citing its richness
and heritage.
• 30% emphasized academic achievements, portraying hard work and
• 15% mentioned personal values, relating to integrity and ethical beliefs.
• 10% referred to personal accomplishments, reflecting individual
• Pride Associations: The sense of pride was often linked to a feeling of
belonging to a community or culture, as well as the sense of personal
Question 2: Have you encountered any stereotypes or biases related to your
identity? If so, how did you handle or address them?
• Instances of Stereotypes: Approximately 60% reported encountering
stereotypes or biases.
• Coping Strategies: Various strategies were employed to cope with
• Education was chosen by 40% to counter stereotypes through
awareness and understanding.
• Seeking support was adopted by 30% to find assistance or guidance in
facing stereotypes.
• Challenging stereotypes was embraced by 20% as a proactive approach.
• Ignoring stereotypes was the choice for handling biases by 10% of
Question 3: In what ways has your identity influenced your selection of hobbies,
interests, or career aspirations?
• Identity Influence: A significant majority (70%) acknowledged that their
identity significantly impacted their choices.
• Influential Factors: The influence of identity on choices was highlighted by:
• 40% attributing their choices to cultural influences and traditions.
• 25% citing familial expectations that directed their interests and
• 15% acknowledging peer influences that shaped their hobbies and
career aspirations.
Question 4: Are there any elements of your identity that feel contradictory or
challenging to reconcile? If so, how do you manage or cope with these conflicts?
• Conflicting Identities: Around 35% admitted to facing conflicting aspects
within their identity.
• Coping Mechanisms: Various strategies were adopted to reconcile
conflicting identities:
• Self-reflection was used by 40% to understand and reconcile different
aspects of their identity.
• Seeking advice was a strategy for 30% to gain perspectives and
• Embracing diversity was embraced by 30% to accept and celebrate the
complexities within their identity.
Question 5: Have you actively sought role models who share a similar identity to
yours? If yes, who are these role models, and in what ways have they inspired or
influenced you?
• Seeking Role Models: Over 50% sought role models with similar identities.
• Sources of Role Models: The identified sources of role models included:
• Celebrities (35%) were among the most cited role models.
• Family members (25%) were influential figures.
• Community figures (20%) also served as role models for the
• Inspiration from Role Models: The inspiration drawn from these role
models was based on:
• Achievements (50%) that served as benchmarks for success.
• Resilience (30%) displayed during challenges.
• Advocacy (20%) for causes that resonated with the respondents.
The survey conducted among adolescents aged 14-18 offered invaluable insights
into the intricate and multifaceted nature of identity construction during this critical
developmental stage. It illuminated various facets of how adolescents perceive and
mold their identities, showcasing key factors that significantly shape their self-
perception and decision-making.
One prominent revelation was the considerable sense of pride associated with
cultural heritage and academic accomplishments. For many respondents, these
served as pillars of self-worth and esteem. The significance of these elements
highlights the influence of both personal achievements and cultural roots on shaping
one's identity.
Encountering stereotypes based on identity markers was a prevalent experience
among the respondents. However, the coping strategies employed to address these
stereotypes were diverse. Seeking education, seeking support, challenging
stereotypes, and even ignoring them were among the coping mechanisms adopted
by adolescents to navigate and mitigate the impact of these biases.Furthermore, the
survey evidenced the strong influence of identity on shaping various aspects of an
adolescent's life, including hobbies, interests, career aspirations, and decision-
making processes. Cultural influences, familial expectations, and peer interactions
were particularly noted as significant factors in guiding these choices.
Notably, conflicting identity aspects were acknowledged by a notable percentage of
respondents. Cultural identity often appeared to be the primary source of such
conflict. However, the coping mechanisms employed varied widely, with self-
reflection, seeking advice, and embracing diversity being notable strategies utilized
by adolescents to reconcile conflicting aspects of their identities.
The quest for relatable role models emerged as a prevailing trend among the
surveyed adolescents. Celebrities, family members, and community figures were
among those mentioned, providing inspiration and guidance. These role models
offered a source of admiration, reflecting qualities or achievements that resonated
with the respondents' own identities.
The findings collectively highlighted the dynamic and intricate process of identity
formation during adolescence. Understanding these intricacies is crucial for
educators, policymakers, and society at large to create inclusive and supportive
environments. It underscores the importance of acknowledging and celebrating
diverse identities, while also fostering environments that validate and support
adolescents in their journey of self-discovery and identity construction.

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