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Judaism and that he advocated religious reforms viewed the eighteenth-century Enlightenment
to the faith in his journal. Owing to such as lacking in spiritual depth. Religion, he
criticism, Geiger was prevented from occupying believed, was based on the recognition of
this position until 1840. Two years later Tiktin human finitude, and the quest for the Infinite.
issued a pamphlet stressing the abiding Religion is more than a rational philosophy,
importance of the laws contained in the Shulhan he argues-it is an inborn longing of the
Arukh (Code of Jewish Law) and the integrity of whole person who desires to act morally. In a
the rabbinic tradition. Geiger's supporters letter written in 1836, Geiger states that he
responded by issuing a tract entitled Rabbinic conceives of Judaism as:
Responses on the Compatibility of Free
Investigation with the Exercise of Rabbinic a faith founded on the trust in One who
Functions. The bitterness evoked by this guides the universe and on the task imposed
controversy was reflected in the writing of one upon us to practise justice and mercy, a faith
of Geiger's supporters, the chief rabbi of Trier, that becomes manifest in acts that fulfil this
Joseph Kahn, who wrote: 'We must publicly demand and that is clothed in uplifting ritual
express our contempt for those who, like Tiktin forms designed to awaken such sentiments.
and company, blindly damn and ban, and in just (Wiener, 1962, 84)
indignation we must brand them as men who
"some day will have to account for their deeds", Of fundamental importance in Geiger's
so that "they should hear and fear and do not sin conception of religion is his notion of human
any more"' (Plaut, 1963, 70). nature. Adapting the nineteenth-century theme
During this period Geiger was an active of Hebraism versus Hellenism, Geiger maintains
participant in Reform synods in Frankfurt that ancient Greek civilization embraced the
( 1845) and Breslau (1846); in addition, he view that fate controls the destiny of the gods
helped to establish the Judisch-Theologisches and human beings. The Hebrew Bible, however,
Seminar (Jewish Theological Seminary) in contains a constant striving for higher purity.
Breslau in 1854. From 1863 Geiger served as a Ancient Judaism was based on the conviction
Reform rabbi in Frankfurt, later becoming rabbi that humans struggle against sensuality to attain
of the Berlin Reform congregation. In 1872, the the good-this is a striving that ennobles and
Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums elevates humanity.
(Academy for the Scientific Study of Judaism) According to Geiger, the spiritual core of
was founded in Berlin, with Geiger at its head Judaism which reached its culmination in the
until his death in 1874. teaching of the biblical prophets should be
Although Geiger did not write a systematic distinguished from the shell of faith which is
Jewish theology, his works constitute a shaped by external circumstances and can be
coherent approach to the Jewish religion. subsequently discarded. Animal sacrifice, for
Familiar with contemporary German idealist example, was an essential feature of biblical
philosophy and the critique of religious Judaism but was later eliminated when the
origins advanced by radical Christian thinkers, Temple was destroyed; its disappearance did
Geiger desired to reformulate Judaism so as to not in any way diminish the tradition. Likewise
achieve theological clarity in accord with the Geiger believes that the concept of nationhood
scientific spirit of the age. In Geiger's view, which was an important element of Judaism in
Samson Raphael Hirsch's espousal of a Neo- previous times was no longer required at a later
Orthodox approach to the tradition was in stage. In this regard, he writes that if a people
essence a return to the past-what was needed can continue when 'the fetters which national
instead was a radical vision for the future. In life had put upon it have been broken-if it
line with the spirit of Romanticism, Geiger continues to live when those who are its


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