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Question 1:

Use Partial Fraction method to solve:

I =∫ 2
x −8 x +15

Factorize the denominator: x^2 - 8x + 15 = (x - 3)(x - 5).

Express the integrand using partial fractions: I = ∫[A/(x - 3) + B/(x - 5)] dx.

Multiply through by the common denominator (x - 3)(x - 5):

(x - 3)(x - 5)I = A(x - 5) + B(x - 3).

Expand and collect like terms:

x^2 - 8x + 15 = A(x - 5) + B(x - 3).

Equate coefficients:

Coefficient of x^2 terms: 1 = A.

Coefficient of x terms: -8 = -2A + B.

Coefficient of constant term: 15 = -5A + 3B.

Solve the system of equations:

A = 1.

-8 = -2(1) + B → B = 0.

15 = -5(1) + 3(0).

Rewrite the integral with the determined values of A and B:

I = ∫[1/(x - 3)] dx + ∫[0/(x - 5)] dx.

Integrate each term:

∫[1/(x - 3)] dx = ln|x - 3| + C1.

∫[0/(x - 5)] dx = 0 + C2.

Combine the terms and constants:

I = ln|x - 3| + C.

Therefore, the solution to the integral using the partial fraction method is I = ln|x - 3| +
C, where C is the constant of integration.

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