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Associate College for Women Mirhan

Roll No. --------------- Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 2:30 hours
Q.No.2: (a) Answer (in 3-4 lines/sentences) any six of the following questions from Book I (Short
Stories). 12
i) Why did Norma considered the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive?
ii) What was the advice Harry gave to the people?
iii) Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking up the lost pocket book?
iv) What did Terbut think of Jorken’s argument? (The Reward)
v ) Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on to the fire?
vi) How much did Maulvi Abul collect on every Eid?
Vii) What was the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.?
viii) Why did the old man not follow the advice of the doctors? (Clearing in the Sky)
ix) Why did Jim sell the gold watch?
b) Answer (in 3-4 lines/sentences)any five of the following questions from Book –III 10
i) Can the people of the earth compete with the people of Kreton?
ii) What is the purpose of Kreton’s visit?
iii) What were the circumstances that force the girl to leave her car? (Heat Lightening)
iv) Who is Miss MacCutcheon? How does she feel about her job? (Heat Lightening)
v) Why didn’t the girl accompany the second man? (Heat Lightening)
vi) What is the role of General Powers in the play? (Visit to a Small Planet)
Vii) How did the study of Roger Spelding look?
viii) How does Kreton impress General Powers?

Q.No.3: Write a letter to your friend condoling with him on the death of his mother. 10
Write an application to the principal to apology for your misbehavior.
Q.No.4: Write a story on the moral “A Friend in Need is Friend Indeed” (150-200) 10

Q.No.5: (a) Explain following lines with reference to the context. 05

I, with my stoop, reflect:
They stand most straight
Who learn to walk beneath a weight.”

b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I 05

the town s empty but we found native life in the hills sir dark people yellow eyes martians very
friendly we talked a bit not much they learn English fast.
C) Use any five of the following pair of words in your own sentences. 5
i) Angel ,Angle ii) Accept ,Except iii)Bridal , Bridle iv) Bail , Bale v) Medal , Meddle
vi) Die, Dye, Dirt vii) Peal , Peel
Q.No.6: Translate the following passage into urdu. 15
Hubert felt this shame and disgrace to his self-esteem and character. He consumed his heart
over this and wasted away before the very eyes of the people. People started to tell the story of the
string to amuse themselves and told it in a manner of soldier who had been on a campaign and told
about his battles .Hubert’s mind touched to the depth , began to watch day by day .Towards the
end of the month he took to his bed. He died in the first week of the following month.

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