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Period: December End of Term, 2019 Class: Form 1
Student’ Name:_______________________ Teacher’s name: E Reid
Instructions: Answer all questions on this paper
ALL working must be clearly shown
Time: 60 minutes

1. Write the symbol for the following and list the set:
Type of numbers Counting Whole Natural numbers
numbers numbers
(6 marks)
2. How many digits are there in the basic number system?
(1 mark)
3. Write the following numbers in words.
Numerals 0 3 4 7 40

Numerals 11 12 15 20 80
(10 marks)

4. Determine the place value of the digit 7 in the number 34, 578, 091.

(2 mark)
5. Determine the value of the digit 6 in the number 678

(2 mark)
6. Write the number 67, 052 in expanded notation.

(4 mark)
7. Write the following numbers in words: 830 065 305

(3 marks)
8. Write the following numbers in figures: One hundred and five million eighty-two thousand
and one

(3 marks)
12. Place the following signs (>, < or =) between the numbers.

a) 25 _____ 51b) 999____ 999 c) 550______505(3 marks)

13. Arrange the following in ascending order: 376, 8536, 370, 27, 6, 0

(5 marks)

14.Arrange the following in descending order: 888, 808, 88, 800, 8, 80.

(5 marks)
Time: 25 minutes
1. Underline the numbers that are divisible by 2 using the list below.
98, 9520, 32, 91, 67845, 123, 54, 63
(4 marks)
2. Underline the numbers that are divisible by 3 using the list below.
98, 9520, 34, 91, 67845, 123, 54, 63
(4 marks)
3. Underline the numbers that are divisible by 5 using the list below.
98, 9520, 34, 910, 67845, 123, 45, 63
(4 marks)
4. Underline the numbers that are divisible by 10 using the list below.
98, 9520, 34, 910, 67845, 120, 54, 630
(4 marks)
5. Underline the numbers that are divisible by 7 using the list below.
98, 9520, 34, 91, 123, 54, 63
(4 marks)
6. Underline the numbers that are even using the list below.
98, 9520, 34, 91, 67845, 123, 54, 63
(4 marks)
7. Underline the numbers that are odd using the list below.
98, 9520, 34, 91, 67845, 123, 54, 63
(4 marks)
8. List the prime numbers that are less than 30.

(5 marks)
9. Represent the number 15 as a rectangular array of dots.

(2 marks)

10. a) State 28 as a product of two factors, giving all possibilities.

(6 marks)
b) List the factors of 28

(1 marks)

c) How many factors are there?

(1 marks)

11. List the set of multiples of 7 between 43 and 85

(3 marks)

12. List the composite numbers between 40 and 50 inclusive

(4 marks)

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