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7hi Indn lenl Att, 861 prvdel that th Central

uyiuluhun hal oniist ef not less han 6 and not or
12 adolitimal membns. a oby eton of this 8meil nas
fo mehe legisatin
Cintain eares celd ony be intsdueed ky the (euncil
wih prnius sanchon y ths Govnox Genera. 7h G4
wao enpewend to veh Bill or TLONve them for cenida
ky the Crun
Kriiomo weu masde ty this Aet ))861 fr the apprintnent
membn n u roineal Counl.
Cln cila wee albo piven pewr to make legi laton.
7k Rroinud between enke and states.
legisatve subjecl
7h wasno dinision e prin conoeto1he GG nao
Hewere, n certan caoeo, Any aw
by rainunl Igislatunes
eay bufr lyisthin uyislatn requird to be aenkd
made hy thu Rrainual deeie.
to by the G4 Jr beiny Lejislatn and anented b by the
Any lw ma by tu Proineial
disallewed by the Crewn. 7hs, th Aet epen
G4 could be

ndn Chuncil's Aet /892

e enhamced. he max.
the loislatires got
The sie and powen oy leyislain wembes
mewmber wa hureased at the
numba o the addikmal
membes wewe given paver
Nh st roinus. h queohen to thu Executire Councillors
to oliscun budyet and ho put
Ceunls At 11bq nerwsed the humbn eadihonl
lnaan 60. ut thse ) wwe
Centalllatwe to
Membes n bu
electeel ond 33 wen nominatd. Smi anly, hu shenth
th poDnnu al Leyylature aloo e lared.
was alo0 concedod.
Mehammedans wew b have their e n eleted represestahvs.
loslute could bt moved by the uyiilatures' not edy on the
but on any matn ) publiu Lntnest teept en sutjecl
budyet but
relatny b foreitu Afans, Avmed Fres Gnd Lndin states.
u 4orhnment Tndi At. 04,daed that the peauy
Bntish lanhament was o seoure the inren aroou aton
Indians n th admininkatin, the rada dvelapmnt
4sey goveningshhiews and the Lalisatien ey roprib)e
grnmet ) Trn dia t n the bitish émpire.
1he G0T At 11)9, ereatd a bi- CA Meral leyislatuse at th
ente. hu tenhal ezislatue coneisted 6) th Govnor General
and the ha Houss knewn as Cunal S) shli ond the Legialathive
Asemey.twas pridol hat th Counil E) Stelt shall ionoist
not more han 6D mtmbes. 0 hen wen o be
|40 membus
membes)u leiolative Avembly tonaistd y 14O
th Counl o Cali wa 55 yens and tht ) he
Tu tum
yeas but th Govern Gennal cauld dinve
Lepislutive Asembly 3 their tefm an oud alo tx end Aeir
erther House eohi han
to adldrs both he Houss. frovnisien was
ufe. 7h CG. had pewe
nt ihin y both tu Houss n thw went ) a
ma or the
deadlock. Bndget
lyisluture with refard tp was
7u pewes o thu Cnkal
entein speifd nattus could ouly be
theraned. bills relatiny bo lhu G4. 7hese spectl
intodued mith h preious danehn )
Avmd forus, Relahion ih
ubjeets elated to publie de bla,
Tndn hats, rpLal s9 ristiny bws
Forun Pewess and Rinal lepisluturs.
mhin t ipidahve sphue Bill n Yetun any bill frf
7u GG kad te pewen t veo
jected by h leyisdature'cauld hav he
reLesidnahn ny Bill the laud mlasure was necway
CG. cwhhthat
tsu ) law i thy o mt e Dodia
Benyal, Madras, Bomhay, h Vnitd eoiny,
" Presidemies w duclaned ho
and Ossa, Proines ond AAam we
Pvinee4 Proncs had wnicannad yslaur
thw Govnor's moe than 2 ) thu membn
lchen leginlative Cauneis. Nit nominated and at
Proinial Lepslaturw cgud be
tah of thu pnnuplu
6 clcied membens. 7h
o/ wew equired to ke
lemunal nepresentahou Wa

thw Pene coneaneol

but thu Govnnr
Canel was thru yeans
desove Heuse evn eanier.
Ceulo betveen th CenL
es lati ve pown
7hene was dinsiÝn o lyilah am ita
stat. k Cente had nelusVe pewn 6)
and th
Tyand b etun subject mater
Th subjiett whih tell nithin wlyutahive shhere o Hu
Proincil leyilutue wer
adinisha hve conhol ) He
nda th
ubjels, wih we put transd ubicb , wiih wee
-Ceunil .and th
Ministes. The amots wn oppcinttd by
unddh tu conol
tw Gevernn b t w Govenr was to txexi e his
with asd b reseved tw Cente Howew,
Suidene repard too lgislation on
contol with
Cousneid txenuied oidable
tramtod subjut. annt oalil o o
was enpowee eithen to

reseve it for considenuhen by the Ga

wihh moalif,cahioma Could
Counil ( Proánual leyulatun)
parged by lu eistahve
An At
anent ky th rewn.
anent or Tesesve it dhu Proineal lepoatre ceuld becom law
that the saud leyiulation
AnyGh anented b it and enbihd
i/ th taintiny emngeney
was nenany in viw

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