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Understanding of the fives roles of the teacher

A teacher need to learn the six roles of the teacher before being a teacher, this will help a
lot to become the greatest teacher ever. For host he will learn how to get closer to them,
and learn the steps to achieve the goal. Learn how to communicate with your students is
important and to introduce yourself to them, find the way to organize the lesson. For the
presenter is important to introduce and explain the lesson, also you should highlight what
rules or behaviour you want from students to be adopted. For presenter learn how to
caught the students attention, get information about the content, keep you students
For the didactic, you must acquire the ability to explain to your students the lesson and
keep them updated. You should explain them the paraph, sentences or explain them any
doubt. You should teach them, because this is the finally goal you go to school, for this use
a lesson plan, organize your lesson, introduce interesting activities to the lesson. Practice
explaining with them, make sure they can make an curriculum because is important for
their future, as a teacher you also have the responsibility to set for them a goal and they
should know what they want to become in the future.
For pedagogue you have to focus in the communication and the attitude or behaviour of
your students. Discuss with them the responsibilities they should take, focus on the
values, try to get closer to them, bring them happiness, make them feel that school is a
safety environment, focus on the verbal and non verbal communication,
For the concluder, the last part of the lesson is very important, make sure you say
something nice to finish the lesson, also the review part is very important, repite one and
once what they need to do at home or for the following weeks, also you can set an alarm
so they know when the class is done and they don’t have to be aware of the phone.

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