Questions Exceptions

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I. To be & Modals & Have (possession) – Inversare

To be
May Inversare S-Vb → Vb - S
Must What should I do?

Have (possession) Have you got a new car?

II. Restul verbelor & Have (expresii – have fun, have to, have a shower etc)
Aux – S – Vb Where are you going?
Where have you been?

Do – S – Vb Present Simple si Past Simple

Where do you work?
Where does your sister work? My sister works in a school.
Where did you work last year? I worked in a hospital last year.

Exceptions: when the question starts with “Who” (with the Subject)
Who wants something to eat?
Who’s coming to dinner tonight?
Who told you this?

What happened? vs What did Tom tell you yesterday?

How many people came to the meeting? vs Cati oameni ai vazut la sedinta?
How many people did you see at the
Ce autobuz merge in centru? vs Ce autobuz iei?
Which bus goes to the center? Which bus do you take?
Reported Qs

“Where does your mother work?”

Spune-mi unde lucreaza mama ta.

Tell me where your mother works.
S I (S intai)

“Who is the President?”

Nu stiu cine este presedintele.
I don’t know who the president is.

Nu stiu cati ani are Tom.

I don’t know how old Tom is.

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