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A new beginning

My name is Shane. I not like others. I have many disabilities and

I wear glasses for most of the time. I love spending time alone,
because many people humiliate me in front of my close friends
and my family, so I can’t go outside. The only thing that makes
me happy is seeing other people happy and collecting images of
I forgot to tell you, that I am in twelfth grade and tonight it is
the last ball for us, because we are leaving for our universities. I
am very shy and nervous, because it’s my first time dancing and
I don’t know how well I am going to dance tonight…but I guess,
we are going to find out together. Are you excited as I am? The
party was very gaudy and very absurd! You should have seen it!
(It’s time to go home, because tomorrow I am going to my
university and I have to mend my habits and my behavior too!…
Wish me luck!)
I eradicated the party, because I wanted to tell the teacher that
everything was happening very quickly and some things were
inappropriate, but the teacher wasn’t listening, so I decided to
shout out loud….(i know, very bad decision) and I got sent out
cause it was not right what I did! LIARS!!!
Anyway, I had the worst night ever and I can’t wait for

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