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Witchcraft, Oracles,
and Magic among
~1 the Azande

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BY Eva Gillies




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Oracles 121

ofwitchcraft as a material substance in the belly, so also is their

culture the north-easterly limit of the distribution of this type
oforacle. They are the only people in the Anglo-Egyptian Sud-
dan who employ it.
The Poison Oracle' in Daily Life The poison used is a red powder manufactured from a forest
creeper and mixed with water to a paste. The liquid is squeezed
I out of the paste into the beaks of small domestic fowls which
are compelled to swallow it. Generally violent spasms follow.
ORACLES are a more satisfactory means of ascertaining the
The doses sometimes prove fatal, but as often the fowls recover.
future, and hidden things of the present, than are witch-doctors.
Sometimes they are even unaffected by the poison. From the
Witch-doctors are useful as sleuths for seeking out the many
behaviour offowls under this ordeal, especially by their death
affairs of a group of homesteads, and their chief value is that
or survival, Azande receive answers to the questions they place
they generally clear the atmosphere of witchcraft. On this before the oracle.
account they are often asked to dance before a big hunt because
The botanical nature of the poison has not been determined,
this is ajoint undertaking, many persons are involved, and the
but its chemical nature has been roughly analysed. Some of the
interests of a district are at stake. A public attack by witch-
oracle poison which I brought back to England was examined
doctors, who act as ritual skirmishers to report on and to by Professor R. Robinson who informs me that:
counter the mystical forces in opposition, is appropriate. When
the seance is over people feel that witches have been scared from The quantity of benge was insufficient to enable me to establish with
certainly the nature of the active principle. All that can be said about
their undertaking.
it is that the toxic substance is alkaloidal in character and appears
But as diviners witch-doctors are not regarded as furnishing to be related chemically to strychnine. It is almost certainly not homo-
more than preliminary evidence, and in all matters of moment geneous, and this accounts for the difficulty ofisolation in a pure con-
a man takes a witch-doctor's statement and places it before one dition. Thus, all I can say is that it is strychnine-like in many of its
of the greater oracles for corroboration. This is, moreover, reactions, and that probably two or more bases are present.
necessary if a man wishes to take any public action. He cannot
try to exact vengeance for homicide on the evidence of a witch- III
doctor alone. A witch-doctor would never be consulted on such . The poison oracle,)~~ngi; iLh}'Jax-th.e...m.ost-importan.L-aLthe
a matter. A man would be very ill-advised even to present a Zande oracles. Zande rely completely on its decisions, which
fowl's wing to a witch accused solely by witch-doctors. The have the force of law when obtained on the orders of a prince.
accused might mock the bearer of the wing and would not lose A visitor to Zandeland hears as much of the poison oracle as
esteem for doing so. Hence Azande say that witch-doctors, like he hears of witchcraft, for whenever a question arises about the
the rubbing-board oracle, are useful because they can answer facts of a case or about a man's well-being they at once seek

quickly many questions and sort out suspects in a preliminary to know the opinion ofthe poisonoracle on the matter. In many
manner before men approach the poison oracle, but that they situations where we seek to base a verdict upon evidence or try
are not dependable. to regulate our conduct by weighing of probabilities the Zande
consults, without hesitation, the poison oracle and follows its i

directions with implicit trust. '~ ,

The method of revealing what is hidden by administering eNo important venture is undertaken without authorization :~
poison to fowls has a wide extension in Africa; but just as the of the poison oracl~ In important collective undertakings, in
Azande are the most north-easterly people who have the notion all crises of life, in all serious legal disputes, in all matters .• ~~
. ~~j'
122 Oracles Oracles 12 3

strongly affecting individual welfare, in short, on all occasions Before joining a closed association.
regarded by Azande as dangerous or socially important, the A man before he and his adult sons go to war.
activity is preceded by consultation of the poison oracle. In cases of disloyalty to a prince.
I do not wish to catalogue all situations in which the oracle A prince before making war.
may be consulted since this would mean a list ofsocial situations To determine disposition of warriors, place and time of attack, and
all other matters pertaining to warfare.
in every sphere ofZande life, and when each sphere is described A prince before appointing governors, deputies, or any other
the part played by oracles is more fitly recorded than in the officials.
present place. Notwithstanding, it is desirable to list some of A prince before moving his court.
the occasions on which the oracle must be consulted in order A prince to discover whether a communal ceremony will terminate
to give the reader a clear idea of its significance to Azande. drought.
When I say that the poison oracle, or some other oracle, must A prince to determine the actions of the British District Commis-
be consulted on the occasions listed below, I mean that if a sioner.
Zande were not to consult it he would be acting contrary to A prince before accepting presents and tribute.
custom and might suffer in social prestige. He might even incur
legal penalties. The following situations are typical occasions
of consultation: It is not only about what we would consider the more important
social activities that Azande consult their oracles, but also about
To discover why a wife has not conceived. their smaller everyday affairs. If time and opportunity per-
During pregnancy of wife, about place ofdelivery, about her safety mitted many Azande would wish to consult one or other of the
in childbirth, and about the safety of her child. oracles about every step in their lives. This is clearly impossible,
Before circumcision of son. but old men who know how to use the rubbing-board oracle
Before marriage of daughter. usually carry one about with them so that if any doubt arises
Before sending son to act as page at court. they can quiet it by immediate consultation.
In sickness ofany member offamily. Will he die? Who is the witch
responsible? etc. A typical occasion on which a man consults his rubbing-
To discover the agent responsible for any misfortune. board oracle is when he is on a visit to a friend's homestead.
At death of kinsman in the old days. Who killed him? Who will , When his visit is concluded he asks the oracle whether he had
execute the witch? etc. better leave openly during the daytime or depart secretly at
Before exacting vengeance by magic. Who will keep the taboos? night so that any witch who may wish to dispatch his witchcraft
Who will make the magic? etc. after him, to cause him some misfortune on the journey, may
In cases of sorcery. be ignorant that he has left. If the oracle advises him to depart
In cases of adultery. at night he tells his host and leaves before dawn. Other members
Betore gathering oracle poison. of the homestead understand what has happened and are not
Before making blood-brotherhood. angry that he has not bid them farewell. Or the rubbing-board
Before long journeys.
A man before marrying a wife. oracle may tell a man that he can depart in the daytime but
Before presenting a prince with beer. must be careful about witchcraft on the way. In this case he .1'
Before large-scale hunting. strolls away from his host's homestead as though he were taking .\
A commoner in choosing a new homestead site. a short walk and throws a spear-shaft aimlessly in front of him
Before accepting, or allowing a dependant to accept, European so that people who observe him on the path' think that he is :'i
employment. playing and will shortly return from his stroll, since people J

Before becoming a witch-doctor. departing on a journey do not meander at the start. When he 1~
124 Oracles
Oracles 12 5
is well out ofsight he quickens his steps and hastens on his way.
Sometimes he does not even inform his host of his departure, All death to Azande is murder and was the starting-point of
but the host understands the reason for his silence. the most important legal process in Zande culture. Azande
I found that when a Zande acted towards me in a manner therefore find it difficult to see how Europeans can refuse to
that we would call rude and untrustworthy his actions were take cognizance ofwhat is so manifest and so shocking to them.
often to be accounted for by obedience to his oracles. Usually In a case of adultery there might be circumstantial evidence,
I have found Azande courteous and reliable according to but in fact simple cases of this kind were rare. The chance dis-
English standards, but sometimes their behaviour is unintelli- covery of lovers during a few minutes' congress in the bush or
gible till their mystical notions are taken into account. Often during the absence ofa husband from his homestead was small.
Azande are tortuous in their dealings with one another, but The only certain evidence upon which a suspicious husband
they do not consider a man blameworthy for being secretive could act was that provided by the poison oracle, for even if
or acting contrary to his declared intentions. On the contrary, a wife repented of her infidelity and told her husband the name
they praise his prudence for taking account ofwitchcraft at each ofher lover he might deny the accusation. The husband might,
step and for regulating his conduct after the direction of his it is true, urge before the prince some other grounds for suspi-
oracles. Hence it is not necessary for one Zande to explain to cion, but he would base his charge of adultery mainly upon
another his waywardness, for everybody understands the the evidence of the oracle, and no further proof than this was
motives of his conduct. required. The accused man would defend himselfless by urging
Not all Azande are equally prone to consult oracles. I have absence of circumstantial evidence than by offering to give a
frequently observed that some men are more keenly aware of ngbu or test. He was asked to choose a man of substance among
danger from witchcraft than others and rely far more than the regular attendants at Court and to give him the test, telling
others upon magic and oracles to counteract its influence. Thus him to place the question of adultery before his oracle. This
while some men like to consult oracles and to blow magic man acted on behalf of his prince and the declaration of his
whistles or perform some other magic rite before embarking oracle settled the case. To Zande eyes this is the perfect pro-
upon even small adventures, other men only consult oracles cedure in adultery cases and they do not approve of Eu'ropean
about important legal issues and at real crises, such as methods, for in their opinion the only sure evidence of guilt
or innocence is not allowed.
marriage, serious sickness, and death. When they are socially
compelled to consult oracles they do so, but not otherwise. ' Accusing husbands and men accused share this opinion, the
In legal procedure everyone must make use of the poison husbands because they often cannot produce evidence accept-
oracle. able to government courts of adulteries for which they possess
To understand Zande legal procedure one must know exactly conclusive proofin the declaration ofthe poison oracle; accused
how the poison oracle is operated, because in the old days it persons, because they are condemned on the declaration of a
was in itself the greater part of what we know as rules of evi- woman without appeal to the one really reliable authority, the
poison oracle.
dence,judge,jury, and witnesses. In the past the two main types
of cases were witchcraft and adultery. Witchcraft cases were Special care is taken to protect a prince's oracle poison from
settled entirely through the oracles since there was no possibility witchcraft and pollution because a prince's oracles reveal mat-
of discovering mystical action except through the mystical ters of tribal importance, judge criminal and civil cases, and I~~l
power ofthe poison oracle. All a prince had to do was to confirm determine whether vengeance has been exacted for death. A ,;:
the names ofwitches discovered by the kinsmen of dead persons prince has two or three official operators who supervise his
by placing their names before his own oracle. The compensa- poison oracle. These men must be thoroughly reliable since the 'I

fate of their master and the purity of law are in their hands.
tion which a witch had to pay for his crime was" fixed by custom.
If they break a taboo the whole legal system may become ~',;

126 Oracles Oracles 127

corrupted and the innocent be judged guilty and the guilty be gation into beliefs about witchcraft, does not require special in-
judged innocent. An official consulter of a prince's oracles must formants. I could rely upon direct observation and could elicit
also be a man ofimpeccable honesty since he is given sole charge commentary from any adult Zande when a point was not
ofmany legal cases and tests of vengeance. He can ruin subjects wholly clear to me. I can say the same about the rubbing-board
of his master by fabricating oracular statements. Finally, the oracle and, to a lesser degree, of the termites oracle.
consulter ofa prince's oracle must know how t6 maintain silence For information on the following points, however, I had to
about his master's affairs. There is no offence more serious in rely mainly, or entirely, on verbal information: the process of
the eyes of a Zande prince than 'revealing the speech of the collecting oracle poison; the administration of poison to human
king's poison oracle'. beings; and the use of the poison oracle in judicial procedure
We who do not believe in the poison oracle think that the at the king's court. Poison is not administered to human beings
courts we have established are just because they recognize only at the present time. The poison oracle has no longer a primary
evidence which we regard as such, and we flatter ourselves that role in court procedure, though it is still to some extent
they are native courts ofjustice because we allow natives to pre- employed. It had been my ambition to observeor:aclepoison

side over them. But Azande think that they do not admit the being gathered and I made an expedition into the Belgian
only evidence which is really relevant to the cases which come Congo with this end in view but was defeated by combined
before them, and the princes who have to administer justice dysentery and malaria, and was carried home again in extreme
do so with mechanical application of imported European rules weakness.
of procedure, and without conviction, since the rules are not
according to custom.
The usual place for a consultation is on the edge of cultivations
v far removed from homesteads. Any place in the bush screened
I never found great difficulty in observing oracle consultations. by high grasses and brushwood is suitable. Or they may choose
I found that in such matters the best way of gaining confidence the corner of a clearing at the edge of the bush where crops
was to enact the same procedure as Azande and to take oracular will later be sown, since this is not so damp as in the bush itself.
verdicts as seriously as they take them. I always kept a supply The object in going so far is to ensure secrecy, to avoid pollution
of poison for the use of my household and neighbours and we by people who have not observed the taboos, and to escape
re(ulated our affairs in accordance with the oracles' decisions: witchcraft which is less likely to corrupt the oracle in the bush
-I may remark that I found this as satisfactory a way of running than in a homestead.
my home and affairs as any other I know of. Among Azande One does not consult the poison oracle during the heat of
it is the only satisfactory way of life because it is the only way the day since strong sunlight is bad both for the poison and
oflife they understand, and it furnishes the only arguments by for the chickens. If the oracle is consulted late in the morning
which they are wholly convinced and silenced. Friends and the basket of chickens is placed in the shadeof a nearby shrub
neighbours would from time to time ask me to let them bring or covered with grass. When the poison has been for some time
fowls to COI).sult my oracles about their troubles. I was always in strong sunlight it becomes very potent and they say then that,
pleased at this sign of their trust. Also, I had opportunity on 'If a man gives one dose to a small fowl he has given it quite ;:1,
a number ofoccasions to observe Qther people's oracles at work. enough.' The normal time for consultations is from about eight ,t-
In the course of many.months I made. repeated observations to nine o'clock in the morning, because by this time the dew 'I

of oracular consultations and had ample opportunity to has evaporated and it is possible to sit down in the bush without :1
acquaint myself with details of technique and interpretation. great discomfort. Very occasionally elders who frequently con- !~
An investigation into the use of the poison oracle, like an investi- sult the oracles and conduct long seances hold them at night.

128 Oracles Oracles 12 9

The consultation may then take place in the centre of the oracle consultations because they are too susceptible to the
homestead after the womenfolk have retired to bed. Consulta- poison and have a habit ofdying straight away before the poison
tions may take place on any day except the day after a new has had time to consider the matter placed before it or even
moon. to hear a full statement of the problem. On the other hand,
Oracle poison is useless unless a man possesses fowls upon a chicken remains for a long time under the influence of the
which to test it, for the oracle speaks through fowls. In every poison before it recovers or expires, so that the oracle has time
lande household there is a fowl-house, and fowls are kept to hear all the relevant details concerning the problem placed
mainly with the object of subjecting them to oracular tests. As . before it and to give a well-considered judgement.
a rule they are only killed for food (and then only cocks or old
hens) when an important visitor comes to the homestead, per-
haps a prince's son or perhaps a father-in-law. Eggs are not Any male may take part in the proceedings. However, the
eaten but are left to hens to hatch out. Clay receptacles may oracle is costly, and the questions put to it concern adult
be fashioned or baskets placed in one of the huts to encourage occupations. Therefore boys are only present when they operate
hens to nest in them, but often they lay their eggs in the bush the oracle. Normally these are boys who are observing taboos
and if they are fortunate will one day strut back to the home- of mourning for the death of a relative. Adults also consider
stead accompanied by their broods. Generally a lande, unless that it would be very unwise to allow any boys other than these
he is a wealthy man, will not possess more than half a dozen to come near their poison because boys cannot be relied upon
grown fowls at the most, and many people possess none at all to observe the taboos on meats and vegetables.
or perhaps a single hen which someone has given to them. An unmarried man will seldom be present at a seance. If he
Small chickens, only two or three days old, may be used for has any problems his father or uncle can act on his behalf.
the poison oracle, but Azande prefer them older. However, one Moreover, only a married householder is wealthy enough to
sees fowls of all sizes at oracle consultations, from tiny chickens possess fowls and to acquire poison and has the experience to
to half-grown cockerels and pullets. When it is possible to tell conduct a seance properly. Senior men also say that youths are
the sex offowls Azande use only cockerels, unless they have none generally engaged in some illicit love affair and would probably
and a consultation is necessary at once. The hens are spared pollute the poison if they came near it.
for breeding purposes. Generally a man tells one of his younger It is particularly the province of married men with house-
sons to catch the fowls the night before a seance. Otherwise they holds oftheir own to consult the poison oracle and no occupa-
catch them when the door of the fowl-house is opened shortly tion gives them greater pleasure. It is not merely that they are
after sunrise, but it is better to catch them and put them in able to solve their personal problems; but also they are
a basket at night when they are roosting. For if the fowls elude dealing with matters of public importance, witchcraft, sorcery,
capture in the morning and run away into nearby gardens it and adultery, in which their names will be associated as wit-
is much trouble to catch them. Two or three boys have to run nesses of the oracle's decisions. A middle-aged lande is happy i
them down, all the womenfolk know what is going on, the when he has some poison and a few fowls and the company '!
neighbours hear the noise, and a witch among them may follow ofone or two trusted friends of his own age, and he can sit down 1~1

the owner of the fowls to prevent the oracle from giving him to a long seance to discover all about the infidelities of his wives, i
I the information he desires. When chickens are used this diffi- his health and the health of his children, his marriage plans, u,!
culty does not arise because they skep in one of the huts, where his hunting and agricultural prospects, the advisability of
they are immune from attacks by wild cats, and they are easily changing his homestead, and so forth.
caught on the morning of a seance. Poor men who do not possess poison or fowls but who are <)
Old men say that fully grown birds ought not to be used in compelled for one reason or another to consult the oracle will

13 0 Oracles Oracles 131

persuade a kinsman, blood-brother, relative-in-Iaw, or prince's which has been removed to its hiding-place will lose its power.
deputy to consult it on their behalf. This is one of the main When we consider to what extent social life is regulated by
duties of social relationships. the poison oracle we shall at once appreciate how great an ad-
Control over the poison oracle by the older men gives them vantage men have over women in their ability to use it, and
great power over their juniors and is one of the main sources how being cut off from the main means of establishing contact
of their prestige. It is possible for the older men to place the with the mystical forces that so deeply affect human welfare
names ofthe youths before the poison oracle and on its declara- degrades woman's position in Zande society.
tions to bring accusations of adultery against them. Moreover, Great experience is necessary to conduct a seance in the cor-
a man who is not able to afford poison is not a fully independent rect manner and to know how to interpret the findings of the
householder, since heis unable to initiate any important under- oracle. One must know how many doses ofpoison to administer,
taking and is dependent on the goodwill of others to inform whether the oracle is working properly, in what order to take
him about everything that concerns his health and welfare. the questions, whether to put them in a positive or negative
Women are debarred not only from operating the poison form, how long a fowl is to be held between the toes or in the
oracle. but from having anything to do with it. They are not hand while a question is being put to the oracle, when it ought
expected even to speak ofit, and a man who mentions the oracle to bejerked to stir up the poison, and when it is time to throw
in the presence of women uses some circumlocutory expression. it on the ground for final inspection. One must know how to
When a man is going to consult the poison oracle he says to observe not only whether the fowl lives or dies, but also the
his wife that he is going to look at his cultivations or makes exact manner in which the poison affects it, for while it is under
a similar excuse. She understands well enough what he is going the influence of the oracle its every movement is significant to
to do but says nothing. Occasionally very old women of good the experienced eye. Also one must know the phraseology of
social position have been known to operate the poison oracle, address in order to put questions clearly to the oracle without
or at least to consult it, but such. persons are rare exceptions error or ambiguity, and this is no easy task when a single ques-
and are always august persons. tion may be asked in a harangue lasting as long as five or ten
The poison oracle is a male prerogative and is one of the prin- minutes. Not every man is proficient in the art, though most
cipal mechanisms of male control and an expression of sex an- adults can prepare and question the oracle if necessary. Those
tagonism. For men say that women are capable of any deceit to who as boys have often prepared the poison for their fathers
defy a husband and please a lover, but men at least have the and uncles, and who are members of families which frequent
advantage that their oracle poison will reveal secret embraces. the court and constantly consult the oracle, are the most com-
Ifit were not for the oracle it would be oflittle 'use to pay bride- petent. Some men are very expert at questioning the oracle,
wealth, for the most jealous watch will not prevent a woman and those who wish to consult it like to be accompanied by such
from committing adultery ifshe has a mind to do so. And what a man.
woman has not? The only thing which women fear is the poison
oracle; for if they can escape the eyes of men they cannot escape
the eyes of the oracle. Hence it is said that women hate the Any man who is invited by the owner of the oracle poison may
oracle, and that if a woman finds some of the poison in the bush attend the seance, but he will be expected to keep clear of the
oracle if he has had relations with his wife or eaten any of the ~
she will destroy its power by urinating on it. I once asked a "

Zande why he so carefully collected the leaves used in operating prohibited foods within the last few days. It is imperative that \
the oracle and threw them some distance away into the bush, the man who actually prepares the poison shall have observed 1
and he replied that it was to prevent women from finding them these taboos, and for this reason the owner of the poison,
and polluting them, for ifthey pollute the leaves then the poison referred to in this account as the owner, generally asks a boy

-------.- ..•.. -/
13 2 Oracles: Oracles 133
or man who is under tab60s of mourning to operate the oracle, which have to be drawn out. When cooked they form a sticky
since there can be no doubt that he has kept the taboos, because mess which can be stretched like toffee. Before he comes into
they are the same for mourning as for oracles. Such a man is contact with oracle poison, or even into close proximity to it,
always employed when, as in a case of sudden sickness, it is a man ought to have refrained from sexual intercourse for five
necessary to consult the oracle without warning so that there or six days and to have abstained from the forbidden meats and
is no time for a man to prepare himself by observation of taboos. vegetables for three or four days. However, the length of time
I shall refer to the man or boy who actually prepares the poison during which a man ought to observe these taboos prior to
and administers it to fowls as the operator. When I speak of operating the oracle is not fixed, and different men give dif-
the questioner I refer' to the man who sits opposite to the oracle ferent estimates. Many are content to refrain from sexual inter-
apd addresses it and calls upon it for judgements. As he sits course for five or even four days. If a man who has had sexual
a few feet from the oracle he ought also to have observed all relations is asked to operate the oracle he will say, 'I have eaten
the taboos. It is possible for a man to be owner, operator, and mboyo,' and everyone will understand that he is employing a
questioner at the same time by conducting the consultation of euphemism for sexual intercourse. He may excuse himself in
the oracle by himself, but this rarely, if ever, occurs. Usually similar terms if he simply does not wish to be bothered with
there is no difficulty in obtaining the services of an operator the work.
since a man knows which of his neighbours are observing the The owner does not pay the operator and questioner for their
taboos associated with death and vengeance. One of his com- services. The questioner is almost invariably either the owner
panions who has not eaten tabooed food or had sexual relations himself or one of his friends who also wishes to put questions
with women for a day or two before the consultation acts as to the oracle and has brought fowls with him for the purpose.
questioner. Ifa man is unclean he can address the oracle from It is usual to reward the operator, if he is an adult, by giving
a distance. It is better to take these precautions because contact him a fowl during the seance so that he can place one of his
of an unclean person with the oracle is certain to destroy its own problems before the oracle. Since he is generally a man
potency, and even the close proximity ofan unclean person may who wears a girdle ofmourning and vengeance he will 'often ask
have this result. the oracle when the vengeance-magic is going to strike its victim.
'The taboos which have invariably to be kept by persons who To guard against pollution a man generally hides his poison
come into contact with oracle poison are on: in the thatched roof of a hut, on the inner side, if possible, in
Sexual relations with women. a hut which women do not use, but this is not essential, for a
Eating elephant's flesh. woman does not know that there is poison hidden in the roof
Eating fish. and is unlikely to cbme into contact with it. The owner of the
Eating mboyo vegetable (Hibiscus esculentus). poison must have kept the taboos if he wishes to take it down
Eating morombida vegetable (Corchorus tridens). from the roof himself, and if he is unclean he will bring the
Smoking hemp. man or boy who is to operate the oracle into the hut and indi- ~
Some men avoid eating animals of a light colour, and such cate to him at a distance where the poison is hidden in the
would seem to be the rule imposed on those who come into con- thatch. So good a hiding-place is the thatched roof of a hut :!
tact with a prince's oracles. Elephant's flesh and fish are for- for a small packet of poison that it is often difficult for its owner
bidden on account of the powerful smell emitted by a man who himselfto find it. No one may smoke hemp in a hut which lodges
has eaten them. I think that it is their slimy nature that has oracle poison. However, there is always a danger of pollution J
brought mboyo and morombida under a ritual ban. They are glu- and of witchcraft if the poison is kept in a homestead, and some 'I,I
tinous, and when the edible parts are plucked they do not break men prefer to hkle it in a hole in a tree in the bush, or even :'
to build a small shelter and to lay it on the ground beneath. i
off cleanly but are attached to the stem by glutinous fibres

Oracles 135
134 Oracles
This shelter is far removed from human dwellings, and were a to the legs of fowls which have survived the test so that they
man to come across it in the bush he would not disturb it lest can be easily retrieved from the grass when the business of the
it cover some kind oflethal medicine. It is very improbable that day is finished. The operator does not moisten the poison till
witchcraft will discover oracle poison hidden in the bush. I have the rest of the party arrive.
never seen oracle poison under a shelter in the bush, but I was There may be only one man or there may be several who
told that it is frequently housed in this manner. have questions to put to the oracle. Each brings his fowls with
Oracle poison when not in use is kept wrapped inleaves, and him in an open-wove basket. As it has been agreed beforehand
at the end of a seance used poison is placed in a separate leaf- where the oracle consultation is to take place they know where
wrapping to unused poison. The poison may be used two or to foregather. As each person arrives he hands over his basket
three times and sometimes fresh poison is added to it to make offowls to the operator who places it on the ground near him.
it more potent. When"its action shows that it has lost its strength A man who is used to acting as questioner sits opposite to it,
a few feet away ifhe has observed the taboos, but several yards
they throw it away.
All good oracle poison is the same, whoever owns, operates, away if he has not observed them. Other men who have not
and consults it. But its goodness depends on the care and virtue kept the taboos remain at a greater distance.
of owner, operator, and consulter. As the greatest precautions When everyone is seated they discuss in low tones whose fowl
are taken with a prince's poison, it is considered more reliable they will take first and how the question shall be framed. Mean-
than the poison of commoners. All benge is the same material, while the operator pours some water from the gourd at his side
but people speak of ,my benge' or of 'so-and-so's benge', and they into his leaf cup and from the cup on to the poison, which then
say that the poison of one prince is absolutely reliable while effervesces. He mixes the poison and water with his finger-tips
that ofanother prince is not so reliable. They make thesejudge- into a paste of the right consistency and, when ins.tructed by
ments partly on the evidence of subsequent events which prove the questioner, takes one of the fowls and draws down its wings
oracles right or wrong in their statements, and partly on the over its legs and pins them between and under his toes. He takes
verdicts of the king's oracle, which is the final authority. For his grass brush, twirls it round in the poison, and folds it in
in the past cases would occasionally go from a provincial gov- the leaf filter. He holds open the beak of the fowl and tips the
ernor's oracles to Gbudwe's oracle which might declare tbe m end of the filter into it ~nd squeezes the filter so that the liquid
runs out of the paste into the throat of the fowl. He bobs the
to be in error.
head ofthe fowl up and down to compel it to swallow the poison.
IX At this point the questioner, having previously been in-
I will now describe the manner in which poison is str'Ucted by the owner of the fowl on the facts which he is to
administered to fowls. The operator goes ahead of the rest of put before the oracle, commences to address the poison inside
the party in order to prepare for the test. He takes with him the fowl. He continues to address it for about a couple of
a small gourdful of water. He clears a space by treading down minutes, when a second dose of poison is usually administered.
the grasses. Afterwards he scrapes a hole in the earth into which If it is a very small chicken two doses will suffice, but a larger
he places a large leaf as a basin for the oracle poison. From fowl will receive three doses, and I have known a fowl receive
bingba grass he fashions a small brush to administer the poison, a fourth dose, but never more than four. The questioner does
and from leaves he makes a filter to pour the liquid poison into not cease his address to the oracle, but puts his questions again
the beaks of the fowls; and from other leaves he makes a cup and again in different forms, though always with the same
to transfer water from the gourd to the poison when it needs refrain, 'If such is the case, poison oracle kill the fowl,' or 'If
to be moistened. Finally, he tears off some branches of nearby such is the case, poison oracle spare the fowl.' From time to
shrubs and extracts their bast to be used as cord for attaching time he interrupts his flow of oratory to give a technical order
136 Oracles Oracles 137
to the operator. He may tell him to give the fowl another dose refrains, pieces of imagery, compliments to the oracle, ways of
of poison or to jerk it between his toes by raising and lowering formulating a question, and so forth which Occur in every con-
his foot (this stirs up the poison inside the fowl). When the last sultation.
dose of poison has been administered and he has further The main duty of the questioner is to see that the oracle fully
addressed it, he tells the operator to raise the fowl. The operator understands the question put to it and is acquainted with all
takes it in his hand and, holding its legs between his fingers facts relevant to the problem it is asked to solve. They address
so that it faces him, gives it an occasional jerk backwards and it with all the care for detail that one observes in court cases
forwards. The questioner redoubles his oratory as though the before a prince. This means beginning a long way back and
verdict depended upon his forensic efforts, and if the fowl is noting over a considerable period of time every detail which
not already dead he then, after a further bout of oratory, tells might elucidate the case, linking up facts into a consistent
the operator to put it on the ground. He continues to address picture of events, and the marshalling of arguments into a logi-
the poison inside the fowl while they watch its movements on cal and closely knit web of sequences and interrelations offact
the ground. and inference. Also the questioner is careful to ~ention to the
The poison affects fowls in many ways. Occasionally it kills oracle again and again the name of the man who is consulting
them immediately after the first dose, while they are still on it, and he points him out to the oracle with his outstretched
the ground. This seldom happens, for normally a Jowl is not arm. He mentions also the name ofhis father, perhaps the name
seriously affected till it is removed from the ground and jerked of his clan, and the name of the place where he resides, and
backwards and forwards in the hand. Then, ifit is going to die, he gives similar details of other people mentioned in the
it goes through spasmodic stretchings of the body and closing address.
of the wings and vomits. After several such spasms it vomits An address consists usually of alternate directions. The first
and expires in a final seizure. Some fowls appear quite un- sentences outline the question in terms demanding an affirma-
affected by the poison, and when, after beingjerked backwards tive answer and end with the command, 'Poison oracle kill the
and forwards for a while, they are flung to the ground peck fowl.' The next sentences outline the question in terms demand_
about unconcernedly. Those fowls which are unaffected by the ing a negative answer and end with the command, 'Poison
poison generally excrete as soon as they are put to earth. Some oracle spare the fowl.' The consulter then takes up the question
fowls appear little affected by the poison till put to earth, when again in terms asking an affirmative answer; and so on. If a
they suddenly collapse and die. It is very seldom that a fowl' bystander considers that a relevant point has been left out he ,I
seriously affected by the poison finally recovers. interrupts the questioner, who then makes this point.
One generally knows what the verdict is going to be after The questioner has a switch in his hand, and while question-
the fowl has been held in the hand for a couple of minutes. H ing the oracle beats the ground, as he sits cross-legged, in front
itappears certain to recover the operator ties bast to its leg and ofit. He continues to beat the ground till the end of his address.
throws it to the ground. Hit appears certain to die he does not Often he will gesticulate as he makes his points, in the same
trouble to tie bast to its leg, but lays it on the earth to die. Often manner as a man making a case in court. He sometimes plucks
when a fowl has died they draw its corpse in a semicircle round grass and shows it to the poison and, after explaining that there
the poison to show it to the poison. They then cut off a wing is something he does not wish it to consider, throws it behind
to use as evidence and cover the body with grass. Those fowls him. Thus he tells the oracle that he does not wish it to consider
which survive are taken home and let loose. A fowl is never the question of witchcraft but only of sorcery. Witchcraft is
used twice on the same day. wingi, something irrelevant, and he casts it behind him. The
There is no stereotyped speech-no formula-in which the imagery used is specially noteworthy. It is seldom that the
oracle must be addressed. Nevertheless, there are traditional . oracle is addressed without analogies and circumlocutions.
138 Oracles Oracles 139
Thus in asking whether a man has committed adultery one A.
frames the question in some such manner as follows: First Test. lfX has committed adultery poison oracle kill the fowl.
·Poison oracle, poison oracle, you are in the throat of the fowl. That If X is innocent poison oracle spare the fowl. The fowl dies.
man his navel joined her navel; they pressed together; he knew her Second Test. The poison oracle has declared X guilty of adultery
as woman and she knew him as man. She has drawn badiabe (a leaf by slaying the fowl. Ifits declaration is true let it spare this second
fowl. The fowl survives.
used as a towel) and water to his side (for ablutions after intercourse);
Result. A valid verdict. X is guilty.
poison oracle hear it, kill the fowl.
While the fowl is undergoing its ordeal men are attentive to
their behaviour. A man must tighten and spread out his bark- First Test. If X has committed adultery poison oracle kill the fowl.
If X is innocent poison oracle spare the fowl. The fowl lives.
cloth loin-covering lest he expose his genitals, as when he is sit- Second Test. The poison oracle has declared X innocent of adultery
ting in the presence of a prince or parent-in-law. Men speak by sparing the fowl. Hits declaration is true let it slay the second
in a low voice as they do in the presence of superiors. Indeed, fowl. The fowl dies..
all conversation is avoided unless it directly concerns the pro- Result. A valid verdict. X is innocent.
cedure ofconsultation. Ifanyone desires to leave before the pro-
ceedings are finished he takes a leaf and spits on it and places c.
it where he has been sittng. I have seen a man who rose for First Test. If X has committed adultery poison oracle kill the fowl.
a few moml:'nts only to catch a fowl which had escaped from If X is innocent poison oracle spare the fowl. The fowl dies.
its basket place a blade of grass on the stone upon which he Second Test. The poison oracle- has declared X guilty of adultery
had been sitting. Spears must be laid on the ground and not by slaying the fowl. Hits declaration is true let it spare the second
fowl. The fowl dies.
planted upright in the presence of the poison oracle. Azande Result. The verdict is contradictory and therefore invalid.
are very serious during a seance, for they are asking questions
of vital importance to their lives and happiness. D.
First Test. If X has committed adultery poison oracle kill the fowl.
If X is innocent poison oracle spare the fowl. The fowl survives.
Basically, the system ofquestion and answer in oracle consulta- Second Test. The poison oracle has declared X innocent of adultery
tions is simple. There are two tests, the bambata sima, or first by sparing the fowl. Ifits declaration is true let it slay the second
test, and the gingo, or second test. If a fowl dies in the first test fowl. The fowl survives.
then another fowl must survive the .second test, and if a fowl Result. The verdict is contradictory and therefore invalid.
survives the first test another fowl must die in the second test In the two tests one fowl must die and the other must live i
for the judgement to be accepted as valid. Generally the ques- if the verdict is to be accepted as valid. If both live or both I
tion is so framed that the oracle will have to kill a fowl in the die the verdict is invalid and the oracle must be consulted on ,I
first test and spare another fowl in the corroborative test to give
the matter a second time on another occasion. If the supply
an affirmative reply, and to spare a fowl in the first test and of oracle poison is sufficient the two tests may be made during .
kill another fowl in the corroborative test to give a negative the same seance, especially when the matter is important and
reply; but this is not invariably the case, and questions are 1
urgent. Very often, however, a test is not completed at a single
sometimes framed in an opposite manner. The killing of a fowl seance, as will be observed in the tables that follow, for one
does not give in itself a positive or negative answer. That de- of these reasons:
pends upon the form of the question. I will illustrate the usual (I) The other part of the test may have been carried out pre-
procedure by an example: viously or may be carried out at a future seance. Sometimes
140 Oracles Oracles 14 1

a long interval elapses between two tests because the first one to enable the reader to judge for himself the proportion offowls
is considered sufficient justification for commencing an under- that die, the number of doses of poison they receive, and the
taking, but a second test has to be made before the undertaking order of deaths and survivals. I was present at both the seances
is far advanced, e.g. a man is betrothed to a girl and begins recorded, and many ofthe questions concern persons connected
to pay bride-spears to her father on the authority of a single with my household and their relatives.
test and leaves the corroborative test till months later. But the
girl will not come to live with him permanently till both tests SEANCE I
have been made. (2) One of the lesser oracles may have been
(I) Should X take on the taboos of mourning and vengeance for the
consulted earlier so that a single verdict of the poison oracle
death of Magadi till vengeance be accomplished? The fowl DIES,
is therefore regarded as an oracular confirmation. (3) Often giving the answer 'Yes'.
Azande consider a single test sufficient, especially if the oracle (2) If X takes on the taboos of mourning for Magadi will he die in
gives its answer decisively by killing the fowl without hesitation. consequence (i.e. if, through carelessness in its use, the magical
They are able to economize their oracle poison by this means. medicine he has sent out against Magadi's murderer should turn
(4) Many confirmations ofverdicts are contained in the oracle's back upon X himself? This would also be a corroboration of the
answers to other questions, e.g. a man asks whether a witch first question, since if X were to die then vengeance would not
will die if a certain kinsman observes taboos of vengeance- be accomplished during his period of mourning.) The fowl DIES,
magic. The oracle says 'Yes' . He then asks whether the kinsman giving the answer 'Yes'. (These two verdicts contradicted one
will die during the period he is under taboos. If the oracle another and a short discussion followed. One man present said
says 'No' it confirms its previous verdict because the life of the that since Magadi died of leprosy his death ought not to be
kinsman is bound up with the accomplishment of vengeance. avenged, and that for this reason the oracle had given contradic-
tory verdicts. This opinion was rejected by others.)
(5) Sometimes a single fowl is used to confirm different ques- (3) IfAdiyambio, who is suffering from a deep-seated ulcer, remains
tions. If in answer to two different questions the oracle killed in our government settlement, will he die? The fowl SURVIVES,
two fowls it may then be asked to spare a third fowl to confirm giving the answer 'No'.
both its verdicts at the same time. (6) When a serious matter (4) IfBamina lives in the new homestead which he has just built for
is not at stake Azande are sometimes content merely to know himself will he die? The fowl DIES, giving the answer 'Yes'.
that the oracle is functioning correctly, and being assured of (5) If Bamina remains in his old homestead will he die? The fowl
this, are prepared to accept its single statements and to dispense DIES, giving- the answer 'Yes'.

with repetitions ofjudgement. Thus five unconnected questions (6) IfBamlna goes to live in the government settlement of Ndoruma
may be asked in a seance. The oracle spares fowls in answer will he die? The fowl SURVIVES, giving the answer 'No'.
to the first four questions and then kills a fowl in answer to the (7) (Corroboration of the last question.) Did the oracle speak truly
fifth question. This shows that the action bf the particular when it said that Bamina would not die ifhe went to live in the
government settlement of Ndoruma? The fowl SURVIVES, giving
bundle of poison is discriminating and therefore its first four
the answer 'No'. (The answers to questions 6 and 7 therefore con-
verdicts may be assumed to be valid. tradicted one another. Someone suggested that the oracle was
But two tests are essential in any question that concerns the tired like a chief who has been sitting for hours listening to cases
relations between two persons, especially when they involve in his court and is weary. Another man said that the oracle saw ~::r
legal issues. some misfortune ahead, which was not death yet was a serious
misfortune, and had taken this way of warning Barnina. In any
XI case, the verdicts taken together were considered a bad augury
The following consultations of the poison oracle are given to and there was a short discussion about who was threatening the
show the type of questions asked and the order of asking, and welfare of Bamina. Mbira gave it as his opinion that the danger
14 2 Oracles
Oracles 143
was from sorcery and not from witchcraft since witchcraft does (4) (Corroborative verdict to question No. (I).) If the evil influence
not pursue a man from one place to another in this manner but that threatens his wife is due to Mekana's household, then poison
ceases to trouble him if he leaves his homestead and goes to live oracle kill the fowl. If the evil influence emanates from the wives
elsewhere. ) of his wife's grandfather, then poison oracle spare the fowl. The
(8) They now ask the oracle about two men, one called Pilipili and fowl SURVIVES, confirming that evil influence is from the home-
the other a man of -the Bangombi clan who had once married stead 'of the girl's grandfather. (Two doses administered.)
Bamina's daughter but whose bride-spears had been returned to (Mekana afterwards approached his father-in-law so that the
him. Are either of these two men threatening Bamina with witch- womenfolk ofhis household might all collect and blowout water
craft or with bad magic? The fowl DlES, giving the answer 'Yes'. in sign ofgoodwill. He did not venture to single out any particular
The seance had to be closed at this point as there was not
(5) Since the oracle (test No. (3)) said that the sickness ofX's mother
enough poison left to continue consultations.
is not due to Basa, X now asks whether it is due to the wives of
SEANCE II Y. If the wives of Yare responsible, poison oracle kill the fowl.
(I) Since by an earlier consultation it has been determined that the The fowl DIES, giving the answer 'Yes'. (One dose administered.)
daughter ofMamenzi, the wife ofMekana, is in a bad 'condition', (6) (We now return to question No. (2).) It having been determined
is the evil influence that hangs over her from the homestead of that Sueyo was not responsible for Kisanga's sickness, he asks
Mekana or from the homestead of her paternal grandfather (who whether the sorcerer lives on our side of the new part of the
had been given her bride-spears by her father as 'first-fruits')? government settlement? If he lives there, poison oracle kill the
Ifit is from Mekana's homestead, poison oracle spare the fowl. fowl. The fowl SURVIVES, giving the answer 'No'. (Two doses
If it is from her grandfather's homestead, poison oracle kill the administered.) (This verdict, combined with three previous ver-
fowl. (It may be remarked that this is a very unusual way ofput- dicts on the matter, proved that the sorcerer did not live anywhere
in Our settlement.)
ting a question to the oracle since it does not allow for a third
alternative: that the witch is a member of some household other (7) (We return to the subject of Mekana's wife already dealt with
than the two mentioned. The procedure might even be regarded in questions (I) and (4)·) If there is any\?ne else besides the wives
as incorrect. However, the husband was so certain that the evil of his wife's grandfather who threatens her health, or if after the
influence which threatened his wife could only have arisen from fowl's wing has been presented to them to blow water on to it
jealousy in his own household, or from displeasure in the house- they will still exercise an evil influence over her, then poison
hold of his parents-in-law, that the question appeared to him oracle kill the fowl. If, on the other hand, there is no one else
legitimate. Moreoever, it was always possible for the oracle to to fear besides the wives of his wife's grandfather, and if they will
show that neither household was responsible by killing or sparing blowout water on to the fowl's wing with sincerity and withdraw
their evil influence, then poison oracle spare the fowl. The fowl "'!
both fowls in the double test, or even by the way in which it
affected the fowls during the tests.) The fowl DIES, saying that SURVIVES, indicating that there will be nothing more to fear.. (Two
doses administered.)
the evil influence is from the homestead of the girl's grandfather.
(One dose of the poison was administered.) (8) (We return to the question of X's mother already dealt with in
(2) The rubbing-board oracle has said that a man named Sueyo tests Nos. (3) and (5)·) It having been determined that the wives
made the magic which caused Kisanga such violent sickness. The of Yare responsible for the sickness of his mother, X now asks
question is now asked, 'Is the statement of the rubbing-board cor- whether they are alone responsible or whether Y himself has
rect? Ifso, poison oracle kill the fowl!' The fowl SURVIVES, giving encouraged and assisted them in bewitching the old woman. If
the answer 'No'. (Two doses administered.) Y is guilty, then poison oracle kill the fowl. IfY is innocent, then
(3) X's mother lies seriously ill. Is her sickness due to Basa? If so, poison oracle spare the fowl. The fowl DIES, saying that Y is re-
poison oracle kill the fowl. IfBasa is not responsible, poison oracle sponsible. (One dose administered.)
spare the fowl. The fowl SURVIVES, giving the answer 'No'. (Two This second seance provides an example of a Wholly success-
doses administered.) ful consultation of the oracle. I would call attention to the
144 Oracles
Oracles 145
manner in which an assortment ofquestions is arranged. There
rives in important cases involving princes. The address was
are three problems to be solved, and there are eight fowls by
made in the same idiom as an address to fowls. The poison was
which to solve them. The questions concern the welfare of
mixed with water in a gourd. The boy, seated on the ground
Mekana's wife, the health ofa woman referred to as X's mother,
and wearing a girdle of bingba grass, drank the poison, and then
and the identification of the sorcerer who has caused Kisanga
the questioner shook hand-bells and addressed the poison inside
such grievous sickness. When several persons have questions to
him. When he had finished his address he rubbed the gour:d
put before the oracle one does not thrash out one problem and
on the boy's head and ordered him to rise. If the boy had
then turn to the next, but generally, as on this occasion, each
reached the fowl's wing and returned with it they would again
person is allowed to ask a question in turn. In the second round
have addressed the poison within him and would then have told
each person tries to procure corroborative verdicts or asks subsi-
him to replace the fowl's wing. They would afterwards have
diary questions. If one man has more fowls than the others he
uttered a third and final address and told the lad to fetch the
is able to ask more questions, but he allows others to place their wing again. The test would then have ended.
problems in between his queries. This is not simply a matter
If the poison were going to kill a boy it would not kill him
of courtesy but also rests on a notion that after a problem has
while he sat still on the ground, though he would suffer spasms
been put to the oracle and it has given its answer it should be
ofpain that would make him stretch his arms backwards, gasp-
granted time to turn the matter over at leisure before it corro-
ing for breatho When a boy fell to the ground efforts were made,
borates its first answer and gives a final verdict. The poison used
with the king's consent, to revive him by administering a slimy
at this seance was at once seen to be discriminating. It killed
mixture made from the mbo?fo plant, the kpo?fo tree, and salt.
the first fowl and showed that it was not impotent because when
This made him vomit the poison. Afterwards they carried him
benge is impotent all the fowls survive. It spared the second fowl,
to a brook-side and laid him in the shade and poured cold water
showing that it was not stupid, over-potent poison, for when over his face.
it is such all the fowls die. It spared several other fowls, but
at the finish killed the last fowl, showing that it maintained its
potency. Azande look to these evidences in every test to estab-
lish that the poison is good.

It remains to give an account of how human beings used to

drink oracle poison in the old days. Some care is necessary in
taking account of the Zande phrase mo mbiri benge, 'You drink
oracle poison,' because this is a usual expression of a prince
when he means no more than, 'You must submit your case to
the poison oracle.' But in the past people sometimes, though
very rarely, actually drank. poison themselves. This might
happen in two ways. A man accused of some serious offence
might offer to drink poison after an oracular test with fowls had
gone against him. Likewise, if a woman accused a man ofhav-
ing committed adultery with her he could demand that both
he and the woman should drink poison.
Oracle poison was also occasionally administered to boy cap-
Oracles 147
i.e. to be natural properties, but in Zande eyes it only becomes
the benge of oracle consultations (and they have no interest in
CHAPTER IX it outside this situation) when it has been prepared subject to
taboos and is employed in the traditional manner. Properly
Problems arising from consultation speaking, it is only this manufactured benge which is benge at
all in Zande opinion. Hence Azande say that if it is deprived
of the Poison Oracle of its potency for some reason or other it is 'just an ordinary
thing, mere wood'.
Therefore, to ask Azande what would happen if they were
to administer oracle poison to a fowl without delivering an
I HAVE described to many people in England the facts related address or, ifthey were to administer an extra portion of poison
in the last chapter and they have been, in the main, incredulous to a fowl which has recovered from the usual doses, or, if they
or contemptuous. In their questions to me they have sought were to place some of the poison in a man's food, is to ask silly
to explain away Zande behaviour by rationalizing it, that is questions. The Zande does not know what would happen, he
to say, by interpreting it in terms of our culture. They assume is not interested in what would happen, and no one has ever
that Azande must understand the qualities of poisons as we been fool enough to waste good oracle poison in making such
understand them; or that they attribute a personality to the ,\ pointless experiments. Proper benge is endowed with potency
oracle, a mind that judges as men judge, but with higher ~ by man's abstinence and his knowledge of tradition and will
prescience; or th;;l.t the oracle is manipulated by the operator only function in the conditions of a seance.
whose cunning conserves the faith of laymen. They ask what When I asked a Zande what would happen if you went on
happens when the result ofone test contradicts the other which administering dose after dose of poison to a fowl during a con- j
it ought to confirm if the verdict be valid; what happens when sultation in which the oracle ought to spare the fowl to give
the findings of oracles are belied by experience; and what the right answer to the question placed before it, he J;"eplied that I
happens when two oracles give contrary answers to the same he did not know exactly what would happen, but that he sup-
question. posed sooner or later it would burst. He would not countenance ")

These same, and other, problems, naturally occurred to me the suggestion that the extra poison would otherwise kill the ,
in Zandeland, and I made inquiries into, and observations on, ' fowl unless the question were suddenly reversed so that the
those points which struck me as being important;--and in the oracle ought to kill the fowl to give a correct answer when, of
:i present section I record my conclusions. Before setting them course, it would at once die.
down I must warn the reader that we are trying to analyse beha- I t is certain that Azande do not regard the reactions of fowls
viour rather than belief. Azande have little theory about their to benge and the action of benge on fowls as a natural process,
oracles and do not feel the need for doctrines. that is to say, a process conditioned only by physical causes.
I have translated the word benge as 'poison creeper', 'oracle The oracle is not to them a matter of chance, like the spinning
poison', and 'poison oracle', in accordance with the context. of a coin, by which they are agreed to abide. Indeed, we may
But it is necessary to point out that Zande ideas about benge ask whether they have any notion that approximates to what
are very different from notions about poisons prevalent among we mean when we speak of physical causes.
the educated classes of Europe. To us it is a poison, but not Yet it might still be possible for Azande to have a crude
! to them. common-sense notion ofpoisons. They might know that there are
It is true that benge is derived from a wild forest creeper and certain vegetable products that will kill men and beasts, with-
that its properties might be supp~sed to reside in the creeper, out attributing supra-sensible properties to them. Certainly

148 Oracles Oracles 149
Europeans often attribute knowledge of poisons to Azande and a fowl that has succumbed to the oracle it may die (it is possible
to other peoples of the Southern Sudan. No evidence for the that they conceive of the oracle still working inside the dog and
homicidal use of poison has yet been produced, nor is likely to answering the question put to it earlier, but I have no evidence
be. If there is one product possessed by Azande that is certainly that this is the case. It may also be possible that when
poisonous it is benge, and daily its lethal properties are demon- men cleanse fowls killed by the oraCle before eating them
stratedon fowls, and sometimes have been demonstrated on men, they are afraid lest the poison go on answering the question
yet they have no idea that it might be possible to kill people by inside them and kill them. I have no doubt that a Zande L
adding it to their food. Though men are frequently suspected might give so characteristically mystical a reason for his be-
of using one kind or other of bad medicines to slay their neigh- haviour.) :1'I
bours, no one has ever conceived of a man using benge as a ij
means of murder, and if you suggest it to him a Zande will tell II Ij
you that benge would not be any good for the purpose. Without laboratory experiments it is impossible to see any uni- '~
Yet it is not always easy to reconcile Zande doctrines with formitiesin the working of the oracle. Bare observation by itself ,!j'Hl
their behaviour and with one another. They say that men will is insufficient to explain why some fOWls die and others survive. ,I,
sometimes eat fowls after having cleansed them of poison, and As a matter of fact, Azande act very much as we would act
this action would imply a knowledge of the natural properties in like circumstances and they make the same kind of observa-
of benge that they refuse to allow in other situations. The owner tions as we would make. They recognize that some poison is :1'
of a dead fowl may have its stomach and neck removed and strong and other poison is weak and give more or fewer doses
the fowl prepared for food. My informants sai,d that they try according to the kind they are using. One often hears it said
"I:I, ~
to remove all the poison from the carcass. Probably the practice during a seance, 'It is not strong enough,' 'You have given the jl
is rare, since as a rule chickens are used which are too small fowl enough,' and like expressions. But Azande are dominated if'!l

for culinary purposes. Generally the fowls are thrown away or by an overwhelming faith which prevents them from making :l
placed in a tree for birds to devour after their wings have been experiments, from generalizing contradictions between tests, I,''i )
cut off. Moreover, a young man would not eat fowls killed by
the oracle, so that the statement applies only to old men, and
perhaps only to those who are not very particular about their
food. When I protested against the statement that persons eat'
between verdicts of different oracles, and between all the
oracles and experience. To understand why it is that Azande
do not draw from their observations the conclusions we would
draw from the same evidence, we must realize that their atten-

poisoned fowls I was asked, 'What harm can it do a man since tion is fixed on the mystical properties of the poison oracle and
no one addresses it?' Mekana once remarked to me that it that its natural properties are of so little interest to them that
would be rather ajoke to address the oracle poison in the belly they simply do not bother to consider them. To them the
ofan elder who had eaten a fowl which had died in an oracle creeper is something other than the final product of manu-
test. One might say, he suggested, 'If so-and-so (naming the facture used in ritual conditions, and the creeper scarcely enters
elder) slept with his wife last night, poison oracle kill him.' I into their notions about the oracle. If a Zande's mind were not
think that Mekana was hardly serious in this suggestion. fixed on the mystical qualities of benge and entirely absorbed
Nevertheless, the very fact of cleansing fowls of poison suggests by them he would perceive the significance of the knowledge
that Azande are to some extent aware of its natural properties. he already possesses. As it is the contradiction between his
Some Azande hold that the poison will deteriorate with age, beliefs and his observations only become a generalized and glar-
and all are aware that so'me poison is stronger than others and ing contradiction when they are recorded side by side in the
that it becomes more potent when exposed to the sun and less pages of an ethnographic treatise. But in real life these bits of
potent when diluted in water. They know that if a dog eats knowledge do not form part of an indivisible concept, so that
15 0 Oracles Oracles 15 1
when a man thinks of benge he must think of all the details I It is not alive, it does not breathe or move about. It is a thing.
have recorded here. They are functions of different situations Azande have no theory about it; they do not know why it works,
and are uncoordinated. Hence the contradictions so apparent but only that it does work. Oracles have always existed and
to us do not strike a Zande. Ifhe is conscious of a contradiction have always worked as they work now because such is their ~1
it is a particular one which he can easily explain in terms of nature.
his own beliefs.
It is evident that the oracle system would be pointless if the
possibility of benge being a natural poison, as an educated Euro-
If you press a Zande to explain how the poison oracle can
see far-off things he will say that its mbisimo, its soul, sees them. ,I'~i.i
It might be urged that if the poison oracle has a soul it must {i
pean would regard it, were not excluded. When I used at one
time to question Zande faith in their poison oracle I was met
sometimes by point-blank assertions, sometimes by one of the
be animate. Here we are up against the difficulty that always
arises when a native word is translated by an English word.
I have translated the Zande word mbisimo as 'soul' because the
·'..I I

evasive secondary elaborations of belief that provide for any notion this word expresses in our own culture is nearer to the
particular situation provoking scepticism, sometimes by polite 13
Zande notion of mbisimo ofpersons than any other English word.
pity, but always by an entanglement oflinguistic obstacles, for The concepts are not identical, and when in each language-the ~
one cannot well express in its language objections not formu- word is used in a number ofextended senses it is no longer poss- ~
-lated by -3. culture. ij
ible to use the original expressions in translation without risk ~

Azande observe the action ofthe poison oracle as we observe of confusion and gross distortion. In saying that the poison ~
it, but their observations are always subordinated to their oracle has a mbisimo Zande mean little more than 'it does some-

beliefs and are incorporated into their beliefs and made to thing' or, as we would say, 'it is dynamic'. You ask them how
explain them and justify them. Let the reader consider any it works and they reply, 'It has a soul.' If you were to ask them ,1'1
argument that would utterly demolish all Zande claims for the how they know it has a 'soul', they would reply that they know I'I,:II.
power of the oracle. If it were translated into Zande modes of
thought it would serve to support their entire structure of belief.
because it works. They are explaining mystical action by nam- :II:i~'
ing it. The word mbisimo describes and explains all action of 'If

For their mystical notions are eminently coherent, being inter- a mystical order.
related by a network of logical ties, and are so ordered that It becomes quite evident that Azande do not regard oracles
they never too crudely contradict sensory experience but, in- as persons when we consider the rubbing-board oracle and the
stead, experience seems to justify them. The Zande is immersed termites oracle. The rubbing-board is an instrument made by'
in a sea of mystical notions, and if he speaks about his poison man out of wood and it only becomes an oracle when treated,
oracle he must speak in a mystical idiom. and afterwards operated, in a certain manner, and if a taboo :\

Ifwe cannot account for Zande faith in their poison oracle is broken it becomes once again merely shapen wood without
by assuming that they are aware that it is a poison and are wil- power to see the future. Termites are certainly not corporeally
ling to abide by the chance of its action on different fowls we or psychically persons. They are simply termites and nothing
might seek to comprehend it by supposing that they personify more, but if they are approached in the correct manner they
it. Given a mind, the Zande oracle is not much more difficult are endowed with mystical powers.
to understand than the Delphic Oracle. But they do not per- It is difficult for us to understand how poison, rubbing-board,
sonify it. For, though it would seem to us that they must regard termites, and three sticks can be merely things and insects and
the oracles as personal beings, since they address them directly; yet hear what is said to them and foresee the future and reveal
in fact the question appears absurd when framed in the Zande the present and past, but when used in ritual situations they
tongue. A boro, a person, has two hands and two teet, a head, cease to be mere things and mere insects and become mystical
a belly, and so on, and the poison oracle has none ofthese things. agents. And, since oracles are endowed with their nowers by

152 Oracles Oracles 153
man himself, through man they may lose those powers. If a ing reasons: (I) The operator performs in public. His audience,
taboo is broken they become once again mere things, insects, all parties interested in the dispute or inquiry, sit a few feet away
and bits of wood. and can see what he does, and they largely direct his actions.
(2) It was evident to me on the many occasions I witnessed
consultations that the operator was just as little aware of what
I t will at once occur to a European mind that a likely reason the result of a test was going to be as I or any of the other
why one fowl dies and another lives is because more or larger observers were. I judged from his actions, speech, and expres-
doses of poison are administered to the one than to the other, sion that he regarded himself as a mechanical server to, and
and he is likely to jump to the conclusion that the verdict de- in no way a director of, the oracle. (3) Sometimes the consulter
pends on the skill of the operator. Indeed, a European is prone of the oracle is the operator of it. A man who believes what
to assume that the operator cheats, but I believe that he is Azande believe about witchcraft and oracles and then cheats
wrong in this assumption. It is true that the number and size would be a lunatic. (4) I have witnessed cases when it has been
of doses given to fowls varies, and that even fowls of the same to the interests of the operator that the fowls shall live and they
size do not always receive the same number of doses. But have died, and vice versa. (5) There is no special class of opera-
to suppose that Azande cheat is entirely to misunderstand their tors. They are not a corporation or closed association. Most
mentality. What would be the object in cheating? Today the II adult males know how to operate the oracle, and anyone who
declarations of the poison oracle are no longer recognized as r wishes to operate it may do so. You cannot deceive one who
evidence of murder or adultery, so that it can no longer be practises your particular brand of deception. (6) The operators
used as an instrument ofjustice and profit, and the usual ques- are generally boys of between 12 and 16, old enough to know
tions placed before it concern the health and welfare ofthe ques- and keep food taboos and young enough to be able to refrain
tioner and his family. He wants to know always whether witch- from sexual intercourse. These innocents are the most unlikely
craft is threatening his interests and, ifso, who is the witch who people in Zandeland to know how to cheat, and are besides
has doomed him to some ill fate. Cheating, far from helping unconcerned, as a rule, with the adult problems that are pre- :~J

him, would destroy him, for instead of being able to approach sented to the oracle. (7) As often as not when there are two '~
, 1'1
the right witch and thus be released from his doom, he will tests about a question the oracle contradicts itself (8) Azande i!

approach the wrong person, or no person at all, and fall an do not understand that benge is a natural poison and therefore :!tl
inevitable victim to the fate that awaits him. It is entirely d
do not know that trickery of this kind would even be possible. .~
against his interests that trickery be used. It would probably They will say of the rubbing-board oracle that a man has
result in his death. Even in questions ofmarriage where it might
seem to the advantage ofa Zande to obtain a favourable verdict
inorder that he might marry a certain girl, it would in fact
cheated with it, but one never hears it suggested that a man
might have unfairly manipulated the poison oracle. .~i~i
The difference in the number of doses fowls is due 111
be fatal to cheat, because were he to obtain an inaccurate ver- to certain technical rules in operafing the oracle. There are a
dict it would merely mean that his wife would die shortly after usual number of doses for fowls ofdifferent sizes, but the oracle
marriage. gives its answers through the fowls, this being the only way in
It might, however, be urged that the consulter of the oracle which it can speak; so that it is convenient that the fowl shall
is one person and the operator another, and that the feelings be seen to be affected by the poison, for then they know that
and purpose of the consulter are of less account than the cun- it has heard the question, has considered it, and is replying to
ning of the operator. This, as we shall see in the next chapter, it. Therefore, if after two doses the fowl does not seem to be
may be a fair comment on the working of the rubbing-board at all affected, even though this is the usual number of doses
oracle, but it is not apposite to the poison oracle for the follow- for a fowl of that size, they may give it a third dose. If the fowl
154 Oracles Oracles 155
is still unaffected they know that the oracle is going to give a one fowl and spare another if it is to deliver a vali'd verdict.
clear verdict by sparing it and has answered without qualifica- As we may well imagine, the oracle frequently kills both fowls
tions, for since it has killed other fowls on the same day it is or spares both fowls, and this would prove to us the futility of
known to be good benge which can kill fowls if it wishes to do the whole proceeding. But it proves the opposite to Azande.
so. They are not surprised at contradictions; they expect them.
I have observed that Azande sometimes give fewer doses in
the second test, the gingo, than in the first test. They are not
trying to cheat but do not want to waste valuable poison. The
Paradox though it be, the errors as well as the valid judgements
of the oracle prove to them its infallibility. The fact that the
oracle is wrong when it is interfered with by some mystical
purpose of the second test is to ascertain that the oracle was power shows how accurate are its judgements when these
functioning correctly when it gave its first answer. It can powers are excluded.
show this after one or two doses as clearly as after three or four The secondary elaborations of belief that explain the failure
doses, and it is merely waste of good poison to give the extra of the oracle attribute its failure to (I) the wrong variety of
doses. poison having been gathered, (2) breach of a taboo, (3) witch- ')
Azande realize that in civil disputes, concerning witchcraft 1!
craft, (4) anger of the owners of the forest where the creeper II

or adultery for example, it is possible for the man chosen to grows, (5) age ofthe poison, (6) anger of the ghosts, (7) sorcery, 'ji
consult the poison oracle about the point at issue to cheat in (8) use. i;

another way. A man would not tamper with the poison because If at its first seance the oracle kills fowls without discrimina- ~l;
he does not believe it possible to alter the verdict of an oracle tion, slaying one after the other without sparing a single one,

once the poison has been administered to a fowl, but he can they say that it is 'foolish' poison. More often it happens at "I
produce a hen's wing without ever consulting the poison oracle li
seances thatthe poison fails to affect the fowls and they say that I,'
at all, for he may merely kill a fowl and cut off its wing. Azande it is 'weak poison' or 'dead poison'. If some four medium-sized ,I'
say that this sometimes happens, but that the danger of its fowls are in succession unaffected by the poison they stop the
occurrence is smaU because the elder who makes the test norm- seance, and later the poison will be thrown away; sin'ce once
ally takes two or three witnesses with him. Moreover, it is poss- it has lost its potency there are no means of restoring it, whereas ~
ible for a man who is convinced that he 'has not been given
a fair test to appeal to the king, and ifhis poison oracle declares
ifit is over-potent it may, after being kept for some time, become II
the man to be innocent the king will send for the elder and
good, and by this Azande mean discriminating. Sometimes
when the fowls appear totally unaffected by the poison they
tell him that he is a cheat and a liar and may never again con- administer the usual doses to one ofthem while asking the oracle
duct official consultations. the straightforward question, 'Ifyou are good oracle poison kill
this fowl. If you are worthless oracle poison spare it.' If the
poison is 'good poison' or 'strong poison' it can demonstrate
What explanation do Azande offer when the oracle contradicts its potency forthwith.
itself? Since Azande do not understanp the natural properties The poison may be over-potent because the gatherers col-
of the poison they cannot explain the contradiction scientific- lected it from the wrong kind of creeper, for there are two
ally; since they do not attribute personality to the oracle they varieties of poison creeper, that called nawada and that called
cannot account for its contradictions by volition; and since they andegi. The andegi kills fowls without regard to the questions put
do not cheat they cannot manipulate the oracle to avoid con- to it. It-is unnecessary to seek a cause, for people know at once
tradictions. The oracle seems so ordered to provide a maximum by its action that it is andegi and they wrap it up in leaves and
'number ofevident contradictions for, as we have seen, in impor- place it in hiding and wait some months for it to 'cool'. If at
tant issues a single test is inacceptable and the oracle must slay the end of this time it is still 'stupid' they either throw it away
15 6 Oracles Oracles 157
or seek to discover whether witchcraft or some other cause is their questions to ask the oracle whether it is being troubled
now responsible for its failure to give correct judgements. by witchcraft, and people say that it may then kill a fowl, after
The explanation of why poison kills all the fowls by reference having shown itself unable to do so before, or spare a fowl, after
to andegi is only adduced when the poison is freshly gathered having killed all the previous ones, in order to inform the ques-
and being tested to determine its worth. If a packet of poison tioner that there is witchcraft present. A man does not ask one
is passed as good nawada and at a later seance kills all the fowls packet of poison whether another packet is good.
some other explanation must be sought, and its behaviour is Ifat its first testing after it has been gathered the oracle poison l
usually attributed to witchcraft. fails to operate, and the man who gathered it is certain that
If at its preliminary test or at any later test the poison is he kept the taboos required of him and that it did not come
impotent and does not kill a single fowl Azande generally attri- into contact with any polluting influence, its impotency may I"

bute its behaviour to breach of a taboo. Today when poison be attributed to the anger of the owners of the soil where it
is often purchased from Azande of the Congo there is grave was dug up. Or it may be said that some foreigner must have
danger of it having been polluted by someone through whose polluted the poison, unknown to the gatherer, while the party ;.;

hands it has passed, and once it has come into contact with ,[
were on their return journey. Such explanations are, however,
an unclean person it is permanently ruined. seldom offered and would seldom be accepted. The man who I
Witchcraft is often cited as a cause for wrong verdicts. It also puts them forward wishes to excuse himselffrom responsibility. i
may render the oracle impotent, though impotency is usually One sometimes hears it said that a packet of poison has lost
attributed to breach oftaboo. Generally speaking, the presence its power because it has been kept too long. Men have, however,
of witchcraft is shown by the oracle killing two fowls in answer denied to me that this is possible, asserting that breach of taboo,
to the same question, or in sparing two fowls in answer to the or witchcraft, or some other cause must be responsible for loss
same question when it has killed a fowl at the same seance. In of strength.
such cases the poison is evidently potent and its failure to give It is said that occasionally the ghosts are held responsible.
correct judgements may be due to a passing influence of witch- Men say that if a man gathers oracle poison in the Congo and
craft. For the time being the seance may be stopped and neglects to give part of it to his father as first-fruits the ghosts 11
resumed on another day when it is hoped that witchcraft will may corrupt it. .
no longer be operative. Nevertheless, unless the oracle makes Finally, any poison will lose its power with use. A man gener-
many consecutive errors Azande do not generally close the' ally prepares for a seance more poison than will be used in the l~ I
seance, because it often happens that witchcraft interferes with tests. At the end of the seance he gathers up what is left and "II
the working of the poison in relation to a single and particular stores it apart from unused poison. Poison can be used at least
question, and in no way influences it in relation to other ques- twice and, ifit is of good quality, sometimes three or four times. ~

tions. The witch is preventing the oracle from giving an accu- Sometimes they prepare a mixture of fresh and used poison. ,:l1
rate reply to a certain question that concerns him but is not At length its strength is exhausted. Azande know this happens 'ij%j
seeking to interfere in questions that do not concern him nor and they merely say 'It is exhausted' without advancing any
to destroy the poison completely. mystical cause for its loss of potency.
Sometimes the poison refuses to function properly on a cer- Sometimes the poison acts in a peculiar manner inside the
tain day because the operator is in an unlucky state, 'his condi- fowl and experience is necessary to interpret correctly its re-
tion is bad', as Azande say, and this means that there is witch- actions; It sometimes happens that a fowl appears to have sur-
craft about him and by coming into contact with the oracle vived its ordeal but dies later when it is running about in the
poison he has transmitted the ill-luck to it, so that the 'condi- grass, or even after its owner has brought it back to his home-
tion' of the oracle is bad likewise. Sometimes they interrupt stead. I have never observed a fowl revive after it has appeared

158 Oracles Oracles 159
to fall lifeless to the ground, but I was told that this occasionally dies, they are content. They will say to you, 'You see the poison
occurs. Indeed, I have heard Mbira boast of having addressed is good, it has spared the first three fowls but it has killed this
an apparently lifeless hen for a long time with such vehemence one.' Zande behaviour, though ritual, is consistent, and the
and good sense that it finally survived. When such things reasons they give for their behaviour, though mystical, are in-
happen young Azande do not always know how to interpret tellectually coherent.
them, but old and experienced men are seldom at a loss to If their mystical notions allowed them to generalize their
explain the fowl's behaviour. People do not care to act on a observations they would perceive, as we do, that their faith is l!
verdict of the oracle unless it is given without ambiguity. without foundations. They themselves provide all the proof
If a fowl collapses very slowly and then suddenly recovers necessary. They say that they sometimes test new poison or old
this means that there is some evil influence hanging over the poison which they fear has been corrupted by asking it silly
operator. 'His condition is bad.' fowls may die slowly in a long questions. At full moon they administer the poison to a fowl
series of spasms as though the poison were uncertain whether and address it thus:
to kill them or not, and this probably means that witchcraft ,
Poison oracle, tell the chicken about those two spears over there.
is trying to influence the oracle. As I am about to go up to the sky, if I will spear the moon today
The oracle must reply to the question in either an affirmative with my spears, kill the fowl. If! will not spear the moon today, poison
or a negative, but sometimes it sees more than it is asked and oracle spare the fowl.
wants to let the people know what it has seen, e.g. they may If the oracle kills the fowl they know that it is corrupt.
ask it whether a man will be bewitched ifhe goes ajourney, and And yet Azande do not see that their oracles tell them noth-
the oracle knows that although he will not be bewitched his ing! Their blindness is not due to stupidity: they reason excel-
family will be bewitched during his absence or that he himself lently in the idiom of their beliefs, but they cannot reason out-
will be attacked by sorcery. Or they may ask whether a certain side, or against, their beliefs because they have no other idiom
man will fall ill this month, and the oracle sees that although in which to express their thoughts.
he will be in good health this month he will fall sick next month. The reader will naturally wonder what Azande say when :,1'

It tries to tell people these facts and at the same time to answer subsequent events prove the prophecies of the poison oracle to I,:
the questions put to it. be wrong. Here again Azande are not surprised at such an out- '"
come, but it does not prove to them that the oracle is futile.
It rather proves how well founded are their beliefs in witchcraft ,~I
It will have been noted that Azande act experimentally within and sorcery and taboos. The contradiction between what the
the framework of their mystical notions. They act as we would oracle said would happen and what actually has happened is :~
have to act if we had no means of making chemical and physio- just as glaring to Zande eyes as it is to ours, but they never ~
logical analyses and we wanted to obtain the same results as for.a moment question the virtue of the oracle in general but iW
they want to obtain. As soon as the poison is brought back from seek only to account for the inaccuracy of this particular poison.
its forest home it is tested to discover whether some fowls will Moreover, even if the oracle was not deflected from the
live and others die under its influence. It would be unreasonable straight path of prophecy by witchcraft or bad magic there are
to use poison without first having ascertained that all fowls to other reasons which would equally account for its failure. It
which it is administered do not die or do not live. The oracle may be that the particular venture about the success of which
would then be a farce. Each seance must be in itself experiment- a man was consulting the oracle was not at the time of consulta-
ally consistent. Thus if the first three fowls survive Azande will tion threatened by witchcraft, but that a witch intervened at
always be apprehensive. They at once suspect that the oracle some time between the consultation and the commencement >~i

is not working properly. But ifthen,afterwards, the fourth fowl of the undertaking. ,",1
160 Oracles
Oracles 161
Azande see as well as we that the failure of their oracle to either cannot be tested, or if proved by subsequent events to
prophesy truly calls for explanation, but so entangled are they be erroneous permit an explanation of the error. In the last
in mystical notions that they must make use ofthem to account resort errors can always be explained by attributing them to
for the failure. The contradiction between experience and one mystical interference. But there is no need to suppose that the
mystical notion is explained by reference to other mystical Zande is conscious of an evasion of clear issues. In restricting
notions. his questions to certain well-known types he is conforming to
Normally there is little chance of the oracle being proved tradition. It does not occur to him to test the oracle experiment-
wrong, for it is usually asked questions to which its answers can- ally unless he has grave suspicions about a particular packet
not well be challenged by subsequent experience, since the in- of poison.
quirer accepts the verdict and does not seek to check it by ex- Moreover, the mai~E~ose of theor~cle liesjIl its ability
periment. Thus were a man to ask the oracle, 'If I build my to reveal th~phY of I!lysti~<l.L[orc~s. When Az~_nd~l>0ut
homestead in such-and-such a place will I die there?' or, 'If health or marri'!g~--9r hunting they are seeking information
my son is sponsored by so-and-so in the circumcision ceremonies aboiitth~mQY~J!le!lt of psychic forces which might cause them
will he die?' and were the oracle to reply 'Yes' to either of these mis~tune. They do not attempt simply to discover tlieo6]eC=
queries, he would not construct his homestead in the ill-omened tive conditions at a certain point of time in the future, nor the
place nor allow his son to be sponsored by the inauspicious man. objective results ofa certain action, but the inclination of mysti-
Consequently he would never know what would have hap- cal powers, for these conditions and result depend upon di.em.
pened it he had not taken the advice of the oracle. Also, the Azande envisage a future;ari-lriaividual's future that is to-say,
verdict of the oracle is usually in accordance with the workings depe-nd~ni:-iip.Qn_rnystical forces. Hence when the oracle paints
of nature, and were a man to receive the reply that it is safe a black horizon for a man he is glad to have been warned
for him to marry a certain girl because she will not die within because now that he knows the dispositions of witchcraft he can
the next few years, or that he is assured of his harvest of eleusine get into touch with it and have the future ch<inged_ !()~be mwe
if he sows it in a certain spot in the bush, there would be little favourable to him.
likelihood of the oracle being proved wrong, as the chances of By means of his oracles a Zande can discover the mystical
the girl dying or of the hardy eleusine being totally destroyed forces which hang over a man and doom him in advance, and ..;
would be small. having diSCOverea tIiem necan counteract them or alter his
Furthermore, only certain types of question are regularly put' plans to avoid the doom which awaits him in any particular
to the oracle: questions relating to witchcraft, sickness, death, Ii
venture. Hence it is evident that the answers he receives do not '.j
lengthyjourneys, mourning and vengeance, changing of home- generally concern objective happenings-aria- therefore cannot K,
stead sites, lengthy agricultural and hunting enterprises, and easily be contra-ry to experIence. \1;,
so forth. One does not ask the poison oracle about small matters None the less, I have often noticed that Azande on being in- ,.,
or questions involving minute precision with regard to time. formed that sickness lies ahead of them do not even proceed u
A man would not ask such a question as: 'Will I kill a bush- to discover the name of the witch whose influence is going to
buck if I go hunting tomorrow?' and since men do not ask cause them sickness and get him to blowout water but merely
that sort ofquestion they do not receive immediat~ detailed in- wait for a few days and then consult the oracle again to find
structions which might go amiss and expose the falsity of the out whether their health will be good for the coming month,
oracle. hoping that by the time ofthe second consultation the evil influ- t~1

Indeed, as a rule Aiande do not ask questions to which ence which hung over their future at the time of the first con-
answers are easily tested by experience and they ask only sultation will no longer be there.
those questions which embrace contingencies. The answers It follows that present and future have not entirely the same
r62 Oracles Oracles r63
meaning for Azande as they have for us. It is difficult to formu- thought, and he selects the ones that are chiefly to his advantage.
late the problem in our language, but it would appear from A Zande does not readily accept an oracular verdict which con-
their behaviour that the present and future overlap in some way flicts seriously with his interests. No one believes that the oracle
so that the present partakes of the future as it were. Hence a is nonsense, but everyone thinks that for some particular reason
man's future health and happiness depend on future conditions in this particular case the particular poison used is in error in
that are already in existence and can be exposed by the oracles respect to himself. Azande are only sceptical of particular I:I
and altered. The future depends on the disposition of mystical oracles and not of oracles in general, and their scepticism is

forces that can be tackled here and now. Moreoever, when the always expressed in a mystical idiom that vouches for the
oracles announce that a man will fall sick, i.e. be bewitched validity of the poison oracle as an institution.
in the near future, his 'condition' is therefore already bad, his Also, apart from criminal cases, there can be no doubt that
future is already part of him. Azande cannot explain these mat- a man takes advantage of every loop-hole the oracle allows him
ters, they content themselves with believing and enacting them. to obtain what he wants or to refrain from doing what he does
By the same token, the oracle is protected by its position in not want to do. Moreover, he uses the authority of the oracle
the order of events. When a Zande wishes to slay a witch who to excuse his conduct or to compel others to accept it. The oracle
has killed one of his kinsmen or a thief who has stolen his prop- is often very useful in such a question as whether a man's wife
erty he does not ask the oracle to identify the witch or thief shall pay her parents a visit. It is difficult for the husband to
and then make magic against this known person, but he first forbid her visit, but ifhe can say that the oracles advise against
makes magic against an unknown criminal, and when people ifhe can both prevent it and checkmate objections on the part
in the neighbourhood die he asks the oracle whether one of of his parents-in-law.
them is the victim of his punitive magic. In the actual·operation of the oracle, Azande like to receive
But in spite of the many ways in which belief in the poison a favourable prediction in the first test and to put off the corro~
oracle is sustained it may be doubted whether it could have borative test that may contradict it for as long as possible.
maintained prestige in a democratic community. In Zandeland Tradition allows them a certain latitude in the order in' which
its verdicts derive an historic sanction from the fact that its ver- they arrange their. questions to the oracle and also in the
dicts were traditionally backed by the full authority of the king. number of doses that are administered to the fowls. There is
The decisions of the king's oracle were final. Had there been' an art in questioning the oracle, for it must answer 'yes' or 'no'
any appeal from this to private oracles there would have been' to a question and a man can therefore define the terms of the 'I'
general confusion, since everybody would have been able to answer by stating them in the question. By close interpretations
produce oracular verdicts to support his own point of view and of the reactions of fowls to the poison it is often possible to
there would have been no way of deciding between them. In qualify the declaration oracles give by killing or sparing them.
legal disputes, therefore, the authority ofthe poison oracle was In all this Azande are not employing trickery. A man uses
formerly the authority of the king, and this in itselfwould tend
to prevent any serious challenge to its veracity.
for his individual needs in certain situations those notions that
most favour his desires. Azande cannot go beyond the limits


set by their culture and invent notions, but within these limits '~
human behaviour is not rigidly determined by custom and a
There is a final problem to discuss. As I have recorded in earlier man has some freedom of action and thought.
sections, each situation demands the particular pattern of
thought appropriate to it. Hence an individual in one situation :1
will employ a notion he excludes in a different situation. The
many beliefs I have recorded are so many different tools of
Oracles 16 5
The oracle is called after one of the trees, a branch of which
CHAPTER X is inserted into a termite mound in its operation. Azande may
address their questions to these branches. Nevertheless, they
Other Zande Oracles ordinarily address the termites and in their commentaries on
the oracle it is clear that they think of the termites as listening
to their questions and giving answers to them. But the fact that
they address both shows that no general and independent intel- i:
AZANDE esteem dakpa, or the termites oracle, next to the poison ligence is attributed to either the termites or to the trees but·
oracle. A man will not place a verdict of the termites oracle only a specific intelligence in the operation of the oracle, and
before the rubbing-board oracle for confirmation, and he will that it is the oracle as a whole, as something sui generis, which
not place a verdict of the poison oracle to the termites for con- is the object of inquiry.
firmation. If more than one oracle is consulted they consult A man ought to observe the same taboos as for the poison
always the lesser before the greater in the order of: (I) rubbing- oracle, but they are less strict. The termites are always
board, (2) termites, (3) poison. Dakpa is the poor man's poison approached towards evening. A man goes to one of his own
oracle. There are no expenses involved, for a man has only to termite mounds because people may object ifhe disturbs their
find a termite mound and insert two branches of different trees termites by thrusting branches into their runs. He does not take
into one of their runs and return next day to see which of the branches of dakpa and kpoyo from his homestead because these
two the termites have eaten. The main drawback to the oracle two trees are found everywhere in the bush. With the haft of
from the Zande point of view is that it is lengthy and limited. his spear he opens up one of the great shafts that lead into the
It takes an entire night to answer a question, and very few ques- mound, or one of the runs at the side of it, takes a branch of
tions can be asked at the same time. either tree in each hand, and, speaking to the termites, which
On all important matters the decisions of the termites oracle rush to the seat of disturbance, says .SOri'fe such words as: '0
must be corroborated by the poison oracle. Legal action cannot termites, I will die this year, eat dakpa. I will not die, eat kpoyo.'
be taken without a decision from the poison oracle. But poison He may address the branches as though they were eating:
is expensive and it is cheaper to obtain preliminary verdicts 'Dakpa I will die this year, dakpa you eat; I will not die this
from the termites and ask the poison oracle for a final decision. year, kpoyo you eat.' The words vary according to the question,
Thus a man finds out which among half a dozen sites is a suit-' but they are always spoken in one of the traditional forms.
able one for him to build his homestead in and can place the While making this speech he thrusts the two branches into the
choice ofthe termites before the poison oracle for confirmation. shaft, or run, and after placing a few of the lumps of earth he
Women can consult the termites oracle as well as men, and has excavated around them he returns home.
children sometimes use it. It is known to, and can be used by, Early next morning the questioner goes to the mound to
everyone. receive an answer. The termites may have eaten kpoyo and left ~:) ,j

The oracle is regarded as very reliable, much more so than dakpa, or they may have eaten dakpa and left kpoyo. They may :'J
the rubbing-board. Azande say that the termites do not listen have eaten both, or left both untouched. The answer depends ',I
to all the talk which is going on outside in homesteads and only therefore on the way in which the question is phrased. When :1
hear the questions put to them. Older men try to consult the it concerns the welfare of the question,er or of his kin it is asked
termites oracle at the beginning of each month to discover in such a way that if the termites eat dakpa it is a prophecy
whether they will continue in good health. A wealthy man asks of misfortune, and if they eat kpoyo it is a prophecy of good for- i"llW!
the same question of the poison oracle. tune. Having obtained a verdict, they can then either place it
at once before the poison oracle or, if they do not want to do

166 Oracles Oracles 16 7
that, they can obtain from termites a gingo, or corroborative to them. These little pieces of stick are generally arranged just
test, similar to that they demand from the poison oracle.' I before nightfall in a clearing at the edge of the garden where
believe, however, that this is not generally done, for cases which it borders the homestead or at the back of a hut. When asking
demand such care are usually so important that they must go about a new homestead they are arranged in a small clearing
before the poison oracle which will supply all the confirmation in the proposed site in the bush. The oracle gives its answers
needed. by the three sticks remaining in position all night or by the
It sometimes happens that neither branch is eaten. Then structure falling. Azande sometimes say that a person ought to
Azande simply say that the termites refuse an answer and they observe the usual taboos for a short time before using the three
try another mound. Frequently they eat both branches. This sticks oracle, but I very much doubt whether anyone does so.
is not an invalid verdict as it is when the poison kills or spares When the sticks have been set in position a man addresses
two fowls. The same unambiguous answer is not expected from them and tells them what he wants enlightenment about, or
termites. Doubtless we would be right in relating this accept- perhaps, we might rather say, he speaks a conditional clause
ance of unprecise answers to the fact that the questions put to over them.
the termites oracle have not the social importance of those put When consulting about a homestead site a man usually erects
to the poison oracle and do not settle legal issues. When both two piles of sticks, one for himself and one for his wife. He
branches are eaten the interpretation is not a complete answer addresses his pile somewhat as follows:
to the question but a partial answer, e.g if dakpa is the branch I will die, there is badness over this homestead site, if T build my ':i
mainly eaten, the answer is a qualified verdict leaning towards homestead on it I will die there. Mapingo you scatter to show that
a negative or ,,!:ffirmative according to the terms of the question. my 'condition' is bad. I will not die on it, let me come to examine
If both branches are eaten about equally Azande may say
that the ants were merely hungry and ate to satisfy their appe-
you and find you in position to show my good 'condition'.
Generally the question is so phrased that the displacement
tites, or they may say that a taboo has been broken or that of the sticks gives an inauspicious prognostication and their
witchcraft has interfered with the oracle. But they do not evoke remaining in position gives an auspicious prognostication.
mystical entities to account for the failure of the termites oracle The oracle is not considered important. Women and children
to give unambiguous answers with the frequency and lux- ask it many questions, but they are questions about their own
uriance of those evoked to explain discrepancies in the verdicts affairs and have little social significance. Men also use it on
of the poison oracle. occasion. Its verdicts are not made public and a man cannot
approach a witch on its findings alone. It is sometimes used
as a preliminary to the termites or poison oracles. N otwith-
Another Zande oracle is called mapingo. It can be used byevery- standing, it is considered very reliable, especially in reference
one, but except in choosing a site for a homestead adult men to homestead sites, and a man would not neglect its advice. ,
do not often employ it. It is considered especially the oracle '~,
of women and children. It is by using mapingo that children III
gain their first experience in oracular consultations. Its opera- The most used of all Zande oracles is iwa, the rubbing-board.
tion is as simple as can be. Three small pieces of wood about The poison oracle needs preparation. Often, especially today, II
half an inch long and rounded are cut from branches of a tree it is difficult to obtain oracle poison, and a man may have to
or from the stalk of the manioc. Three pieces of wood are re- wait many days until he learns that a kinsman or blood-brother .1 ,1
quired for each question to be asked. The material always lies is about to consult the oracle and will allow him to bring one
ready at hand. Two pieces of stick are placed side by side on the or two fowls to solve his problems. But a man cannot wait when
ground and the third piece is placed on top of them and parallel he fears that he may be a victim of witchcraft or trickery. At

168 Oracles Oracles 169
any time a sudden problem may confront him, a sudden suspi-
table is round to oval. When not in operation a barkcloth cover-
cion assail him. If he possesses a rubbing-board oracle and is ing is tied over the head of the instrument.
qualified to use it he will carry it with him wherever he goes
When fashioning a rubbing-board a man is subject to taboos.
in his little skin or grass plaited bag so that he can take it out He must abstain for two days from sexual relations and from
at a moment's notice and inquire from it what he is to do. the same foods prohibited in connexion with the poison oracle
Otherwise he may easily find a kinsman or friend who will con- before he commences to manufacture it. He cuts it with an adze,.
sult their oracles on his behalf, for it is a small service and costs fashioning the bottom part before the upper part. He then
them nothing. And it is not only in situations requiring imme- blackens it by rubbing the surface with a red-hot spear. The
diate action that the rubbing-board is more suitable an oracle carving of the board is only part of the process of manufacture.
than the poison, but also in dozens of situations when the issues It is still nothing but two pieces of carved wood and has to be
are of minor importance and hardly worthy of being presented endowed with mystical potency, i.e. the wood has to be trans-
to the poison oracle. Azande do not place complete faith in formed into an oracle. This is done by two actions. In the first
its statements and contrast its reliability unfavourably with that place the table is anointed with medicine derived from roots j
of the other oracles which have been described. They put its which have been boiled, their juices then mixed with oil and
revelations on a par with those of witch-doctors. The rubbing-
board is looked upon as an inferior judge which sorts out a case
so thatit is reduced to preliminary issues that can then go before
boiled again and, during this second boiling, stirred and
addressed in the pot. I was t()ld that the owner says over the
the poison oracle. Thus a man is ill and a great many persons
occur to him as likely to be bewitching him. It would be a This is my rubbing-board oracle which I am going to doctor. When
tedious and expensive business to place six or seven names I consult it on a man's behalf may it speak the truth, may it foretell
the death (threatened death) of a man. May it reveal things to me,
before the poison oracle when, perhaps, the last on the may it not hide things from me. May it not lose its potency. If a man
list is the right one. But it will not take him longer than ten eats tabooed food, such as elephant (and comes near my oracle), may
minutes to place the names before his little wooden instrument, it not lose its potency.
and when it has chosen from among them the responsible witch He then takes the mixture off the fire and, having rnade in-
all that need be asked of the greater poison oracle is to confirm cisions on the table of the oracle, he rubs some of it into them.
its choice. The poison oracle is always the final authority, and The remainder of the oil andjuices he mixes with ashes ofvari-
if the matter is one involving relations between two persons if ous plants and rubs them on to the face of the table. The in-
must be consulted. For this reason, unless the matter is urgent, cisions may be partly the cause of the lid of the oracle sticking
they bring all important social questions directly before the or running smoothly on the table according to the direction
poison oracle. It is only minor or preliminary questions that of pressure.
are asked ofthe rubbirtg-board. Azande say it answers so many In the second place the oracle has to be buried. It has been
questions that it is bound to be wrong sometimes. We may doctored, but the medicines have to be given time to sink in
observe that this admission can be made because situations of and there is still 'coldness' about it which must be removed.
use are minor and do not involve social interrelations. It is wrapped up in new barkcloth or perhaps in the skin of
The oracles consist of miniature table-like constructions. a small animal like a small bushbuck and is placed in a hole
Smaller ones are carried about in bags. Larger ones are kept dug in the centre of a path. The earth is well trodden down
in homesteads. They are carved out ofthe wood of various trees. to disguise the fact that something has been buried there,
They have two parts, the 'female', or the flat surface of the table because if a man notices that the earth has been disturbed he :"'\"
supported by two legs and its tail, and the 'male', or the piece will go round the spot in fear of sorcery, and this will spoil the
which fits the surface of the table like a lid. The shape of the preparation of the oracle, because it is passers-by who 'take
170 Oracles Oracles 17 1
away all "coldness" from the rubbing-board in the centre of an affirmative answer and smooth running of the lid almost
the path' as they pass over it. After two days the owner digs always gives a negative answer.
it up. Whatever other questions a man intends to place before the
He now tests it by rubbing the wooden lid backwards and oracle he gerierally asks as his first question, 'Shall I die this
forwards on the table. He says to it: 'Rubbing-board, if you year?' and the oracle runs smoothly, giving its answer 'No'.
will speak the truth to people, stick.' It sticks in declaration Sometimes instead of going smoothly backwards and forwards
of its potency and powers of discrimination. The owner then or sticking fast the lid runs from side to side or round and round.
addresses the oracle, saying, 'Rubbing-board, I take a little Sometimes it alternately sticks and runs. The oracle is here
wealth to redeem you with it. You speak the truth to me. I refusing to give a verdict, and this generally means that it is
take ashes to hold your legs with them. You speak the truth doubtful of the issue or sees something outside the terms of the
to me.' He then places a knife before it as a payment. Since question that would seriously qualify the unequivocal answer
the knife is taken away again Azande say, 'He deceives the rub- given by either sticking or sliding.
bing~board with a knife.' He then binds barkcloth round it and Strictly speaking, as with the poison and termites oracles, a
places it under his veranda. The rubbing-board is ready for use. second and confirmatory test should be made. If the lid has
It is operated in the following manner. A man sits on the stuck in the first test, thenin the second test it must slide back-
ground and steadies the board by placing his right foot on its wards and forwards smoothly, and vice versa, if the verdict is
tail, while with his right hand he jerks the lid backwards and to be valid. In fact, however, they very seldom make a second
forwards, towards and away from him, between his thumb and test. In important issues the question will be placed before the
first finger. Before operating the oracle he squeezes juices of poison oracle, which supplies all the confirmation needed. Also
plants or grates wood ofvarious trees on to the table. Generally Azande must be aware that the second test always confirms the
they use the fruit ofthe Kaffir apple for this purpose. The opera- first one. But they do not trouble themselves to any great extent
tor dips the lid into a gourd of water which he keeps at his side about such matters because in serious questions a higher auth-
and applies its flat surface to the surface of the table. As soon ority is consulted.
as they touch, the juices or gratings on the table become mois-
tened and begin to froth and bubble. He jerks the lid backwards IV

and forwards a few times and then begins to question the oracle. Before consulting the rubbing-board its owner is supposed
From time to time during the consultations he moistens the lid' to observe the same prohibitions as those in force when using
in the gourd of water. the poison oracle, though it is not required that he shall observe
When the operator jerks the lid over the table it generally them for so long a period before operating it. Since the oracle
either moves smoothly backwards and forwards or it sticks to may be consulted at a moment's notice the taboos would prove
the board so firmly that no jerking will further move it, and irksome to its owner and to those who wish him to operate it
it has to be pulled upwards with considerable force to detach on their behalf if it were not that their observance can be
it from the table. These two actions-smooth sliding and firm rendered unnecessary by a process known as 'spoiling the rub-
sticking-are the two ways in which the oracle answers ques- bing-board'. A piece of an elephant's skin, or a fish-bone, and
tions. They correspond to the slaying or sparing offowls by the perhaps of a piece of wood on which a woman has sat (for a
poison, the eating or refusing of the branches by the termites, menstruating woman can destroy the potency of any oracle if
and the disturbance or. non-disturbance of the pile of sticks. she goes near it), are burnt and the ashes are rubbed over the
Every question is therefore framed thus: If such is the case, table of the board. Instead of burning fish-bone they may
'stick', and if such is not the case, 'run smoothly'. In consulta- sprinkle the table with a few drops of water in which a fish has
tions ofthe rubbing-board sticking ofthe lid almost always gives been cooked. It will not matter after this has been done if a

17 2 Oracles Oracles 173
man eats elephant's flesh or fish or a menstruating woman any man who has kept the taboos, but when the rubbing-board
approaches the oracle. is operated the owner as well as the instrument itself has to be
That people, in fact, do not observe taboos is well known. doctored. He will get a magician to doctor him. The potency
Azande have told me that whilst every oracle owner sleeps regu- of the oracle is due to the medicines which it absorbs when the
larly with his wife, few have been heard to refuse to operate board is being made, the medicines applied to its table before
the oracle on that account. Nevertheless, they say that a sincere use, the medicines ru bbed into the hand and foot of the operator
man who wished to keep his oracle potent would not use it for and eaten by him, and its operation subject to customary condi-
two or three days after having had sexual intercourse. They tions.
attribute much of the error in the oracle's judgements to slack- Only the owner of a rubbing-board uses it. He will not let
ness in this respect. In the past only a few old men owned rub- other people operate it. He will consult it about the affairs of
bing-boards, and in those days taboos were more rigidly 'kinsmen and great friends without exacting a fee, but from
observed, for old men are more careful than their juniors to neighbours he expects a present of a knife, or half-piastre, or
avoid contamination. Even today not many men own rubbing- ring, or some such small gift. He can courteously demand
boards. payment by pointing out that the oracle will not work properly
Azande say that the accuracy of a rubbing-board depends unless it sees a gift laid on the ground before it. If you do not
upon its not becoming 'cold'. They say that if a man's oracle produce a fee when asking him to consult his oracle on your
makes many mistakes he will realize that it has lost its potency. behalf he may say that he is sorry but his rubbing-board is
I t can be rehabilitated by placing medicine on its table and broken or that he has not kept taboos the day before or that
wrapping it in barkcloth and burying it again in a path. I was he has not ritually cleansed himself after assisting at a burial.
told that they say to it as they place it in the hole, 'You are Azande are well aware that people can cheat in operating
rubbing-board, why do you lie? Speak the truth.' Mter two the rubbing-board oracle, and this is one of the reasons why.
days the owner digs it up and burns a little benge and rubs the they consider it inferior to the other oracles. However, they do
soot on to the board, and says to it, 'Rubbing-board you speak not think that people often cheat, and a man only mentions
the truthjust as benge speaks it.' He then puts a pinch of oracle that an operator may have cheated when the oracle has spoken
poison on the table, wraps it up in backcloth, and places it against him or he particularly dislikes the operator. No owner
under his veranda to rest for a few days. of a good oracle cheats or fails to observe taboos lest it cease
Operation of the rubbing-board differs from operation of the ' to be a good oracle. Some men's oracles have a wide reputation
other oracles in that only certain persons can operate it. With for accuracy and enjoy this reputation in contrast to others.
the exception of the one or two peculiar women who have even Since the rubbing-board has no legal status, there is no reason
been known to consult the poison oracle and a few female ghost- why tradition and authority should exclude, or explain away
diviners, these persons are all middle-aged or old men. Women by assertion and by the use ofsecondary elaborations, the possi-
may occasionally watch the oracle being operated as it is being bility ofimproper manipulation. A man must believe, or at any
consulted in homesteads, and often publicly, unlike the poison rate express belief, in the poison oracle and submit to its
and termites oracles which are consulted in the bush, but they declarations. But the statements of the rubbing-board need not
are not encouraged to approach near to it-and cannot operate it. inconvenience anyone except its consulter, and custom does
Children do not use it, and I have never known a young man not compel a man to use it or to submit to its verdicts.
operate it. Moreover, its use is not conditioned by age and sex I have little doubt that the operator improperly manipulates
alone, for it is necessary for a man to have absorbed certain the oracle in most inquiries. Nevertheless, owners of rubbing-
medicines before he can hope to operate the instrument. The boards frequently consult them about their own affairs, and it
poison, termites, and three sticks oracles can be operated by can scarcely be imagined that they deliberately cheat on such

174 Oracles Oracles 175
occasions. It may also be asked why, if they cheat, they should them to dream true dreams. When the dream is oracular it will
go to the trouble of burying the board and doctoring it and then prophesy the future truly and warn a man of impending
themselves. danger and tell him offortune to come, e.g. ifhe goes hunting
It must be difficult for a man who is considering a question or pays a visit to his prince to ask for a gift of spears he will
to move his hand quite haphazardly when the movement is sup- kill animals or receive the gift. If the dream is a nightmare he
posed to provide an answer to the question and when pressure will then be abletosee the features of the witch who is attacking
makes all the difference between 'Yes' and 'No'. It may well him so that he will know his enemy.
be that Azande are not entirely aware that they control the Azande attach great importance to the prognostication of
oracle in accordance with conclusions reached in their minds dreams. They say that dream-prophecies are as true as those
and that between the thinking out of the questions and the ofthe rubbing-board oracle. However, dreams do not often lead
movement of the hand in answer the middle clause, 'I must directly to action. Azande like to place their prognostications
make the lid stick (or go smoothly)" -is not consciously formu- before one of the four main oracles, benge, dakpa, mapingo, and
lated. If this is the case 'cheating' is perhaps too strong a word iwa, to make certain that they have correctly interpreted them.l
to use.
1 For further information on dreams, cf. Appendix II.
Azande speak ofdreams as oracles, for they reveal hidden things
(soroka). In a sense all dreams foretell events, but some more
clearly than others. Those dreams in which a man actually ex-
periences witchcraft portend misfortune to the dreamer as a
consequence of his having been bewitched, and dreams about
ghosts, not recorded in this book, inform people about happen-
ings among the dead. But many dreams are explained solely
in terms of prophecy without reference to witchcraft, though
what may at the time have appeared to h'!ve been a dream
of one type may be shown by events to have been a dream of
another type and to have been misinterpreted. '
There are stereotyped explanations of dreams. These are
generally straightforward affirmations that what happened in
the dream will later take place in waking life, but sometimes
dream images are regarded as symbols which require inter-
pretation. Nevertheless, in such cases the interpretation is often
traditional and it is merely necessary to find someone who
knows it. Azande do not always know how to interpret dreams,
though an obscure dream is always vaguely considered good
or bad. On the whole, whatwe would call bad dreams are evi-
dence of witchcraft, and what we would call pleasant dreams
are oracular and the dreamer believes that they may happen
to him in the future.
Some men eat ngua musumo, dream-medicines, which enable

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