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Study Skills Workshop – Year 8 – Workshop #2

Organising a home schedule

The most effective and efficient learners are organised learners who can balance study
with rest.

1. Workspace

• Assess the quality of your workspace by completing the following


S. Docker
Study Skills Workshop – Year 8 – Workshop #2

2. Schedule

• Complete the following template.

Thinking back to our session with Prue Salter last year, here is what she
recommends J
a) Do 1-1.5 hours of home learning a day.
b) Complete homework first.
c) Work on assessments and/or study for any tests.
d) Use remaining time to consolidate learning, e.g. make study notes, review
challenging work or explore things you found interesting.

3. Managing distractions when studying

• Using the table, record what distractions you face and then possible
strategies to reduce or avoid these distractions.

Distraction Strategy to reduce this

• Read through the following resource and add to your table which
additional distractions and strategies are relevant to you.

S. Docker

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