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Direction: Choose the write answer.

1. National Security relates to the defense of the government against hostile local elements seeking
replacement with their own system.

A. External Aspect

B. Threats to National Security

C. Internal Aspect

D. Secessionist Movements

2. Concerned with safeguarding the state against outside or foreign forces, pressures or influence
designed to conquer it or undermine its sovereignty, for the purpose of placing it under the domination
or control of some foreign state or state

A. External Aspect

B. Threats to National Security

C. Internal Aspect

D. Secessionist Movements

3. The Brain of the CNN.

A. Communist Party

B. National Democratic Front

C. New People's Army


4. The Shield of the CNN

A. Communist Party

B. National Democratic Front

C. New People's Army


5. The Armed Components of the CNN.

A. Communist Party of the Philippines

B. National Democratic Front

C. New People's Army

D. None of the above

6. Subversion is an act of conspiracy or an attack to a man's mind to alter an existing system through
deceit and treachery.



7.Communism is a theory which advocates elimination of private ownership. It tends to make the world
stateless and the society classless. It is a perfect form of government in theory but in practice it is
impossible and undoable.



8. Infiltrationis a line of persuasion to influence the belief, emotion, behavior, attitude and opinion of
the target audience.



9. Economic threat-caused by hoarders, dollar syndicates, smugglers, big time syndicates and
businessmen who amass large amount of money but do not pay due taxes.



10. Propaganda is the deceptive use of legal activities which is used to exert influence and if possible,
seize control of the target group.



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