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A pleasant afternoon to everyone!

In this lesson, we will identify the basic parts of a

lesson plan.

All teachers have to be well-versed with lesson planning. So what is a lesson plan or exemplar?

1. Lesson planning is a special skill that is learned in much the same way as other skills. What are the
parts of a lesson exemplar?

The first part of the lesson plan is the set of objectives. Objectives should be clear, concise statement of
teacher’s intent designed to guide and anchor a lesson plan. Strong objectives contain action verbs
which indicate learning actions which are measurable in some way by the teacher. They are classified
in three domains of learning: the cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude), and psychomotor (skills).
These are found in the Taxonomy of Learning Domains formulated by a group of researchers led by
Benjamin Bloom. There are suggested verbs to be used in stating objectives.

For the cognitive or knowledge domain we have

We also have to know that objectives should be in behavioural form. Behavioral objectives describe what
the participant will be able to do after having attended your activity, something that is observable and
measurable. Each objective should begin with a verb that describes an observable behavior, such as
"describe, summarize, demonstrate, compare, plan, score", etc.

1. The verb examples above are stated in behavioural form. But there are verbs that we should avoid
in using when we construct our lesson objectives. What are they?
1. After familiarizing the do’s and dont’s of writing instructional objectives, we also has to be
knowledgeable on the second part of the lesson exemplar which is…

2. The topic or usually called subject matter is the lesson for the day. References may include the
complete list of resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) including materials that supplement
available textbooks, teachers’ manuals, and/or resources to extend knowledge of the unit topic.
Materials include the audio-visual aids and equipment, technology, outside speakers, student texts,
materials, and teacher-made resources. The method or strategy used may be explicitly stated under
the subject matter. It can be inductive, deductive, modified center-based, use of theme, etc. (will be
discussed in the preceding sessions).

3. Next part of the lesson exemplar is…Procedure uses assessment methods to regularly check
understanding of the material being tackled. It comprises two (2) major activities: the preparatory
and developmental activities

Drill- A short activity which tackles the pre-requisite skill of the students and which may help them
understand the new lesson to be discussed. It can be a sort of practice to hone a certain skill which
may relate to the new lesson.
Review- This can be used to check the understanding of pupils regarding their previous lesson.
Other teachers will use this phase to check the assignment.

4. Next are the developmental activities…

Motivation is an activity that will tickle the interest and the curiosity of the students. It should be
related to the new lesson to be discussed. Other teachers use picture or jigsaw puzzles, riddles,
songs, and other interesting games. This will also give the students clues or hints as to what the
new lesson is all about.
Presentation is segment of the lesson which reveals the topic of the day. Prior to this part, the
students have already an idea about the topic during the motivation. The teacher will let students
guess the lesson of the day. He or she will simply ask: What do you think is our lesson today?

5. Setting of Standards follows after the presentation. Before going further to the most

6. crucial part of the lesson-the discussion, the class with the help of the teacher will agree
7. with the rules that they are going to follow during the period. Some teachers will simply
8. creatively present the rules to the students. Others will ask the students on the proper
9. behavior while they are in his or her class.

10. Discussion is allotted with the maximum time since this makes or breaks the lesson.
11. This being considered as the crucial part of the lesson, includes the detailed explanation
12. of the topic. The teacher in this phase, raises questions, demonstrates, shares ideas,
13. and most importantly interacts with his or her students. It is also important that at this
14. point, students will interact with their classmates, with the instructional materials used by
15. the teacher, and with the teacher himself or herself.
17. Generalization is the point where the teacher verifies the ideas or concepts the students
18. learned from the lesson. The ideas or concepts should be formed by the students and
19. not by the teacher. Since the teacher in the first place is a facilitator of the lesson and
20. not the authority of knowledge.

21. Application is the last activity under procedure. In this phase, the teacher will let
22. students apply what they have learned from the lesson to a new situation. This may be
23. in a form of collaborative activities whereby the teacher will be given an idea as to how
24. far the students are learning about the lesson. In this way, the teacher can still help
25. those who fail to understand fully the lesson. The teacher may still give or add another
26. activity to help those who are in need of such.
28. The assessment has to match with the lesson objective in order for the teacher to really
29. gauge the understanding of the students about the lesson.
30. A teacher may use several types of assessments in his or her lesson exemplar. He or
31. she may opt to use the paper and pencil test which may be in objective test or essay test
32. format. He or she may also use the alternative assessment which includes the product-
33. oriented and the process oriented performance-based assessments.
35. Assignment is the last part of the lesson plan. This is any activity that is an extension to
36. the lesson of the day. The activity will enrich the understanding of the students about the
37. lesson. It should be done at home and as much as possible be answered by the student
38. himself or herself.

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