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ALAO- Good morning everyone!! Welcome back to


ALAO- I am Ira Kiss Alao your host for today’s episode and this is my partner

JAYLO- Criztine Jaylo

ALAO- And today we’re talking about the importance of communication. So let us introduce you our
guests the three sisters.

JAYLO- Okay to better understand our topic, we’ll talk with Ms. Sheila, who is the eldest daughter, as
well as Ms. Sapherra, the middle child and lastly Ms. Shein the youngest one.


ALAO- Hi, what can you say to the audience?

TUMLOS- Hello everyone good morning I’m happy to see you all

RAWAN- Me too guys I’m happy to see u all

SABIO- Hi guys nice to see here in Mini show tv

ALAO- Again Hello our pretty guests, thank you for accepting our invitation. Can we please be seated.

SABIO- Well It’s our pleasure to be here

RAWAN- Yeah thank you for choosing us

TUMLOS- Actually we’re happy knowing that your going to featured us in this show.

ALAO-Well you deserve it, So let’s get straight to the point.

JAYLO- Yeah shall we start?


JAYLO- So the first question will be given to Ms. Sheila since you are the eldest one.

TUMLOS-Okay no problem
JAYLO- As a firstborn daughter, how do you show your love toward your sisters?

TUMLOS- Actually were close to each other since we were a child so, saying I love you is one of my
thing and also I love listening their doubts like every time that we will fight, I will not allow us not to
talk about what happened and not be able to apologize to each other. And also I keep reminding them
that no problem can be solved without talking about it. And I always assure them that no matter what
happen I’m always here for them.

JAYLO - Wow what a lovely sister you are.

ALAO- All I can say partner is Can’t relate HAHAHA, I also have a sister but we just fight like cats and
dogs you know HAHAHA

JAYLO- Yeah same partner HAHAHA

ALAO- Well it’s okay we’re still pretty HAHAHA


ALAO- Hey I’m just kidding HAHAHA ,btw lets continue so this question is for you Ms. Sapherra


ALAO- As a middle child, what are you going to do if your sisters are going to fight, would you listen
both side or one side?

RAWAN- If that were going to happen, of course I will ask first the reason and find a ways to make
them talk about it. And also I’m not a kind of person who only listen one side of the story because
how can we able to fixed the problem if we only know a piece of it. Listening both side can help us
find the best solution in every problem.

ALAO- Wow I love your mindset I hope everyone have that kind of mindset.

RAWAN- Oh thank you

JAYLO- Not like the issue of the love team Kathniel that most of the people already believe what they
saw on social media.

ALAO- But at least they confirmed it right

JAYLO- Yeah at least, so here we go lets proceed to Ms. Shein


JAYLO- As the youngest one, how do you show your respect to your older sisters?

SABIO- Respect? Hmm like I always followed their rules, I didn’t say abusive words nor talk back to
them. And I always listen to their daily happenings.
JAYLO- I’m so impressed on each of you, Your parents raise a three lovely daughter very well

GUESTS- Thank you

JAYLO- You know what Ms. Ira I’m jealous of them

ALAO- Don’t worry you’re not alone HAHAH

JAYLO- Good thing you’re there HAHAHA

ALAO-So here again Ms. Sheila


ALAO- Can you imagine if you didn't talk about the things you disagreed with, would you have been
close to each other?

TUMLOS- Well I guess were not, because things will get worse if we don't talk about it, that’s why
communicating to people around you and making them aware on what you exactly feel can make
things get better and can make your relationship with them much stronger.

ALAO- Well said Ms. Sheila

TUMLOS –Thank you

JAYLO- And Ms. Sapherra, how would you feel if your sisters ignoring you?

RAWAN- Sad I guess, well who doesn't feel sad,especially if you don't know the reason why you are
being ignored

JAYLO- Even me. - Ms. Shein it’s your turn now

SABIO- Oh sure

JAYLO- Why we must need to communicate with other people?

SABIO- Well as what my sister said a while ago that In our daily life, communication helps us build
relationships by allowing us to share our experiences, and needs, and helps us connect to others. It's
the essence of life, allowing us to express feelings, pass on information and share thoughts. That’s
why we need to communicate.

ALAO- I agree, As they say communication Is a key.

JAYLO- Yeah and it is perfectly said.

ALAO- So before we end this episode, The MINI SHOW TV! Will be back after the short advertisement.



ALAO- Again and again welcome back to


JAYLO- Our minis I hope you enjoy and understand our topic for this episode

ALAO- I hope so, and now before we totally end this episode let’s have a fast talk, so you guys
are ready?

GUESTS- Yes always ready

ALAO-Wait I forgot I only need 1 volunteer to play this game so who wants to?

SABIO-Me since I’m the youngest

ALAO- Okay so here is it, What is the best show in TV right now?


ALAO-Conversations in person or over text?

SABIO- In person

ALAO- Your love language?

SABIO- Act of service

ALAO- Introvert or Extrovert?

SABIO- Ambivert

ALAO- Talk with your sisters or talk with your crush?

SABIO- Crush

ALAO- Oh no sisters, she choose her crush over you


ALAO- So I guess our episode will last here so, again what we want to relay is that
communicating with the people around you helps us build a strong relationships, it allows us to
share our interest, concerns, support each other; organize our lives and make decisions; and it allows
us to work together. So if there is a problem there is always a solution, communication is the key.
JAYLO- Again thank you everyone and also to our pretty ladies in today’s episode I hope that your
relationship with each other will grow stronger.

GUESTS- Thank you too and thank you our ka MINI

ALAO & JAYLO- Again and again this Ira Kiss and this is Criztine from MINI SHOW TV!!!










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