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Mark (T) for true statement or (F) for false statement (one mark each =

total 30 marks)

1- Plagiarism is a copy and past of the academic texts without rephrasing (T)

2- Research statement aims to identify the topic and its importance in addition to

the general aim ( T )

3- Interview and questionnaires among methods of the collection of information


4- All academic reports have two components: beginning and end ( F )

5- Introduction is the first chapter o be written ( F )

6- Methods chapter preceded the results chapter in the project ( T )

7- It is not necessary to include the date of issue on the title page ( F )

8- Abstract should be placed at the end of any academic written task ( F )

9- The headings on the contents page shouldn’t be identical to those in the text

(F )

10- Glossary should be arranged alphabetically and should be placed at the

beginning ( T )

11- Aims and scope of the work should be available in the introduction ( T)

12- It is not acceptable to have Subheadings in the literature review ( F )

13- Structured abstract is a non acceptable form in writing abstracts ( F )

14- Don't include any material hadn't been mentioned in the text in the abstract


15- Review type of research work has no methodology chapter ( F )

16- Methodology chapter should be written only in experimental work while

review type of work has no methodology chapter ( F )

17- It is not allowable to write the method chapter using heading and

subheadings ( F )

18- Identification of full texts and abstracts, language of the text is important for

methodology documentation ( T )
19- Results should be presented with a discussion and reasoning ( F )

20- Pie charts, bar charts, histograms are among the forms of presentation of

the results ( T )

21- Comparison and contrast, argument and evaluation of a problem are among

the forms of discussion ( T )

22- Limitations should be stated in any written academic work to identify the

points of weakness and planning the future work ( T )

23- Limitations of the work is inserted before the conclusion, at the end of the

discussion ( T )

24- Conclusions should be exaggerated and non-objective (F)

25- Recommendations should look at the past and may provide new ideas to the

topic ( F )

26- An appendix is useless unless it is clearly referred to in the main body of the

text and in contents page ( T )

27- Label of the table is inserted below it while the label of the figure is inserted

above it ( F )

28- Subject information sheet one of the tools that would inform the people

about the work ( T )

29- Consent form is an essential ethical component to conduct an experimental

study ( T )

30- Bibliography those references which have been read but not used; however

you do recommend others to read them ( T )

B- MCQ: choose the most appropriate answer among following statements

(1 mark each = total: 10 marks)

1- All of the following statements are true except

A. Stating to describe as an aim of study is similar to state to discuss *

B. Making a mind map is crucial before start your research work

C. The problem of the work should be included in the research statement

D. Research should be measurable, and feasible to be worked out

E. Inclusion and exclusion criteria is an important step in the research

2- Academic writing: all are true except

A. Academic writing should consider the reader engagement

B. Avoid informal or spoken language in scientific texts

C. The past tense is used in introduction and review of literature *

D. each sentence in the paragraph is related to this topic sentence

E. Beginning, middle and end are the components of academic reports

3- All of the following statements are true except

A. Glossary is part of the beginning at academic reports

B. Introduction is the last chapter to be written

C. Plagiarism is the repetition of one expression as part of another one*

D. Harvard and Vancouver are among citation methods

E. Review of literature is allowable in headings and subheadings

4- Linking words: all are true except

A. Moreover, and besides are examples of addition terms

B. However, and conversely are among in contrast terms

C. In short and to sum are terms which used in summary

D. In fact, and indeed are among the emphasizing terms

E. Eventually and consequently are compressional terms*

5- All of the following statements are false, except

A. Information shouldn't be up to date

B. Not allowable to have subtitle in the title

C. Title page shouldn't include the date of the issue of the report

D. Structured abstract is more preferable than non-structured ones *

E. Page numbering should be inconsistent

6- All of the following statements are true except

A. Risk assessment form is among ethical issues of the research

B. Methodology chapter is not written in review type of research *

C. Pie and bar charts are among the forms of results presentation

D. Title of figure is below

E. Title of table is below

7- All of the following statements are true except

A. Expression of opinions in discussion should be in tentative languages

B. Conclusion should be simple, clear and not exaggerated

C. Limitation is important to draw the recommendations for future work

D. Recommendations look to the past*

E. Aim/s and research question among inclusions of introduction

8- All of the following statements are true except

A. An appendix is useless unless it is clearly referred to it in the text

B. Bibliography are the recommended references that have been read but

not used

C. The chapter of results is a descriptive chapter

D. The discussion chapter is a chapter of the interpretation of the results

E. Qualitative data is a nominal – ordinal data *

9- All of the following statements are true except

A. Rephrase is writing something in a different and clear way

B. Referencing the authors of book chapter is different from referencing

of authors of book

C. The listing of the figures and tables has only one model way

D. Glossary: list the words and place them at the end*

E. Blood group data is among nominal unordered data

10- All of the following statements are true except

A. Research question should be measurable

B. Research question should be researchable

C. The chapter of results is a descriptive chapter

D. Review of literature is allowable in headings and subheadings

E. It is not essential to state the limitation in your thesis *

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