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10. The educated 11. The young 12. The foolish. Cwiczenie 19 1. the disabled 2. The blind 3. the elderly 4. the homeless 5. the foolish 6. The rich 7. The poor 8. The young 9. the deaf 10. the jobless/unemployed ‘Cwiczenie 20 1. forties 2. fifteen, sixteen 3. eighteen, eleventh 4. eightieth, eighty 5. thirty, twenties 6. sixty 7. twenty-first, (the) fifteen (of September) 8. twenty-eight 9. forty-second 10. two thousand and twelve, sixty 11. fifty, (the) twenty-first (of April), (the) twenty- third (of April) 12. thirty-five, forty-eight, thirteen, third Cwiczenie 21 1.g,2.b,3.5,4.5,5.6 6b, 7.a,8.e,9.d, 10.£ ae Cwiezenie 1 1.single mother 2. niece 3. only child 4. grandma 5. twin WWWECEL-MATURA.PL 6. half-brother 7. stepmother 8. cousin 9. siblings 10. uncle 11. nephew 12. next of kin 13. in-laws Cwiezenie 2 1. godfather 2. lone father 3. stepfather 4 foster father 5. grandfather 6. father-in-law 7. great grandfather Cwiczenie 3 1. grandpa 2. grandfathers 3. father 4. grandma 5. stepmother 6. stepsiblings 7. mother 8. children 9. siblings 10. relative Cwiczenie 4 1. pass 2. splitting 3. has got 5. cheese . resembles 7. different 8. alike 9. takes 10. tell Cwiczenie 5 1. foster family 2. extended family 3. broken family 4. nuclear family 5. immediate family 6. patchwork family Cwiezenie 6 Down 1. progeny 2. grandma 3. relation/relative 8. cousin 9. spouse Actoss 3. firtsborn, 4, nephew 5. grandpa 7. ancestor 10. in-laws 11. niece Latha] 8 hy Ee ae NuLe ly wiczenie 1 1. friend of a friend 2. strangers 3. good friends 4. roommate 5. old beau 6. old flame 7. neighbour 8. team-mates 9. classmate 10. colleague 11. pen friend 12, acquaintance Cwiczenie 2 1.j, 2.¢,3.a,4.h, 5. k, 6.d, 7. ¢, 8.1, 9.b, 10. f, lg Cwiczenie 3 1. get on well 2. fell out over 3. keep in touch 4. lost touch 5. broke up with 6. make friends 7. get to know 8. looks up to 9. going out with 10. had a crush on 11. makes the first move Cwiczenie 4 1. best 2. touch, 3. reconnect 4, school 5. former 6 loves 7. befriend 8. make 9. relationships 10. formed 11. members 12. real-life 13. ex 14, old Cwiczenie 5 1.¢,2.¢,3.b,4.h, 5.4, 6.g,7.1,8.5,9.f 10a Cwiczenie 6 1e2a,3.f4.¢,5.5, 6.b,7.i,8.h, 9c, 10d CELEBRATIONS AND SPECIAL OCCASSIONS Cwiczenie 1 1.¢,2.i,3.j,4.0,5.4, 6.8,7.b,8.a,9.f, 10. Cwiczenie 2 1. watch the fireworks display 2. stock up on snacks and beverages 3. decorate the house 4. wrapped up a present 5. dressed up for the party 6. throw a surprise birthday party 7. celebrate their wedding anniversary 8. laid on a huge spread 9. drink a toast 10. congratulated him Cwiczenie 3 1. returns 2. cake 7. My mother-in-law’s 3. candles phone call 4. blow 8. Their daughter's 5. wish problems 6 bite 9. My boss's offer 10. My grandpa’s story 11. Tomorrow's weather 12, Our neighbours’ rose ‘Cwiezenie 4 1e,2.a,3.h, 4.b, 5. ¢, 6.67.4,8.8 garden Cwiczenie 5 Cwiczenie 2 @) going away party 1. Is Jim's, b) surprise birthday 2. Peggy must be at her party friend's. ©) housewarming party | 3.1 parked my car next to d) baby shower Greg's. ©) stag party 4, Our dog is more ) wedding anniversary dangerous than Mrs party Connor's, 5. Bob's story was even Cwiezenie 6 funnier than Mark’s. 6. They got married at St Paul's. 7. Their family budget is bigger than their friends’. 8, Let’s meet at Ellen’s tomorrow. 9, Wendy’s memory is like a goldfish’s 1. getting 7 aa 10. Tim’s is not as modern. 4. chatting Cwiczenie 3 ° 1. Theard about it through 1. enjoy a colleague of mine. 2. liven 2. A classmate of mine has 3. standing failed the history exam. 4. got started 3. An ex-boyfriend of yours 5. picked has phoned you. 6 hit 4, My younger brother is reading a book of ‘Tolkien's. 5. I've borrowed an umbrella of Kate and ‘Tom's. 6.A friend of the family’s is coming to dinner. 7. Lgot rid of a small sweater of mine. 8. That boy over there is a child of my cousin's. ieee TAU Cwiezenie 1 1. My nephew's new car 2. Two years’ relationship 3. children’s book 4 My brother's photo 5. My elder sister's room 6. Our cousin’s wedding STARA DOBRA S2KOEA AISOHOL

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