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Englsh Vocabulary Organiser Leisure time _ 40 Talking about your free time 1 What are you doing tonight? Match each of the beginnings of the questions with two endings: 1, What are you 2. Are you 3. Have you got a. any plans for this evening? b. doing tonight? c. anything on this weekend? d. going out tonight? €. up to at the weekend? £. doing anything later? and... and eeee nd... What are you up to? is more informal and would only be used between people who knew each other fairly well. Number 1 goes with . . Number 2 goes with... Number 3 goes with. . . ai 2 Meeting up with friends Use the correct form of these expressions to complete the dialogues: meet up with have a party go round come.along get together bring 1, What are you doing at the weekend? > Some friends of mine have just moved into a new flat and they're... . Saturday night. Why don’t you...» »- t00? You can. « Sally, if you like ~ I'm sure she'd like Tony and Jane. on 2. Are you doing anything tonight? > Nothing special. I'm just ....... few friends for a drink. 3. What are you up to this evening? > Not much really. I might . .. see Steve and his wife later. -to 4, Have you got anything special on this weekend? > Yes, I have actually, I'm seeing some old school friends. We all try to... 2... tees every couple of years and have a big night out in London. If you go round to some friends, you visit them for a short time. 86 3 Let’s have a night out Match these ideas with one of the activities below: 1. [haven’t been to see a play for ages. 2. Let’s go out for a meal at the weekend. We haven't eaten out for a long time. 3. Shall we go and see a band? I haven't seen any live music for ages. 4. Do you fancy going our for a drink later? 5. Do you fancy going clubbing tonight? 6. Shall we go and see a film later? a. going to the pub b. going to the cinema ¢. going to the theatre d. going to a restaurant €. going to a nightclub £. going to a concert Now use the correct form of these expressions to complete the dialogues: g- have a quiet night in A. go toa party i, have a very active social life j. be stuck indoors k. have some fun 7. Is everything OK with your new flatmate? > Yes, he seems to . » He's been out every night this week. 8. Are you going out tonight, Alison? There’s a new club opened in the High Street. > Not tonight. I’ve been out every night this week, [want t0......0ee. ee for a change. 9. How’s the exam revision going? I bet you're getting a bit tired of it, aren’t you? > Absolutely! I've... all week. I want to go out and . 10, Are you doing anything exciting this weekend, Mark? > Yes, ’'m ++ +++. up in London. Some friends of mine have just moved into a new house. A party when you have moved into a new house is called «1 house-warming party. 4 Let’s go out for the day Put these words with the correct group below: go gofor gow the park the beach the zoo a walk a drive in the country a swim shopping clubbing fishing Now use some of the phrases to complete the following text. You might need to change the form of the verb. Thad a really nice weekend. I got paid on Friday and I decided I needed some new clothes, so I got up early on Saturday morning and (4). After lunch I (5) in the park and sat on a bench in the sun reading the newspaper. They’ve just opened a new pool near my house so later in the afternoon I decided to ()eveeceeeeee eee and I had a sauna as well. My brother’s kids are doing a project at school about wild animals and on Sunday morning we All (7) coc eeveeeeees eee ee eens . We had a great time watching the lions and feeding the monkeys. Then in the afternoon I picked my girlfriend up in the car and (8) We found a really pretty little village that neither of us had ever been to before. By the time I got home it was nearly ten o’clock. I just had something to eat and went straight to bed. Lessure te 5 A quiet night in Choose the correct endings for each sentence: 1. Let's just stay in and watch 2. My Mum and Dad came over to play 3. I'd rather just stay in and finish 4. A few friends came round 5. Let’s just get 6. We had a. for dinner. b. my book. . TV /a video. a video out. a few friends round for dinner. cards, meer x . Which three sentences answer the question: What did you do last night? 8. Which two sentences answer the question: What shall we do tonight? What do you like doing in your free time? Do you prefer a wild night out or a quiet night in? INEE TiMe- ‘Add your own words and expressions ~4) Hobbies and interests _ 1 Doing, playing and collecting Use do, play or collect with the following words: coins chess crosswords. stamps antiques computer games jigsaws cards postcards old photographs a musical instrument an evening course 2 Different games Use these words in the sentences below: a pack of cards dominoes chess draughts dice backgammon is a very popular game, now often played on computer. King, queen, bishop and rook are the names of some of the pieces. . . is played on a board similar toa. . board, but with flat round pieces. The pieces move only in very simple ways. 3. You use... eee cece eee to play games such as bridge and poker. is played with black pieces with white dots on them. You lay them end to end until you have none left. + is played by two people with a board, round flat pieces and a dice. It is very popular in Greece and Turkey. 6. . have six sides. They are used in board games from many different countries, 3 Playing games Choose the correct ending for each sentence: . Come on, it’s your turn - throw/roll . You need to shuffle the cards . It’s your go. Hurry up and move . Did you take Bene . one of my pieces just then? I wasn’t looking. . the dice. before you deal them. |. one of your pieces. You're taking too long. pers Now answer the following questions: 5. Which of these isn’t a board game? chess | draughts / dominoes / monopoly 6. Which of these isn’t a card? ace | king / queen | prince | jack / joker 7. Which of these isn’t a chess piece? king / queen | bishop / knight / soldier / pawn 8, Label the pictures: hearts / clubs / diamonds / spades «. d. Draughts is called checkers in American English and on many computers. The general word for a chess figure is piece ~ “One of the black pieces is missing.” We also use piece for draughts, checkers and backgammon. In other board games, the things we move are usually called counters, In modern English, dice is the singular and plural form = one dice, two dice. Leisure time English Vocabulary Organiser 4 Hobbies 6 Interests Put the following words and phrases into the Use the correct form of these verbs to complete correct column below: the sentences: brushes recipe relax take give it up learn camera sewing machine get spend join take up cake decorating = pastry Pm cee to play the guitar. material tripod develop a film zoom lens - -all my free time doing oil paints eee karate. 1..........a club three years ago ingredients watercolour and I’ve just got my black belt. easel pattern 3. L used to go windsurfing every week but I photography painting had to... .....0+ when I started university because I didn’t have the time. 4. I paint most evenings and weekends. I find it relaxing andit......... my mind off work. 5. [go fishing quite alot. Ite. 22.6... me out of the house and it helps me... 2... ki sloth kit Teen tala aa and forget all my worries, Bonononehe == Op90000900 6.1........ golf when I was about 40, when eee eee beeen eee Thad to stop playing rugby. Have you got a particular interest? Make a list of the things you do and the things you need in the box at the bottom of the page. 5 Prepositions Complete the sentences below with these prepositions: on into” with of in (x2) 1. P'm really interested . .. . photography. 2. I'm very keen... . . gardening. 3. Claire’s absolutely obsessed . . . horses. She doesn’t think about anything else. 4. I'ma big fan... . old black and white horror films. 5, [never thought I'd get .. .. computer games, . but since my brother bought me one for + DRAUGATS Christmas I haven't stopped playing it. 6. Tlike looking round secondhand bookshops +++ my spare time, ‘Add your own words and expressions | 89 English Vocabulary Organiser Leisute time 42 Activities andinterests 1 Outdioor activities WMiatch the words with the pictures: hill-walking skateboarding rollerblading _ surfing windsurfing fishing hunting orienteering camping skiing gardening riding 1, . i /, 2 ho ASS Le 2 Related vocabulary Match these sentences to the activities above. The words and expressions in green will help you 1, Lusually use three rod at the same time ~ you've got more chance of catching something. 2. We go to a park where there are some ramps and we practise different tricks. 3. This is a nice spot. You start putting the tent up and I'll get the sleeping, bags. 4, People say it’s crue! but I never shoot anything that I can’t take home to eat. 5. I need to buy a bigger saddle and some new boots. 6.1 prefer downhill to cross-country. 7. Lcut the grass at least once a week. 8, You can usually get a pair of blades for around £40. 9. The waves are best on the west coast. 10. use my smallest sail when it’s really windy. 11. All you need is a good pair of walking boots, a rucksack and a waterproof jacket. 12. All you need is a map, a compass, and some luck! We say do some gardening or do the garden. Use the verb go with all the other activities above ~ ge hill-watking, go riding etc. 90 3 More extreme activities Match the words and phrases with the pictures: water skiing climbing cuba-diving hang-gliding paragliding bungee jumping parachute jumping snowboarding a 3. 4.0 4, Y &, ce At, . Sat ae i & 4 Social activities Match the words and phrases with the pictures: play pool go ten-pin bowling play darts go folk dancing go to a yoga class play in a band sing in a choir play bingo 5 How often do you do it? All the expressions below will help you to say how often you do a particular activity, for example, “I. go swimming three times a week.” Use these words to complete the expressions: time often nwice other every used possible times LAS... as Tan. 5. Every... Saturday. 2. Not as often as I... . to. 6 sa week. ayihress eae a week. 7. As often as... : 4. All the... . 8...... Friday night. Think of two activities you enjoy. How often do you do them? r ee ~ Add your own words and expressions 4 2 English Vocabulary Organiser_Leisure time 1 Dates on the calendar * Match the words with the pictures: Christmas Hallowe'en New Year's Eve Easter Valentine's Day 25 31° 1h: 31 Now match the following descriptions with the occasions above: 1. Christians remember the death and resurrection of Christ but for many it is just a holiday. Children eat chocolate eggs. 2. At midnight on December 31st people welcome in the New Year. 3. Children dress up as witches and ghosts and go to fancy dress parties. They make lanterns, often from pumpkins. 4. People send cards to or buy presents for their lovers or people they fancy. Some people send an anonymous card so that it comes from a ‘secret admirer’. 5. Christians remember the birth of Christ but for many people it is only a holiday and a time to decorate the house, give and receive presents, and eat and drink a lot. If you fancy someone, you find him / her attractive. 92 43 Special occasions 2 Christmas Match the days on the left with the dates on the right: 1. Christmas Eve a. 25th December 2. Christmas Day —_b. 26th December 3. Boxing Day c. 24th December Match the verbs with the nouns on the right: 4. wrap up . Christmas cards 5. decorate e. carols 6. send f turkey 7. do g. the Christmas tree 8. sing h. crackers 9. eat i, your Christmas shopping 10. pull j. presents Is Christmas important in your country? Tick the things above that you usually do at Christmas. We say Happy Christmas or Merry Christmas! and we say Happy New Year but not “Merry New Year.” 3 Anniversaries Use these words to complete the sentences: end landing assassination collapse death independence discovery birth 1. The year 2005 is the 60th anniversary of the necnanba of the Second World War. 2. On August 19th every year, Elvis Presley fans commemorate the anniversary of his 3. 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the .. . of Communism. 4. The new millennium was the anniversary of Cee . of Christ. 5. The year 2008 man 6. July 4eh the 40th anniversary of on the moon, the day the United States celebrate 7. 2003 is the 40th anniversary of the....... of John F. Kennedy. 8. 2029 marks the centenary of the........ of penicillin. Notice the verbs mark and commemorate. 4 Carnivals Complete the text below with these words: firework bands —_ parades festivities dancing costumes The biggest carnival in the world is ‘Carnaval? in Brazil when the whole country stops for four days while everybody parties. There are lots of Street (Ibe ee with amazingly decorated lorries (called floats) and people dressed in colourful (2) .. Everywhere you go there are samba (3)........ playing and people (4). . Right through the night the (5)... continue with more dancing and music and (6) . . displays which light up the night sky. When people dress up, they might also wear a mask over their face. A street parade is also called a street procession. 5 Births Use these words and phrases to complete the short letter below: fainted weighing was present are both fine gave birth delighted Dear Marianne, Just to let you know that Alice 1). eo .... toa beautiful baby girl on Wednesday - Kirsty Jane, (a 6lbs 80z. Dan (3)........ at the birth and nearly (4).........1 ‘Anyway, we are all (5) Mother and baby (6) . . and should be home in a day or ‘two. Love Christine ‘Add your own words and expressions Leisure time English Vocabulary Orgone 6 Birthdays Complete the text below with these words: blow cake cards speech present candles party dinner The best birthday I’ve ever had was my 21st. My family said they were going to take me out to (1) . but they had secretly planned a surprise (2) . . for me. As I opened the door to leave the house, there were about 30 friends standing outside. They all sang “Happy Birthday” and then we went back inside. I was given lots of (3) - and then I was given a small (4) . - Lopened it to find some car keys - my parents had bought me a car! My mother then brought out a(S)... +++ with 21 (6). . on, I was so emotional I almost couldn't (7)........ them out! I then just managed to make a short (8) . thanking everyone for coming and then we partied into the night. 7 Congratulations! We say ‘Congratulations!’ in different situations. Use these words to complete the sentences below: passing graduating having, winning reaching getting You congratulate someone on ... Lvs... +. engaged. 2. « their driving test. 3. . from university. 4 an award or a sporting event. 5. «a baby. cece their 50th wedding anniversary. Now match these wedding anniversaries to the correct number of years: 7. Ruby wedding a. 50 years 8. Golden wedding —_—b. 25 years 9. Diamond wedding —_c. 60 years 10. Silver wedding d. 40 years

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