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Unit 2. Social and family life Rodzina to najwazniejsze ogniwo w taricuchu zycia spolecenego, to Srodowisko, z ktérego wkraczaligmy w swiat spoleczny i dzieki ktéremu nauczylismy sie, jak komunikowac sig i wspétdziataé z innymi ludémi. Rozwiqzujqc éwiezenia z tego rozdziatu, powtérzysz znane i poznasz nowe stownictwo traktujqce o rodzicach i rodzenstwie, krewnych, przyjaciotach i znajomych. Pogtebisz takze znajomosé wyrazen méwiqeych 0 Zyciu towarzyskim, uroczystosciach i spotkaniach odbywanych pray okazji Swigt czy jubileuszy. W czesci gramatyczne) éwiczenia umosliwiq usystematyzowanie i utrwalenie nastepujacych zagadnien: rzeczownihi, zaimki, czasowniki frazowe (phrasal verbs). Na koniec try praykladowe zadania na ustnq mature odnoszqce sie do tematyhi rodziny i Zycia towarzyskiego. CWICZENIE 1. Uzupetnij ponizsze zdania wyrazami z ramek. 1. Mary is a(n) with a 14-year-old daughter. She split from her husband a few years ago. 2. Fmconcerned about my | | Her mother, my sister, is too lenient with her and spoils her. 3. Tama(n) and I have always wanted to have a brother or sister. 4. It was my who took care of us when our parents were at work. 5. Kateisvery different fromher _| in both looks and personality. 6. Oliver is my | We have the same mother but different fathers. 7. When she was a child, Kristie thought her was her real mother but later she found out the truth. 8. Bob is my uncle’s son, which means he is my | 9. Joe comes from a large family. He has four | 10. Steve's sister is expecting a child and he is very excited about becoming a(n) | 11. Dave is my sister’s youngest boy, who is more like a son to me than a . 12, Police know the identity of the injured man and informed his 13. My —_are very nice people, but now that we have a baby, they want to come over to our place all the time. STARA DOBRA S2KOEA AISOHOL Unit 2. Social and family life EWICZENIE 2. W miejsca zaznaczone wstaw odpowiednie wyrazenie oznaczajqce zwiqzek rodzinny w linii meskiej i zawierajqce stowo father. 1. My cousin has asked me to be the of his baby. I'm very honoured. 2. dJackisa | bringing up his two children on his own. 3. Heis my Ihave never seen my biological father. 4. Kevin became a | to two orphan boys. 8. Tt was my who taught me things that every boy should know. My father was too busy working and providing for the family. 6. I don't go on well with my . My husband's dad is overbearing and controlling. 7. This is a four-generation picture of my family. Let’s start from the oldest member: this is my Joseph with his second wife Stella. CWICZENIE 3. Uzupetnij tekst wyrazami z ramek. Looking through an old family album, Robert stumbled upon a black and white pho- tograph from many years ago of himself as a baby on an elderly man's lap. It was his | 1) his mother’s father, but he didn’t remember him. Actually, he never knew neither one of his 2 His father’s left the family and married another woman soon after Robert was born, His |, never found another man and his dad never accepted his and his| 4.28 family. Robert was about to put the album down when another picture caught his attention. It was one of his| 1 as a young woman and along with her was a boy of about three years old, and in his mother’s arms a little girl wrapped in a blanket. These two , were his younger | : William and Elisabeth. This picture had been taken at his family’s holiday house a few days before a distant o's wedding. Those pictures brought Robert a lot of old memories of his childhood and he thought of it as the happiest time of his life. WWW.CEL-MATURA.PL CWICZENIE 4, U2upetnij ponizsze zdania wyrazami z ramek w odpowiedniej formie. % 10. You could easily for your brother. I had to look twice to make sure it was you. Apart from the difference of age, Tom is the image of his grandfather. Kim her mother’s nose, her blue eyes and her smile. Freckles in my family, but I don’t have so many as my parents. I don’t have anything in common with my sister. We are like chalk and Kate her mother greatly. She looks a lot like her. Although Tom and Dave are brothers, they are very from each other in appearance and character. ‘My dad and I are in many ways. We share the same interests and the same sense of humour. Scott after his father. He is similar to him in character. ‘The only way to the twins apart is by the little scar on Tom's chin. CWICZENIE 5. U2upetnij ponizsze zdania wyrazeniami z ramek. ‘The boy was placed in a(n) because his parents weren’t able to take care of him. Julia doesn’t want to live in a(n) . She wants to get married, start a family and live without her relatives. Linda is going through a divorce and feels very sad that her son is going to be raised in a(n) STARA DOBRA S2KOEA AISOHOL 4. Lynn feels lonely living in a(n) Her husband is busy with his work and her children are busy with their studies. Sometimes she has no one to talk to. 8. George is in hospital now and only his are allowed to visit him. 6. Meg and Paul make a nice . They brought their own children into the marriage, and now they have had a daughter together. CWICZENIE 6. Rozwiqz krzyzowke. Uwaga: niektére hasta sq dwuwyrazowe, miedzy wyrazami uwzgledniamy jednokratkowy odstep (spacie). FRIENDS AND RELATIONS Down 1. someone's child or children 2. an informal word for grandmother 6. member of your family 8. a child of your uncle or aunt. 9. husband or wife Across 3. someone's first child 4. the son of your brother or sister 5. an informal word for grandfather 7. someone related to you who lived a long time ago 10. your relatives by marriage, especially the father and mother of your husband or wife 11. the daughter of your brother or sister CWICZENIE 1. Uzupetnij ponizsze zdania wyrazami z ramek. W razie potrzeby Zastosuj forme liczb mnogie} WWW.CEL-MATURA.PL 1. [don’t know Mark personally, He is just a(n) 2. People spend more time talking to |on the internet than to their own famil 3 We have been ince childhood. 4. Kate is my . We have been living together for more than a year. Yesterday I ran into my | ‘We broke up two years ago, but I'm not over him yet. 6. At the recent school reunion I met Linda, my | We dated for a really long time. 7. My next-door is an elderly woman who knows everything about everyone. 8 They are . They play footballl for the same team. 9. Paulis my . We've been sitting together for a while now. 10. invited a(n) from work to a barbecue party at my place. 11. Claire is my | We've been writing to each other for three years now. 12. Rob is only a(n) | , but I'd like to get to know him better. EWICZENIE 2. Dopasuj czasowniki z kolumny A do wyrageri z kolumny B, tak aby powstaty sformutowania dotyczqce relacji miedzyludzkich. A B L break a out with 2 lose b) actush on 3 (92 ) —_ [touch 4 fall o friends 5 look _foknow 6 make D on well with = ace theft move 8. keep h) out over STARA DOBRA S2KOEA AISOHOL in touch have » get D up with make upto ‘EWICZENIE 3. Uzupeinij luki w zdaniach 1-11, uzywajqe sformutowari z éwiczenia 2 w odpowiedniej formie. sR oN 2 BN & 10. M. It’s hard to | with my new neighbours. They are very unkind. They | whose turn it was to do the dishes. We! although we live many miles apart from each other. We were friends in college, but we after graduation. Amy and Nick each other, but after two weeks they got back together. He is very shy and it’s very hard for him to Tom is a very friendly person when you him. Andrew | his boss because he has been always supportive of him. My brother has been this girl for more than a year. She is his first girlfriend. Steve her, but he never asked her out. Who to make up whenever you and your boyfriend quarrel? EWICZENIE 4, UZupetnij tekst wyrazami z ramek w odpowiednie| formic. Debra was introduced to Facebook through Alice, her ; friend. Alice told her that this way she got in with people she hadn’t heard from in years. She began to 3 and Kim wished she could do the same. Soon she opened her account and searched the site to find her old a friends. Most WWW.CEL-MATURA.PL of them had already signed up to hear again from their 4 or family members and to ‘The internet provides a great opportunity to 5 classmates, first 7 new people. 4 friends. There are many [ ¢ that couldn't have been 19 otherwise, but there are some dan- gers to talking to people that you don’t know. Because of this, some community web- sites only accept 1| Who are invited by their Kim logged on to Facebook and saw that Mike, her 1 friends. 1s boyfriend, sent her an invitation to his birthday party. She was very pleased to contact her uw friends again and hear how they were doing. WICZENIE 5. Dopasuj poczatki i koricéwki zdari z kolumnn 1-10 i aj tak, by powstaty peine wypowieddzi. 1. Scott was a really good friend tome > 2. How do you know Alice? I met > 3. Sue and I have been inseparable > 4. I'm friendly with Robert although > 5, Joe is not afraid of losing his job. He has > 6. They met at a business meeting and immediately > 7. It's only when you are in need of help > 8, Mike introduced me to his friends — 9. Ron has been with Jane for ages. He> 10. Why did you break up? Oh, we > @) > weren’t right for each other. b) — ever since we were children. ¢) > when [had a difficult time last year. @) = friends in high places. e) — her through my elder brother. > absolutely adores her. @) > struck up a friendship which lasted long years. h) — he is sometimes difficult to be with. i) > that you know who your true friends are. i) > at his birthday party. STARA DOBRA S2KOEA AISOHOL Unit 2. Social and family life CWICZENIE 6. Uzupetnij dialogi ponizszymi wyrazeniami. a) b) ©) d) e) o cy hy > d A: How come you like almost the same things? B: That's because we A: Hey, Mark. How are you? I haven't seen you for ages. B: Yeah, I think it was three years ago at Bob’s birthday party. A: Why don’t we go for a coffee and| _ | the gossip? A: They've broken up, but they will eventually. B: Why do you think so? A; Oh, he always guilts her into taking him back. A: Are you still| _ | with Denis? B: No, not since graduation. A: Have you heard that Sue and Paul! ? B: Yes, they fell out over something silly and haven't seen each other since. A: Such a pity. They made such a lovely couple. A: So, how did you meet Thomas? B: Well, we met through mutual friends at a party. We| _ immediately. ‘A: I'm very sorry. Let’s| and move on. B: It’s OK. But don't let me down again. A; Will keeps himself to himself all the time. B: Not surprisingly, nobody _| with him. A: Their marriage didn't| _. I wonder why. B: I don’t know. I thought it was happy. WWW.CEL-MATURA.PL PJ Ss Ez wa ~ 10. A: What is David like? B:He| asa friendly person, but I keep my guard up around him, CELEBRATIONS A SPECI OCCASSIONS EWICZENIE 1. Dopasuj czasowniki z kolumny A do wyrazeri z kolurnny B, A B L wrap up a on a huge spread 2 throw by _the house 3, celebrate ) —_aPresent 4 dtess up ay the fireworks display 5, watch «forthe party 6 stock up » atoast 7, decorate @ —_onsnacks and beverages a ey hy Somebody on 9. rink ) surprise birthday party to, congratulate one’s wedding anniversary EWICZENIE 2. Uzupetnij luki w zdaniach 1-10, uzywajqe wyraten z éwiczenia 1 w odpowiedniej formie. 1. Inspite of the bad weather, many people came to Josh is very anxious to for his bachelor party. Christmas is approaching. It’s time to| | with light candles. Jerry in shining paper. sR eN The two of us really , unlike the rest who were wearing casual clothes. 6. Claire, along with her family, is planning to for her grandma. 7. Joe and Liz, went to Paris for a romantic weekend to i STARA DOBRA S2KOEA AISOHOL Unit 2. Social and family life 8 Dorothy when her son was accepted to university. 9. Let’s to your passing the exam with an A. io 6 | his recent promotion. EWICZENIE 3. Uzupetnij tekst wyrazami z ramek, W razie potrzeby zostosuj forme liczby mnogie). = Many happy 1) Jeff. I hope you have an enjoyable day and that you get all the things that you wish for. = Oh, the day’s been really wonderful. Thank you all. —Now, here's the | Go ahead, close your eyes, take a deep breath and blow out the | i = There're so many of them! (Jeff blows out a few candles and everyone applauds) - OK, one more | . Get the last candle. Awesome! Now, you've got to make a > but don’t tell it, and take a — Ah, you guys are great. Thank you so much for this. CWICZENIE 4, Uzupetnij dialogi ponizszymi zdaniami. a) b) ©) d) e) » 9 » WWW.CEL-MATURA.PL A: |to Kate and Paul, who are getting married today. B: To Kate and Paul! A: Our baby is due next week! B: Really? Wow!| _. Congratulations! A: You have won the game. Congratulations! B: Thank you. | A: Happy Anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been two years since we first met. B: All the best! |. A: Thope your New Year is off to a good start. B:[_ A: I've got a job. I start on Monday! B: That's a great news. It’s time for champagne.| | A; I've passed my driving test. B: _ | [knew you'd pass. A: How about having a class reunion? B: _ | Can you believe it’s been 20 years already? EWICZENIE 5. Przyporzqdkuj nazwy w ramkach zamieszezonym ponizej ‘opisom spotkan towarzyskich. Last week my friends threw a party for me in a trendy restaurant which served tasty food on a lovely patio, They wanted to wish me a good trip and a safe return before T left for Oslo for six months. I’m so lucky to have such good friends around me. I couldn’t have asked for a better send-off. ‘It was not easy to throw this party because we had to make sure that Mum wouldn't suspect anything. To keep it a secret, we hid alll the party stuff at our neighbour's place. ‘That way we weren't worried that Mum would find by accident any confetti, balloons STARA DOBRA S2KOEA AISOHOL Unit 2. Social and family life or party hats. By the time she got home, everyone had hid in the kitchen and when she walked in, the lights went on and we all jumped out, yelling ,Surprise!” Mum was genuinely puzzled. The look on her face was priceless. ©) Peter has moved into a new flat and wants to celebrate it with some close friends and family. The flat isn't in perfect shape. It is not furnished either, and as of right now, the only pieces of furniture that he has is a kitchen table, some chairs and a big mattress to sleep on, ‘The party will be rather a simple get-together with people touring the flat rather than playing party games. @ This party is held formums-to-be, usually one to two months before the baby is due. It’s intended to help the expectant mother to gather things she needs for her baby, such as baby clothes, blankets or toys. Most often it takes place at a hostess’ house, however it’s not uncommon to see it in a restaurant. The main color of the party is either pink or blue: pink for a baby girl and blue for a baby boy. ©) _ It is held for men to celebrate the end of their bachelor life and for their male friends. Two weeks ago we held this party for Chris in one of his favourite Irish clubs. The highlight of the party was a scantily-dressed girl jumping out of the cake. We all had a great time together with music, food and lots of fun. Myhusband and I will celebrate it next Sunday. I can’t believe we've been together 12 years! I was wondering what symbol is associated with year 12. I did a search and soon I found that it is either silk or linen. I will stick with silk alone. Now, I'm decorating the house with everything made of silk, such as life-like silk roses, tablecloths made of silk, silk pillows and ribbons. EWICZENIE 6, Uzupetnij teksty czasownikami z ramek w odpowiedniej formie. © Teen compare divide | move It’s not that [had a bad time, but I can’t say that I had much fun either. It was a house party. Huge parties are just not my thing, really. Anyway, the party soon 1 into two: some were 2 against the walls and couldn't make up their minds what they wanted, while others ~ the group I was in — spent the time J WWW.CEL-MATURA.PL in and out of the rooms with glasses in their hands and, for the most part, ignoring the ones on the couches. Overall it was OK, it just didn’t 4 to any of the parties we had when we were at college. b) Frankly speaking, the party was a failure, I was bored stiff the whole time. Actually, it wasn't a real party, just a few couples together to drink and chat. ‘Twenty people 2 up at the most. They were all 3 around listen- ing to the party hits of the 70s and between mouthfuls of sandwiches. It looked like everyone had a good time except me. I wished I hadn't gone there. Staying at home and baking cakes would have had a greater thrill factor. °) At first I didn’t } the party very much. It wasn’t until the last few hours, once all the bores had gone home, that it began to really i up. You wouldr’t believe the way those guys were carrying on, qin the corners with scowls on their faces, frowning and muttering disapproval. After they left, the real party 4 We the kind of music we wanted and everybody «the dance floor. This party was absolutely, hands down, the best party I've ever been to. EWICZENIE 1. Przeksztaté zdania. Na bazie zdan 1-12 utworz okreslenia z dopetniaczem saksoniskim. Ren My nephew has a new car. > Arelationship that lasted two years. > A book for children. + A photo that belongs to my brother. STARA DOBRA S2KOEA AISOHOL

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