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Reel stories for IG inspired by:

OBJECTIVE: As a Creative Writer for the Editor cum Content Writer role, your task is to
create a captivating brand story that effectively communicates our company's values, mission,
and uniqueness. This story will serve as the foundation for various content pieces across
different platforms, resonating with our target audience and establishing a strong brand identity.

TASK DESCRIPTION: You are tasked with crafting a brand story that encapsulates the
essence of our company, highlighting what sets us apart and why our audience should connect
with us. Your creative narrative should evoke emotions, establish a memorable tone, and
engage readers. The brand story will be used as a reference for crafting future content, aligning
our messaging consistently.


• Introduction: Begin with an engaging hook that draws readers in. Introduce the
company's name and core focus briefly.

• Company Values: Articulate the values that drive our company, emphasizing our
commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

• Mission and Vision: Clearly state our mission and vision, illustrating our aspirations
and the positive impact we aim to make in the industry or community.

• Unique Proposition: Highlight what makes us unique and how we stand out from
competitors. This could include innovative approaches, exceptional customer service,
or a distinct company culture.

• Customer-Centric Approach: Showcase our dedication to meeting the needs and

solving the problems of our customers. Describe how we prioritize their experience.

• Journey and Evolution: Narrate a concise history of our company's journey, from its
inception to any significant milestones achieved.

• Call to Action: Conclude with a compelling call to action, inviting readers to explore
our offerings, engage with us on social media, or join our community.


• Keep the brand story concise, ideally within 300-500 words.

• Maintain a consistent tone that reflects our brand's personality (e.g., professional,
approachable, innovative).

• Utilize vivid language, metaphors, and anecdotes to make the story relatable and
• Ensure that the brand story aligns with our existing brand guidelines and values.

• Consider the preferences of our target audience and tailor the narrative to resonate with
their interests and needs.


Once you've completed the brand story, please submit it along with any supporting ideas, such
as potential content angles or formats that could stem from this narrative. Your creative input
will be instrumental in shaping our content strategy and enhancing our brand's presence.

We look forward to seeing how your creative writing skills can transform our brand story into
a powerful tool for connecting with our audience. Your contribution will be integral in
establishing a consistent and impactful brand identity across all our communications.

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