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Tu: Hey, angel, what are your plans for the weekend?

Yo: I'm not sure yet. I'm thinking about going to the beach, but I might also go to
the museum.

Tu: The beach sounds like fun. It's been a hot week.

Yo: I know, right? I'm ready for a swim.

Tu: Well, if you decide to go to the beach, let me know. I'd love to join you.

Yo: Okay, I will.

(They continue walking.)

Tu: I heard that there's a new restaurant that just opened up. Have you heard about

Yo: No, I haven't. What's it called?

Tu: It's called "La Comida del Mar."

Yo: Oh, that sounds delicious. I love seafood.

Tu: Me too. I've heard that the food is amazing.

Yo: We should definitely check it out sometime.

Tu: I agree.

(They reach the park.)

Yo: Let's sit down for a while.

Tu: Okay.

(They sit down on a bench.)

Tu: So, what are you working on these days?

Yo: I'm working on a new project for my job. It's a website for a local business.

Tu: That sounds interesting.

Yo: It is. It's a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun.

Tu: I'm glad you're enjoying it.

(They talk for a while longer.)

Tu: Well, I should probably get going. I have to meet my parents for dinner.

Yo: Okay, see you later.

Tu: Bye.

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