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-Garcia Rosario Thalia

-Gil Cruz Luis Fernando
-Mostacero Hernandez Merly
-Ulco Lazo Fabricio


Luis: Hello everyone. I have been thinking about our next adventure, where do we plan to go
this time? I think the beach would be a good place, in this hot weather, there is no better
place than the beach to cool off.

Thalia: I was thinking about a tropical paradise, how about Máncora? The beaches there will
be amazing and we will love the culture. (Future Simple - expressing a future plan or

Fabricio: Máncora sounds great! I'll definitely need a break from work by then. When will we
make it happen? I can already picture us lounging on the beach, sipping on some refreshing
cocktails, and soaking up the sun. It's going to be the perfect getaway from the hustle and
bustle of our daily lives.

Merly: I've been looking at the calendar and I think next summer will be perfect. We're going
to have a great time swimming at the beaches and sampling the local cuisine.I saw that we
can do diving activities all together.

Luis: I heard there is an amazing excursion to an island. Sounds great, although the animals
and insects scare me, I hope I don't run into any crabs or wild animals.

And in the local markets we will find some unique souvenirs.I like them, I'm sure I will buy
many.(Future Simple - expressing a future event or action)

Count me in. I'll be sure to bring an extra suitcase for all the stuff.I'm thinking of packing
some beach games, snorkeling gear, and maybe even a portable grill for some beachside
barbecues. We're going to have a blast!

Speaking of packing, we are going to need to plan our outfits for the beach days. We will
take some incredible photos at sunset with my new camera and we will also swim with
Luis: I can already picture us on the beach, enjoying the sunset with some tropical drinks. It
will be the best trip to date - I can't wait to go! Traveling with friends makes the trips even

In fact, yes, and I will make a photo album to capture all those unforgettable
moments.(Future Simple - expressing a future action or intention)

Sounds like a plan! We are going to return with so many stories to tell.I can already imagine
us reminiscing about our adventures, from exploring the local markets to trying out the
delicious seafood. It's going to be an unforgettable trip!

I can't wait! This will be the perfect escape. I'm going to look at the tickets and the hotel. I
have an aunt who can help me plan this trip.

Luis: The hotel must be very nice, I've heard that there are many resorts out there, we have
to treat ourselves once in a while. Well guys, I hope to see you soon to better coordinate this
holiday, take care of yourselves.

Thalia: See you guys, I'm really excited for this trip.

Merly: Me too, I won't be able to sleep from the excitement.

Fabricio: See you guys soon.

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