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Mass Media:
Awkward Interviews TWO
(KAJ 31, 23, 33, 34)

Deadline Extension Penalty Marks Task FINAL ADJUSTED MARKS: /10

met? granted? Deduction requirements GRADE (1-5) for DÚ: ______
met? Upgraded to NDÚ (if applicable): ______
PZ I / PZ II: ______

Yes / No Yes/No/NR Details Fully/mostly/ QUESTIONS: /9

below /NR partially/not met SPEAKING: /10
Domáce úlohy: bez predošlého dohodnutého predĺženia, penalizačné body budú uložené (10% za deň, vrátane víkendov) až do tretiého dňa; potom 'm' bude
uložená. Predĺžené odovzdania úloh musí byť dohodnuté PRED začiatkom hodiny v deň termínu odovzdania. Predĺženia sú úplne prenechané na voľné
uváženia. Po neprítomnosti, žiaci musia dohodnúť konzultácie, aby sa zorganizovali zmenené predĺženia termínov za účelom dohnať prácu kde je to
potrebné. Predĺženia nie sú automatické - sú úplne prenechané na voľné uváženia.

Watch the video clip(s) and answer the questions which follow – in writing or orally.
There is a speaking exercise at the end. The following dictionaries may be needed:

Elon Musk April 2023 – being interviewed by a BBC reporter about ‘hateful content’ on Twitter.

1. (i) Fill in the missing words.

Elon Musk: ‘Then I say Sir you don’t know what you’re talking about...because you can’t (2.5)
say a ________ example of hateful content. _____ ________ one tweet and yet you
claimed the hateful content was high. That’s a ________. You just ________.

1. (ii) The reporter stops talking about his Twitter feed and switches to speaking about
‘organisations’ which say that hateful content is increasing.
What phrase does the reporter use which is a synonym for ‘increasing’ ___________________ (2)

Elon Musk May 2023 – being interviewed by a CNBC reporter about TESLA & Twitter.

2 What reason does Musk give for sharing his opinions on Twitter. (2)


3 Musk refers to the ‘Princess Bride’ film where he confronts the person who killed his father and says, (1.5)

‘ __________ _____ ____________, ____________ ____ _____________, ___ _________ ___________.’

4 Musk states: ‘I’ll say what I want to say and if the consequence of that is losing money, then so be it’. (1)
‘So be it’ means:
(i) I wish the situation were not like this
(ii) I accept the fact that I can do nothing to change something
(iii) I intended and planned this result
SPEAKING - Use your mobile phone recording programme or
Speaking means speaking, occasionally checking notes - not reading robotically from a script (which will be
4-5 minutes is a MAXIMUM – it is NOT a TARGET.
Therefore, if your spoken English is weak(ish), you may wish to limit yourself to ca. 3 minutes.
(Conversely, on the other hand, if your spoken English is weak, you may feel the need to push yourself to practise to the
maximum length of time. It depends on personal factors, motivation etc.)


1 After the BBC interview, Elon Musk posted two tweets on April 15 2023.
Do you agree/disagree with Mr. Musk in terms of what he says
about relying on the media and how people can get closer to the truth?

2 Choose ONE of the following:

(a) Should Twitter be owned by a billionaire?
(b) Should Twitter be owned by this particular billionaire (i.e., Elon Musk)?

3 In your school life, is your freedom of speech absolute or limited?

If possible give one or two concrete examples (without identities).

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