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Fluency Intervention Lesson Plan Template

Name: Sierra Severson Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Date: 10/6/2023

State Learning Standards RF.2.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Identify relevant grade level standards a. Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.
and Learning Outcomes from the State b. Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.
Content Learning Standards, Common c. Use context to confirm or self correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary
Core Standards, and school learning
Learning Targets/Objectives LT: I can read a story aloud smoothly, without pausing at the wrong times when reading sentences.
What should the students know or be LO: Students will be able to read a text appropriate for their reading level aloud smoothly using proper
able to do after the instruction? Use a phrasing.
common format with a measurable verb
that matches the cognitive domain
standard. This should be a small piece of
the standard stated in measurable
Grouping Four students will be pulled for small group instruction. These students are grouped based on their need for
Describe how and why students will be extra support in the oral fluency key categories of smoothness and phrasing.
divided into groups, if applicable
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random /
based on ability, interest, social
purposes, etc.)
Differentiation This lesson is differentiated through the use of texts that are appropriate for each student’s reading level.
If either or both lessons are the whole Students will be given a “strategy reminder” to support students as they complete activities.
class, how is the lesson(s) differentiated
for the focal student?
Assessment I will assess the students progress in reaching their oral fluency goals by observing their reading throughout
How will students demonstrate that the the activities.
focal student is making progress toward ~Students will complete an oral reading fluency assessment at the end of the month to determine the
their fluency goals? improvement of their smoothness and phrasing when reading aloud, as well as to reassess key concept goals
in order to continue improving their oral reading fluency.

Mini Lesson One Introduction: I will go over the expectations when completing our small group activity. These expectations
1. Introduction (including setting include respecting others, being kind and patient, and raising your hand when you have questions or need
expectations and establishing help. I will then give students an order of how the mini lesson will be completed.
procedures and instructions) 1. We will talk about what elements are used when reading aloud.
2. Activate/Connect To Prior 2. I will go over how to complete the activity and demonstrate an example.
3. students will complete their activity on their own with my guidance as needed.
3. Fluency Activity (including
modeled, guided, and independent
practice, as needed) Activate Prior Knowledge: We will talk about what elements are used when reading aloud, and what reading
smoothly with correct phrasing looks like.
Fluency Activity:
~ I will go over how to complete the activity and demonstrate an example
~students will complete their activity on their own with my guidance as needed
“Read Like You’ve Always Known It”:
1. Read through the text.
2. When you come to a word you do not know, pause and use your decoding skills.
3. Once you know the word, go back to the beginning of the sentence and reread it again smoothly. (Like
you’ve always known this word)
4. Continue reading on.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 when you reach another word you do not know.

*I chose to introduce this activity first because students need support in their decoding skills in order to
improve their smoothness and phrasing.*
Mini Lesson Two Introduction: I will go over the expectations when completing our small group activity. These expectations
1. Introduction (including setting include respecting others, being kind and patient, and raising your hand when you have questions or need
expectations and establishing help. I will then give students an order of how the mini lesson will be completed.
procedures and instructions) 4. We will talk about what elements are used when reading aloud.
2. Activate/Connect To Prior 5. I will go over how to complete the activity and demonstrate an example.
6. students will complete their activity on their own with my guidance as needed.
3. Fluency Activity (including
modeled, guided, and independent Activate Prior Knowledge: We will talk about what elements are used when reading aloud, and what
practice, as needed) punctuation is used to signify a pause in the text.
Fluency Activity:
~ I will go over how to complete the activity and demonstrate an example.
~students will complete their activity on their own with my guidance as needed.
“Punctuation Inside a Sentence”:
1. Look ahead in the sentence for punctuation that tells you to pause.

2. Read up to the punctuation and take a short breath.
3. continue reading on until you reach the next punctuation signaling you to pause.
* I chose to implement this activity in the second mini-lesson because students are working on using
punctuation and reading in full phrases. This is difficult to do if students are still working on decoding skills
and smoothness throughout the overall text. Students are currently reading in two or three word phrases, so
this activity works on getting students to read full phrases.*
Instructional Materials, Level F Texts, Reading Center table and chairs, Support Bookmarks.
Equipment and Technology
List equipment or technology that needs
to be available. Attach a copy of ALL
materials the teacher and students will
use during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, overheads,
PowerPoint slides, worksheets.





Sierra Severson

Edu 443

Dr. Prince


Assessment Report

Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),

I have observed your child’s reading in order to assess their oral reading fluency. During

this assessment, I was looking at four key components. These components are expression and

volume, phrasing within sentences, smoothness throughout the text, and pacing. Grade level

reading fluency with a focus on expression includes reading with outstanding expression,

showing enthusiasm throughout the text, as well as varying in expression and volume to

parallel their interpretation of the passage. Grade level fluency with a focus on phrasing includes

adhering to punctuation through the use of intonation, and appropriate attention to phrasing for

expression. Grade level fluency with a focus on smoothness throughout the text includes

reading smoothly with some breaks but not due to word or structure difficulties. Word or

structure difficulties should be fixed through self correction. Grade level fluency with a focus on

pace includes reading the text at a consistently steady pace throughout the passage.

Based on this criteria, your child is approaching grade level in his expression and

volume, phrasing, and smoothness. Your child is almost at grade level in regards to his pacing.

During this assessment, your child’s focus was on pronouncing words and he read in a quiet

voice. An example of this is when he would come to a word he did not know, such as clownfish

or serious, he would partially sound out the word and then ask if he was correct. This is showing

that he is still focusing on word decoding and is still not as confident in his abilities to decipher

words. Your child read in phrases of two to three words, and then would pause before

continuing on with his reading. An example of this is found in the full phrase “Marty was sad in

the sea.” Instead of reading the full phrase, he paused after “sad” and “sea”. He also frequently
did not adhere to punctuation throughout the text. An example of this is the line “One day, Marty

said, “I am going to tell you all a joke.”. Instead of pausing for commas, he continued reading

and paused between “all” and “joke”. Your child reads with frequent breaks of smoothness due

to his difficulty in reading specific words. An example of this is his break between the word

“anyone”, and the repetition of the word “you” after reading the word ”nearby”. He reads with

hesitation due to his increased use of decoding skills throughout the text. While this is

noticeable, it is not occurring frequently. Your child demonstrated that he is almost at grade level

in his pacing through maintaining a fast pase or slow pace throughout the text. In some places

in the text, he read slower. In other places, he read faster. An example of his fast pace reading

is in the sentences ``You are friendly and smart.” “But clowns make people laugh, so a clownfish

should make fish laugh,” said Marty.” During the reading of this section, your child only adhered

to the final period during his reading because he read so fast. While there is a lot here that can

be worked on, your child did a great job of reading. Due to the fact that it is only October, your

child may have lost some of his oral reading skills over summer. As he reads aloud in class and

at home, these skills will improve and increase. I also believe he will become more self confident

in his reading as he works to improve his reading skills.

The assessment was completed on 10/3/2023. Your child scored a 2 in the categories of

expression and volume, phrasing, as well as smoothness. Your child scored a 3 in the category

of pacing. Overall he scored 9/16 points. I would consider him as approaching grade level oral

fluency. Based on this, I plan to work with him on smoothness and phrasing. These two areas of

focus are similar in that they focus on reading steadily through sentences and the overall text.

Two activities I will use to improve your child’s phrasing and smoothness are “Punctuation Inside

a Sentence”, and “Read Like You’ve Always Known It”. The “Punctuation Inside a Sentence”

activity requires your child to look ahead in the sentence for punctuation that tells him when to

pause. Punctuation he will be focussing on are commas, parenthesis, and periods. Your child

will read up to the punctuation, take a breath and then continue reading. This works on your
child's phrasing, as it requires him to break his habit of reading in two- three word phrases. This

in return will support his reading smoothness throughout the text. The “Read Like You’ve Always

Known It” activity requires your child to work on rereading a sentence after pausing to figure out

a word. When rereading the sentence, he will read the word right away. This work’s on your

child’s smoothness, as it works on improving his skill of decoding unknown words, and reading

the sentence as a whole once the word is decoded. This is a skill that applies not only to oral

reading fluency, but also improves his reading fluency overall.

Two activities you and your child can complete at home are “Fluent Phrasing”, and “Echo

Reading”. “Fluent Phrasing” is an activity that scaffolds sentences for the reader. This allows

your child to gradually increase his phrasing until he reads the sentence as a whole. This

activity is from the Florida Center for Reading Research, and will be included at the bottom of

this letter. The other activity is “Echo Reading”. This activity consists of you reading a phrase or

sentence from a text at your child's reading level, and your child repeating the phrase/sentence

after you. This works on your child’s smoothness and phrasing, as they begin to hear and mimic

how a text should sound when reading.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns recording your child

or these activities.

Best regards,

Ms. Severson
F. 012 Phrases
Fluent Phrasing

The student will read with proper phrasing, intonation, and expression in phrases.

▶ Sentence sailboats

Students read words that progressively result in sentences.
1. Place sentence sailboats face down in a stack.
2. Taking turns, student one selects the top card and reads line by line until completing the entire
sentence. Student two sits beside student one and reads along silently.
3. Reread the sentence on the last line of the sailboat together.
4. Reverse roles and continue until all the sentences have been read.
5. Peer evaluation

Extensions and Adaptations

▶ Take turns reading the text passage.
▶ Sequence the sentence sailboats into a story.
▶ Write other sentences and passages to choral and partner read.
2-3 Student Center Activities: Fluency ©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)
Fluent Phrasing F. 012


Jose has

Jose has a

Jose has a small

Jose has a small sailboat

Jose has a small sailboat with

Jose has a small sailboat with a

Jose has a small sailboat with a white

Jose has a small sailboat with a white sail.


He lives
He lives on

He lives on a

He lives on a lake

He lives on a lake and

He lives on a lake and likes

He lives on a lake and likes to

He lives on a lake and likes to sail

He lives on a lake and likes to sail often.

©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021) 2-3 Student Center Activities: Fluency
F. 012 Fluent Phrasing


Many times

Many times he

Many times he sees

Many times he sees fish

Many times he sees fish and

Many times he sees fish and other

Many times he sees fish and other animals.

Sometimes Jose’s

Sometimes Jose’s brother

Sometimes Jose’s brother goes

Sometimes Jose’s brother goes with

Sometimes Jose’s brother goes with him

Sometimes Jose’s brother goes with him in

Sometimes Jose’s brother goes with him in the

Sometimes Jose’s brother goes with him in the boat.

2-3 Student Center Activities: Fluency ©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)
Fluent Phrasing F. 012


One day

One day they

One day they sailed

One day they sailed to

One day they sailed to the

One day they sailed to the far

One day they sailed to the far side

One day they sailed to the far side of

One day they sailed to the far side of the

One day they sailed to the far side of the lake.


There they
There they saw

There they saw a

There they saw a large

There they saw a large alligator

There they saw a large alligator sleeping

There they saw a large alligator sleeping in

There they saw a large alligator sleeping in the

There they saw a large alligator sleeping in the sun.

©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021) 2-3 Student Center Activities: Fluency
F. 012 Fluent Phrasing


The alligator

The alligator awoke

The alligator awoke and

The alligator awoke and began

The alligator awoke and began to

The alligator awoke and began to swim

The alligator awoke and began to swim to

The alligator awoke and began to swim to the

The alligator awoke and began to swim to the boat.


The wind

The wind did

The wind did not

The wind did not blow

The wind did not blow and

The wind did not blow and the

The wind did not blow and the boat

The wind did not blow and the boat would

The wind did not blow and the boat would not

The wind did not blow and the boat would not move.

2-3 Student Center Activities: Fluency ©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)
Fluent Phrasing F. 012


The boys

The boys started

The boys started to

The boys started to worry

The boys started to worry and

The boys started to worry and get

The boys started to worry and get scared.


Soon they

Soon they saw

Soon they saw their

Soon they saw their dad

Soon they saw their dad come

Soon they saw their dad come across

Soon they saw their dad come across the

Soon they saw their dad come across the lake.

©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021) 2-3 Student Center Activities: Fluency
F. 012 Fluent Phrasing


He was

He was in

He was in a

He was in a speedboat

He was in a speedboat and

He was in a speedboat and scared

He was in a speedboat and scared the

He was in a speedboat and scared the alligator

He was in a speedboat and scared the alligator away.


The boys

The boys never

The boys never went

The boys never went to

The boys never went to that

The boys never went to that part

The boys never went to that part of

The boys never went to that part of the

The boys never went to that part of the lake

The boys never went to that part of the lake again.

2-3 Student Center Activities: Fluency ©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)
Fluent Phrasing F. 012

Jose and the Sailboat

Jose has a small sailboat with a white sail. He lives on a lake and likes to
sail often. Many times he sees fish and other animals. Sometimes Jose’s
brother goes with him in the boat.

One day they sailed to the far side of the lake. There they saw a large
alligator sleeping in the sun. The alligator awoke and began to swim to the
boat. The wind did not blow and the boat would not move.

The boys started to worry and get scared. Soon they saw their dad come
across the lake. He was in a speedboat and scared the alligator away. The
boys never went to that part of the lake again.

©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021) 2-3 Student Center Activities: Fluency
Sierra Severson

Edu 443

Dr. Prince


Self Reflection

I learned a great deal from assessing this student on their oral reading fluency skills.

This is an assessment I had never completed or observed in my methods classes prior to Edu

443. I was a little nervous before I gave this assessment, as this was only my third day at my

placement. I did not know many of the students, nor did I have the same repore my mentor

teacher had with them. Even though the student did not know me well, he did a great job

completing the assessment. I think he read quietly due to the unfamiliarity between us, which is

why I didn’t focus on expression and volume for my mini-lesson. This was a great, hands on

experience that I will use when I begin student teaching, and eventually use in my own


I think it is important to assess oral fluency because students need to be able to read

fluently in order to build comprehension. If students are struggling with overall reading fluency

and/or oral reading fluency skills, it hinders their ability to comprehend the text (which is

primarily focused on in 3rd grade). Assessing oral reading fluency is useful to both students and

teachers. Especially at the beginning of the year because it provides data we can use as

teachers to evaluate where the students are within achieving the grade level standards, and

areas students need extra support to become successful fluent readers.

I chose two activities from the reading strategies book that focused on phrasing and

smoothness to support and improve the student’s oral reading fluency. I then thought about

what the student would need during the activities, and resources the students could use after

the mini-lesson, and at home. This is where my idea of using a bookmark style strategy card

came into play, because this resource could be easily transported between classroom and home
and provide the student with a reminder of what to look/focus on when reading aloud. I chose to

include two ways of assessing the student because I believe that students should be

reassessed in order to change their focus and improve the overall reading fluency. I will observe

the student throughout the activity in the mini-lesson, but also use another oral reading

assessment at the end of the unit/week/month (however long I feel the student need to work on

these goals) in order to choose another area for the student to focus on or extend the current

goal to another factor within phrasing or smoothness.

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