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Student’s name: __________________

Date: _____________
TEST Group A

I. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct answer. (Болдирајте го точниот одговор)

0. 1. 2. 3.
a. can a. bottle a. paint a. car
b. newspaper b. battery b. food carton b. bottle
c. magazine c. crisp packet c. can c. paint

4. 5. 6. 7.
a. crisp packet a. old car a. crisp packet a. bottle
b. cardboard box b. old bus b. food carton b. paint
c. food carton c. old lorry c. magazine c. can

II. Complete the sentences. Use the given verbs of action. Not all are used. (Надополнете
со точен глагол, не сите треба да се употребат)

get into ran away walked got out of touch climbed

ran after follow move

0. There weren’t any buses or taxis, so we walked to the station.

1. When I arrived at the bus stop, the bus was leaving. I ____________________ it, but I couldn’t
catch it.
2. Don’t ____________________ the cooker. It’s very hot.
3. I saw my cat in the middle of the road. I tried to catch it but it ____________________ and
____________________ a tree.

III. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs with must or mustn’t.

0. It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow. I must buy (buy)her a present.

1. There’s and excellent film on at the moment. You _____________________________ (see) it.
2. My bedroom is a real mess. I _____________________________ (leave) it like that. I
_____________________________ (tidy) it.
3. You can borrow my tennis racket but you _____________________________ (break) it.
IV. Put the words in the right order to make questions with should.

0. we / cooking? / share / should / the

Should we share the cooking?
1. recycle / cans? / should / we / and / bottles
2. should / do / we / the / help / to / environment? / what
3. what / be / time / I / there? / should

V. Complete the conversations. Болдирајте го вистинскиот одговор.

0. Can we make a phone call from the station?

a. Yes, you do. b. Yes, it does. c. Yes, we can.
1. Can John drive?
a. No, he doesn’t. b. No, he can’t c. No, he won’t.
2. Should we have a leader?
a. Yes, I think we should. b. No, we should. c. Yes, I think I can.
3. Why shouldn’t people eat fast food too often?
a. No, they shouldn’t. b. No, not often. c. Because it’s unhealthy.
4. What’s your advice?
a. You should get more exercise. b. I was so angry. c. I agree.

VI. Match a line in A with a line in B to get true sentences with can or can’t. Пишете
бројка,буква. Пр. 0B

0. Can you hear anything? А.We can’t hear you at the back of the room.
1. The baby is ill, B.No, I can’t.
2. I can’t speak French, C.Can you see it?
3. Look, Barry. Is that our house over there? D. but I know how to ask for someone’s name.
4. Maggie, speak a little louder. E. so we can’t come to dinner tomorrow.

VII. Give advice using should / shouldn’t.

0. Peter’s got a very bad cold. 1. Jenny and Tony are only 16, but they
He should go to bed. want to get married.
He shouldn’t go out. _____________________________________

2. I’ve lost my credit cards.


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